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Nowadays, more and more street stalls appear on the streets of our township, named Khe Sanh.

an open condition such as roadside restaurants, diners become subjective, unconscious, throwing
rubbish indiscriminately, on the ground or in nearby places in virtue of a way of thinking that
they will not take responsibility for these actions. In large markets, many people go there to buy
food and consumer goods. Every day, they discharge all kinds of garbage, meat, fish, animal
insides or blood.Unlike other advanced countries, Vietnam’s goverment does not sanction any of
these actions.Additionally, in the past, Khe sanh’s population was not great compared to recent
times,thus, it was considered normal to throw trash onto everywhere they want without any
restriction or prohibition, this also came from their unawareness since people in the past were not
highly and properly educated because of endless war and political obstacles, especially about
environment and worldwide problems. so people would never hesitate to do them. This leads to
serious environmental,for instace, soil, air and water pollution.(Thư)

Facing to these difficulties, we always want to do something to solve these dilemmas. The first
thing that comes to our mind, and also the most important thing, is communication and
propaganda. Specifically, it is about making environmental documentaries, writing articles to
show people the current state of the environment today and the unpredictable consequences that
can happen to the world, nature, wildlife, and even for the next generation. Environmental
pollution does not only affect animals but also adversely affects human life, they cause diseases,
colds, affect our health, lose the inherent beauty of the local and national landscape.Annoying the
surrounding households and lowering our quality of life. Our descedents will have to live in a
world full of pollution and filth, with genetic diseases and poor living conditions.However,
making documentaries is extremely challenging, your documentaries must be attractive and
meaningful enough to attract all kinds of people and individuals, then, you can ask the local
authority to spread the videos and make it become popular and wide-watched .If possible, it is
best to design a proper poster, it does not have to look aesthetic or pretty, simply just needs
enough meanings to send a message to everyone.After printing out the posters, stick them on the
side walk, places near the eateries, restaurants.(Tuấn)

Seeing these things, they will have a higher sense of protecting the environment, people will be
careful with all their actions, even the smallest. The diners will stop throwing trash and napkins
indiscriminately on the sidewalks and on the ground. Market traders will put their waste in the
appropriate place.In fact, there is a large number of indiscriminate trash throwers are teenagers,
toddlers or kids, because most of them are not taught to be aware of the environment and the
world around them, because most parents do not take these pedicaments into consideration,hence,
the faults mainly come from them. That is why we should try to convince them, talk them into
teaching their kids decently about natural environment.(Thắng)

It may seem complicated but surprisingly simple, the easiest solution would be letting the kids
get access to some healthy content on the internet, especially on youtube with many channels
about nature, wildlife, they will comprehend the precious of the world. Another important point
is that we have to participate in environmental protection movements, clean the streets and public
buildings together, especially the places where many shops and markets are concentrated. In
places where many people gather, of course, there will be many types of waste such as tissue
paper, packaging, and styrofoam boxes.(Vinh)

If we try to do the above, then solving the problem of environmental pollution in public places,
typically eateries and markets, will certainly succeed. Until now, we have had many considerable
outcomes, we have printed nearly a hundred of posters around our markets and large
concentration of eateries and restaurants, and luckily, we already have known many people here
and they helped us spread and message our project, our wishes about environment to not only
Khe sanh’s citizens but also all around Huong Hoa and we have received many positive
feedbacks,the amount of trash thrown in areas of restaurants and markets has significantly
increased and it certainly will keep become more and more popular. We humans always live with
a habit of following the majority, if we see many people doing meaningful things together, the
rest will follow. But just one individual or a small organization will not be able to do this task, we
need to have propaganda campaigns, calling on friends, family and people around and around.

Let's act together and make this world a better place for now and in the future. We all have the
same goals: Tuấn hoặc Thư

Tuấn nói xong same goals thì cả nhóm đồng loạt nói slogan(slogan mai thống nhất rồi nghĩ sau)

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