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Biology Investigatory Project: Biomimicry

M. Sankra Srinithi
Class: XII

Table of Contents

S.N0. Content Page


1) Introduction 3

2) Some application of biomimicry 4

a) Ultracane 4

b) Drill 5

c) Cod antifreeze protein 7

d) Compression socks 7

e) Shock absorber 8

3) Challenges involved 9

4) Future innovations 11

5) Comparison of man made and biological systems 12

6) Final words 13

7) Biblography 14

1) Introduction:

Biomimicry, also known as biomimetics, is an interdisciplinary field that

involves learning from and emulating biological systems, processes, and

designs found in nature to solve human problems and create innovative solution.

The term "biomimicry" stems from the Greek words "bios" (life) and "mimesis"

(to imitate). The practice of biomimicry encourages to observe and study how

various organisms and ecosystems have evolved and adapted over millions of

years, resulting in highly efficient and sustainable solutions to their challenges.

By mimicking the strategies, structures, and functions found in nature,

biomimicry aims to create more sustainable and environmentally friendly

innovations. This field has led to numerous discoveries and advancements in

various industries, such as architecture, materials science, medicine, robotics,

energy, and transportation.

The core idea behind biomimicry is that nature, through its evolutionary

processes, has already solved many complex problems, and by understanding

and applying these natural solutions, humans can develop more efficient,

resilient, and sustainable technologies. By respecting and learning from the

intricate web of life on Earth, biomimicry encourages a harmonious relationship

between human innovation and the natural world.

2) Some Application Of Biomimicry

a) Ultracane:

Ultracane mimics bat sonar to help the blind see. 

The Ultracane, was invented by engineer Professor Brian Hoyle. It is a

walking stick for the blind that vibrates as it approaches objects.

The cane works using echolocation, the same sensory system that bats use to

map out their environments. It lets off 60,000 ultrasonic pulses per second

and then listens for them to bounce back. When some return faster than

others, that indicates a nearby object, which causes the cane’s handle to


Using this technique, the cane not only “sees” objects on the ground, suc h as

trash cans and fire hydrants, but also senses things above, such as low-

hanging signs and tree branches.

And because the cane’s output and feedback are silent, people using it can

still hear everything going on around them. Although the Ultracane hasn’t

experienced ultra-stellar sales, several companies in the United States and

New Zealand are currently trying to figure out how to market similar gadgets

using the same bat-inspired technology.

b) Drill

Don't be scared of the two giant, whip-like needles on the end of a horntail

wasp. They're not stingers; they're drill bits. Horntails use these needles (which

can be longer than their entire bodies!) to drill into trees, where they deposit

their young.

For years, biologists couldn't understand how the horntail drill worked. Unlike

traditional drills, which require additional force (think of a construction worker

bearing down on a jackhammer), the horntail can drill from any angle with little

effort and little body weight. After years of studying the tiny insects, scientists

finally figured out that the two needles inch their way into wood, pushing off

and reinforcing each other like a zipper.

Astronomers at the University of Bath in England think the wasp's drill will

come in handy in space. Scientists have long known that in order to find life on

Mars, they might have to dig for it. But without much gravity, they weren't sure

how they'd find the pressure to drill down on the planet's hard surface. Inspired

by the insects, researchers have designed a saw with extra blades at the end that

push against each other like the needles of the wasp. Theoretically, the device

could even work on the surface of a meteor, where there's no gravity at all

C) Cod Antifreeze Proteins

Scientists found that Arctic Cod don’t freeze in icy arctic waters because they

have antifreeze glycoproteins that circulate in their blood keeping it in liquid

form. Researchers have created a new polymer to preserve blood in blood banks

called Polyvinyl alcohol that acts like antifreeze and prevents freezing.

D) Compression Socks

Giraffes are the tallest animals on Earth, their blood has a lot of areas to

circulate. They have unique skin that’s extremely tough, fibrous, and non-

elastic, which creates a rigid sleeve that optimizes blood flow. Scientists have

used this ‘skin’ to create a compression system for humans suffering from

oedema. In contrast to humans, the skin of giraffes does not expand on the legs.

Due to the high density of inelastic collagen fibres and the relatively thick top

layer of skin, the tissue pressure of giraffes is increased. This promotes

lymphatic and venous reflux. Giraffes thus carry permanent natural

compression. Frank Shaw was inspired by this and created the first patented

inelastic compression device.

This first design was further developed into today's circaid products (short for

"circulation aid"). The inelastic material of the medical adjustable compression

systems compresses the tissue and provides an improved lymphatic and venous

reflux - just like the animal model, the giraffe.

e) Shock Absorber

Woodpeckers drill trees up to 12,000 times a day, they have shock-absorbing

skulls and their beaks have an area filled with a spongy cerebrospinal fluid that

inhibits vibration and concussions. Flexible cartilage between their beaks and

skulls acts as a shock absorber, while bone structure helps to protect their brains

against the pounding.

Inspired by a woodpeckers anatomy, designers have created a super-strong -

helmet that can withstand three times the shock of a traditional polystyrene


Biomimicry can inspire innovative strategies for optimizing energy and

resource efficiency in building projects. Designers can develop sustainable

heating, cooling, lighting, and water management systems by observing how


3) Challenges Involved In Biomimicry:

While biomimicry holds great promise for creating sustainable and innovative

solutions, it also comes with its own set of challenges and complexities. Some

of the main challenges involved in biomimicry include:

1. Complexity and Interdependence: Natural systems are often highly complex

and interconnected. Trying to understand and replicate these systems can be

challenging, as many natural processes involve intricate interactions between

various elements. It may be difficult to isolate and identify the specific

components that contribute to a desired function.

2. Lack of Understanding: Despite the vast knowledge we have about the

natural world, there are still many aspects of biological systems that remain

poorly understood. Some biological processes and mechanisms are still a

mystery to science, making it challenging to fully replicate them in human


3. Scale and Adaptation: Natural systems have evolved over millions of years to

suit specific environmental conditions. When trying to mimic these systems in

human applications, challenges arise in adapting them to different scales or

contexts. What works efficiently in nature might not translate directly to human


4. Ethical Considerations: There are ethical considerations when using

biomimicry, especially when it involves taking inspiration from endangered

species or ecosystems. Ethical guidelines and practices are essential to ensure

that biomimicry remains respectful and sustainable.

5. Material and Manufacturing Limitations: Replicating some natural structures

and materials in human designs may be technologically challenging or costly.

Identifying suitable materials and manufacturing processes that can mimic

complex natural features can be a significant hurdle.

6. Time and Investment: Developing biomimetic solutions often requires

significant time and investment in research and development. It may take years

of study and experimentation to understand and implement the principles

derived from nature.

7. Education and Awareness: Raising awareness and promoting education about

biomimicry is vital for its broader adoption. Many industries and individuals

may not be familiar with the potential benefits and applications of biomimicry,

hindering its integration into mainstream practices.

Despite these challenges, biomimicry offers a promising approach to address

some of the most pressing issues facing humanity, such as climate change,

resource depletion, and environmental degradation. Overcoming these obstacles

requires collaboration between scientists, engineers, designers, policymakers,

and the public to embrace and support the principles of biomimicry for a more

sustainable future.

4) Future Innovation:

Sources Innovations

Ant colonies Repair system

Chimpanzees Medicinal research

Shark Antibiotics cure to cancer

Fish Fish robots to search for pollution

Spidersilk Elastic and tensile material

5) Comparing Manmade System and Biological System

Biological system Human made system

Complex interconnected and Simple disconnected and mono

symbolic functional

Zero waste Wasteful

Adapted to constant change Resistant to change

No long term toxins Long term toxins

Distributed and diverse Centralised or mono cultural

Run on current solar income Fossil fuel dependent

Optimised as a whole system Maximum of one goal

Additive Extractive

6) Final words:

If we are willing to make progress we cannot relay on small scale improvements

we need to read things challenges from the first principle and using biometric to

achieve them.

The more our world function like the natural world the more likely we are to

endure on this home that is ours but not ours alone. – Jannie benyus

In conclusion, bio mimicry is a fascinating field with enormous potential to

transform the way we live and work. By looking to nature, we can unlock

innovative solutions to some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity,

such as climate change, resource depletion, and environmental degradation. So

let us embrace the wisdom of nature and use it to create a more sustainable and

prosperous future for all.













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