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Topic: Amino Acids

1. Read the following statements carefully and select the correct option.
(a) The amino acids are substituted methane.
(b) Based on the nature of carboxylic group, there are many amino acids.
(c) When R group is a methyl group, the amino acid is alanine.
(1) (a) and (b) are correct (2) (b) and (c) are correct
(3) (a), (b) and (c) are correct (4) (a) and (c) are correct
2. Select the correct match w.r.t. R group in amino acids.
(1) Serine – Hydrogen
(2) Alanine – Methyl group
(3) Glycine – Hydroxy methyl
(4) Lysine – Hydroxyl group
3. Based on the nature of _______, there are many amino acids.
Choose the option that correctly fills the blank.
(1) Carboxylic group (2) Amino group (3) R group (4) -carbon
4. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
Statement-A: The amino acids are substituted methanes.
Statement-B: Twenty types of amino acids occur in proteins.
(1) Both the statements A and B are correct
(2) Both the statements A and B are incorrect
(3) Only statement A is correct
(4) Only statement B is correct
5. Choose the incorrect feature about amino acids
(1) Substituted methanes
(2) Can be essential or non-essential
(3) All have to be supplied through our diet
(4) Polymerises to form protein
6. Non-essential amino acids are called so because
(1) They must be obtained from food
(2) They are not important for our body functioning
(3) They can be synthesised very slowly by humans
(4) They are synthesised in our body
7. ‘X’ is a heteropolymer. Identify ‘X’.
(1) Tryptophan (2) RuBisCO (3) Lecithin (4) Ribose
8. Polysaccharides, polypeptides, and polynucleotides have in common that
they all
(1) Contain amino acid
(2) Are formed in condensation reactions
(3) Contain nitrogen
(4) Come out in acid soluble pool
9. Which of the following is a neutral amino acid.
(1) Argine (2) Lysine (3) Glutamine (4) Valine
10. The element found in all amino acids that is not found in carbohydrates is
(1) Sulphur (2) Carbon (3) Oxygen (4) Nitrogen
11. Which of the following is not aromatic amino acids.
(1) Tryptophan (2) Tyrosine (3) Phenylalanine (4) Leucine
12. Bonding of amino acids to form a poly peptide involves
(1) Addition of water (2) Release of CO2
(3) Release of water (4) Production of ATP
13. Read the following statements.
a. ἀ-amino acids are substituted methanes.
b. The chemical and physical properties of amino acids depend only on R

c. At different pH, the structures of amino acids change due to the ionisable
nature of –NH2 and –COOH groups.
d. In proteins, there are only twenty types of amino acids.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below.
(1) b and c are correct
(2) a and b are correct
(3) a, b and d are correct
(4) a, c and d are correct
14. Identify zwitterionic form

15. In a solution, the structure of amino acids changes at different pHs which
of the following structures represents zwitterionic form
(1) A and B (2) B and C (3) Only A (4) Only B

Topic: Lipids
1.In case of lecithin, choline is attached with
(1) Third hydroxyl group of trihydroxy propane without phosphoric acid.
(2) Phosphate group joined to one of the –OH group of trihydroxy propane
(3) Second hydroxyl group of glycerol with phosphate
(4) First hydroxyl group of glycerol with phosphate.
2. Lecithin is an example of
(1) Glycolipid (2) Phospholipid (3) Derived lipid (4) Steroids
3. Which phospholipid is found in cell membrane?
(1) Sphingomyelin (2) Lecithin (3) Palmitic acid (4) Arachidonic acid
4. Identify the structure of lecithin.

5.How many compounds given in the box below belong to acid insoluble
fraction? Insulin, Chitin, Glucose, Adenine, Lecithin
(1) Five (2) Four (3) Three (4) Two
6. The acid insoluble fraction contains all of the following, except
(1) Chitin (2) Insulin (3) Glucose (4) Lecithin
7. Substance 'X' with molecular weight less than 800 Da is found in acid
insoluble fraction. Select 'X' from the following.
(1) Protein (2) Lipid (3) Nucleic acid (4) Polysaccharide
8. Adenine is found in acid soluble fraction while DNA is found in acid
insoluble fraction because
(1) Adenine is a monomer and DNA is polymer
(2) DNA is a monomer and adenine is a polymer
(3) Adenine is a polymer but its molecular weight is more than 800 Da
(4) Molecular weight of Adenine > DNA
9. Select the incorrect feature w.r.t. lecithin.
(1) Found in acid soluble pool (2) Phosphorylated compound
(3) Found in cell membrane (4) Molecular weight do not exceed 800 Da
10. Consider the given molecules.
a-Adenine, b-Glucose, c-Chitin
Which of the above are found in acid insoluble fraction?
(1) a and b (2) b only (3) a and c (4) c only

11. CH3 − (CH2)14 −COOH

The above is the formula of
(1) Phospholipid (2) Palmitic acid
(3) Triglyceride (4) Arachidonic acid
12. Which one of the following structural formulae of two organic compounds
is correctly identified along with it’s related function
13. Phospholipids are found in
(1) Most organisms (2) All eukaryotes and some prokaryotes
(3) Only plants and animals (4) All organisms
14. Choose the incorrect match

15. Select a non-polymeric biomolecule i.e. found in cell membrane and acid
insoluble fraction.
(1) Nucleotides (2) GLUT-4 (3) Lecithin (4) Receptor
16. Choose a correct statement w.r.t. glycerol.
(1) It’s a fatty acid that has a carboxyl group attached to a methyl group
(2) It is an ester of three fatty acids and alcohol
(3) It is a simple lipid called trihydroxypropane
(4) It is a simple unsaturated fatty acid with three double bonds
17. Glycerol, present in phospholipids is
a. Sugar alcohol b. Trihydroxy propane c. Trihydric alcohol
Choose the correct option.
(1) Only a and b (2) Only b and c (3) a, b and c (4) Only a and c

Topic: Structure of Proteins

1. Which protein structure is absolutely necessary for many biological
activities of protein with a single polypeptide chain?
(1) Primary structure (2) Secondary structure
(3) Tertiary structure (4) Quaternary structure
2. Which of the following structures of proteins provide positional
information of amino acids?
(1) Primary structure (2) Secondary structure
(3) Tertiary structure (4) Quaternary structure
3. Read the statement A and B carefully and select the correct option.
Statement-A: In proteins, only right handed helices are observed.
Statement-B: -helix and -plated sheet are secondary structures of proteins.
(1) Both the statements are correct
(2) Both the statements are incorrect
(3) Only statement A is correct
(4) Only statement B is correct
4. In ________, the long protein chains are folded itself like a hollow woolen ball
and are very important for biological activities of proteins.
Select the correct option to fill in the blank.
(1) Primary structure (2) Secondary structure
(3) Tertiary structure (4) Quaternary structure
5. If a protein is imagined as a line, the left end is called
(1) N-terminal (2) C-terminal
(3) Reducing terminal (4) Non-reducing terminal
6. Choose the correct match.
(1) Trypsin - Hormone
(2) Receptor - Sensory reception
(3) Insulin - Enzyme
(4) GLUT-4 - Enables glucose transport out of cells
7. The most abundant protein in the animal world is
(1) Collagen (2) Chitin (3) Cellulose (4) Cytosine
8. All of the following are proteins, except
(1) Trypsin (2) GLUT-4 (3) Insulin (4) Cellulose
9. A protein is a heteropolymer having about ____ type of amino acids.
Select the correct option that fills the blank.
(1) 10 (2) 20 (3) 30 (4) 40

10. Alpha – helix and Beta-plated structure of protein represent

(1) Secondary structure (2) Teritairy structure
(3) Primary structure (4) Quaternary structure
11. Hydroxymethyl group containing proteinaceous amino acid is
(1) Glycine (2) Alanine (3) Valine (4) Serine
12. The most abundant proteins in whole of the biosphere and animal world,
respectively are
(1) Collagen and RuBisCO (2) Glucose and collagen
(3) Starch and glucose (4) RuBisCO and collagen

14. Positional information about amino acids in a polypeptide chain is

represented by its
(1) Primary structure (2) Secondary structure
(3) Tertiary structure (4) Quaternary structure
15. If a long protein chain is folded upon itself like a hollow woolen ball, it can
represent all the following features, except
(1) It gives a 3-dimensional view
(2) Give rise to tertiary structure
(3) Necessary for the many biological activities of proteins
(4) It can maintain its shape only by peptide bonds

Topic: Functions
1.Select the correct answer from given options.
(a) Dietary proteins – Source of essential amino acids
(b) GLUT-4 – Transport all nutrients across the cell membrane
(c) RuBisCO – Most abundant protein of animal world
(d) Inulin – Heteropolymer of amino acids
(1) (a), (b) and (c) are incorrect (2) (b), (c) and (d) are incorrect
(3) (a), (c) and (d) are incorrect (4) Only (c) and (d) are incorrect
2. Which of the following protein enables glucose transport into cells?
(1) Inulin (2) RuBisCO (3) GLUT-4 (4) Dietary protein
3. Select the polymer of fructose from the given options.
(1) RuBisCO (2) Inulin (3) Collagen (4) GLUT-4
4. Most abundant protein in whole of the biosphere is
(1) Dietary protein (2) RuBisCO (3) Collagen (4) Inulin
5. Essential amino acids are not synthesised in our body. Choose the source of
essential amino acids from the following.
(1) Dietary protein (2) RuBisCO (3) GLUT-4 (4) Inulin
6. Read the given statements.
Assertion (A): Dietary proteins are the source of essential amino acids.
Reason (R): A protein is a heteropolymer having about 20 types of amino
acids, which can be essential or non-essential. In the light of above statements,
choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect.
(4) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct.

7. Find the incorrect pair

(1) Concanavalin – a - protein
(2) Gingelly oil – Low melting point
(3) Glycerol – Trihydroxy Propane
(4) Uridine – Nucleotide
8. Bio macromolecules of bio membranes are
(1) Lipids and Proteins (2) Carbohydrates and Lipids
(3) Proteins and Carbohydrates (4) Lipids, Proteins and Carbohydrates
9. Which of the following statement is not correct
(1) RUBP is the most abundant protein in the whole biosphere
(2) Arachidonic acid is essential fatty acid with 20 carbons atoms
(3) Chitin is a complex carbohydrate with basic unit N-acetyl
(4) In a polysaccharide chains, the right end is called reducing end and the
left end is called “non reducing” end
10. Incorrect match w.r.t. proteins and their functions is
(1) Collagen – Intercellular ground substance
(2) Insulin – Proteinaceous hormone
(3) GLUT-4 – Enables insulin transport into cells
(4) Trypsin – Proteolytic enzyme
11. Choose the incorrect match.
(1) Chitin – Homopolymer of modified sugar
(2) Cellulose – Homopolymer of glucose
(3) Starch – Holds I2 in helical primary structure
(4) Inulin – Homopolymer of fructose

12. Read the following statements and Choose the option correct.
(A) Antibody fights infectious agents
(B) GLUT-4 enables insulin transport into cells
(1) Both statements A and B are correct
(2) Both statement A and B are incorrect
(3) Only statement A is incorrect
(4) Only Statement B is incorrect

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