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HELE 1 – Home Economics and Livelihood Education Handout 2

1. Priority- something that is given more importance.
2. Value- the worth attached to an idea, object , or action.
3. Ability- to be able to perform something with competence.
4. Resources- sources of supply or support in the form of tangibles (things) and intangible (ability , skill).
5. Effective- produce a desired effect ; efficient.
6. Economical- to work with little waste , careful use of resources.
7. Social- that which relates to human society with ; companionship with others.
8. Obligations- duties
9. Positive Attitude- clear & confident feeling of attending to something.
10. Budget- a plan to estimate income & expenses.

Home management is the natural outcome of human relationship in the home environment. When the family is
established, management becomes one of the major responsibilities of the family living. Home management deals
with the practical application of the principles of management to the home

How well does your family take care of your resources at home?
Does your mother prepare a schedule of activities for the whole family?
Does every member follow what is on the schedule?
What happens when a home is well-managed? Or poorly managed?


1. Human Resources- are those which refer to family possesses and makes use of in order to achieve possesses.
A) Abilities and Skills, both native and acquired .The ability to solve mathematical problems and the skill for
example to bake a cake are important resources of this type.
B)Attitudes , which includes ideas , opinions , inclinations , biases , and feeling towards something. A positive
attitude towards work is important for one to succeed in any undertaking. With a positive attitude , satisfaction is
easy to achieve. Less effort is exerted , less time is spent , and one is happy to his/her work.
C)Knowledge , include facts and information . Success in doing an activity requires knowledge of what the
activity is and how it is to be done.
D)Energy, or the capacity to do work . Members of the family must be in good health, of sound mind and body
to be able to do their assigned work efficiently.
2. Non-Human or Material Resources - are things and elements which are available to the family and to anyone.
A. Time is made of short and long periods . It is usually measured in terms of clock time. (seconds , minutes ,
hours , days, weeks , months , ETC)
B. Money is the purchasing power that helps one to acquire needed goods and services. The PESO,our
Philippine Currency , is used as an exchanged medium for goods and services.
C. Goods and Property can be durable , non-perishable , and perishable. These include food items ,
furniture , appliance , tools , and equipment owned and used by the family.
D. Community Facilities available to the family include police station , park roads , public schools and library ,
health centers, government hospitals , ETC.
E. Environmental Resources which include rain , sunlight , air and soil help man provide for his basic needs
such as food , shelter , and clothing.
 What values do the family consider important? Comfort? Health of family members? Education? Efficiency? It
is values that motivate the family to set goals and behave in the manner that would help them achieve their
 Family goals are things the family would want to achieve. If a family education, their resources will focus on
sending children to god schools and finish their schooling. If they value comfort, they will use their resources to
keep the house clean, orderly, attractive, and make it a comfortable place to live in. If they value efficiency, they
ill buy appliances that will do household activities faster and easier. Goals can be short term or long term.
Short-term goals can be short term or long term. Short-term goals can be attained for a short period of time.
Buying a dress, a watch, or food are short-term goals while building a house or buying a car can be a long-term
goal. Finishing one’s schooling until college is long term.
 Every family and every member of the family has needs and wants. Needs are basic or essential t living. They
support our existence. Basic needs like food, clothing and shelter are necessary for everyone to survive. Man
needs food to keep his body strong and healthy. He needs shelter to protect himself and his family from the
heat of the sun, from strong winds and rain and wild animals as well as provide him privacy to do his personal
needs. He needs clothing to protect his body from extreme weather and to enhance his looks and make him
acceptable to others.
 Man, as a member of society, has expanded his needs to what he calls his social needs. These are needs to
relate to others, be accepted and belong to a social group like his family, his school group, his church group,
and his group in the community. He needs to establish and maintain smooth and lasting relationship with
different social group which is why he has social obligations to perform. He has social obligations to help the
needy; attend social gatherings of family, friends and relatives; be a sponsor in a baptism, wedding or a
fundraising activity in school, church or in the community. Meeting his social obligations makes him feel
accepted and gives him a feeling of belongingness and security.
 Wants, on the other hand, are different from needs. If needs are essential to survival, wants are desires an
individual would like to have or possess to give him/her enjoyment and satisfaction. Buying a dress simply
because you want a new one or be in fashion, or a pair of shoes that are branded and expensive because your
friends wear the same brand are examples of wants. It is important to know your priorities. Your needs should
be prioritized over you wants. If you keep this principle in mind and practice it in life, then you are a wise
manager of your resources.


1. Use energy and time properly. Alternating heavy and light work and providing rest in between help one to
recover spent energy. Preparing a schedule of work and following it help make wise use of time.
2. Know how to budget money spending worthwhile. As rule, needs should be attended first before wants are to
be met and satisfied. Family values should dictate which should come first in the family budget and which should be
3. Know how to use, clean, and take care of appliances, tools and furniture to keep them functioning well.
This also reduces cost of repair and replacement.
4. Adopt a cheerful and positive attitude towards work to make work easy, interesting, and enjoyable. In
addition, understanding the characteristics and behaviour of others make you a patient, tolerant, and pleasant
person to be with.
5. Assign responsibilities that can make use of one’s talents and skills in doing family chores such as
cooking a delicious meal, recycling old clothes, or decorating the huser. This makes work easy and
interesting. It raises the standards of workmanship of the things you do. |It improves the skill and makes one more
creative. Thus, one’s work becomes better appreciated and well- liked. And with this, one feels fulfilled and satisfied.
6. Make good use of community facilities such as parks, roads, hospitals, school, churches, and libraries to
meet some of the family’s needs and wants, reduce spending, and realize family goals. Effective use of
resources starts with the home manager. The members of the family are in turn, taught how to make use of these
resources in the most economical and effective way possible.

 Family resources are those which family possesses and make use of doing activities in order to achieve family
 Two types of family resources are human resources and non-human resources or material resources.
 Human resources include abilities and skills, attitudes, knowledge, and energy.
 Non-human or material resources including time, money, goods and properties, and community facilities.
 Managing family resources can be done effectively by following a number of tips.


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