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The Development

of Media

It offers the benefits of immediate clarification, real-
time feedback, non-verbal cues, and adaptability to
the audience. However, it lacks documentation, can
be hindered by noise, has limited reach, and may lack
preparation, which can lead to misunderstandings or
incomplete information. Oral communication
remains essential for effective interpersonal
communication and collaboration.

It allowed for the preservation and dissemination of
knowledge and information across time and space. Scripts
provided a means to record important texts, literature, laws,
and historical events, ensuring their longevity and
accessibility for future generations. But, it was only limited
in accessibility and reliance on literacy. Only those who
were literate could access and interpret the information
contained in written scripts, creating a barrier for the
majority of the population who were illiterate.

Its advantage was the ability to produce books at a
faster and more affordable rate, making literature
and educational materials accessible to a broader
audience. A disadvantage of the printing press was its
potential for dissemination of inaccurate or
misleading information, as there was limited control
over the content being printed.

It enables rapid communication, global connectivity,
and the ability to reach a vast audience. Electronic
media also allows for interactive and engaging
content through multimedia formats. However, a
disadvantage is the potential for information overload
and the spread of misinformation or fake news due to
the ease of content creation and dissemination.

The advantage of digital media is its versatility and
convenience, allowing for easy access, storage, and
sharing of various forms of media such as text, images,
audio, and video. It enables interactive and immersive
experiences, personalized content consumption, and
real-time communication across platforms and
devices. The risk of privacy breaches and data security
issues, as digital media relies on online platforms and
networks is one of its disadvantages.

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