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Brief on School Management System (SMS)

The school management system brief answers and addresses the needs of every
issue that happens in the school. The SMS include the following matters:

The aim of SMS is to help institutions to run its daily administrative and academic
operations smoothly. School management system is good for the people who facilitate
the school and good for parents, who can see how their kids are doing and pay their
fees, and many more.

A school management system is developed to help staff do less work, help students
and teachers save time, cut costs, improve data security and put procedures to handle
all matters related to school activities. All of these things will eventually make an
institution more cost-effective and productive. It is also able to secure important data of
students, educators and staff that every educational institution needs.

School Management System:

• School Information Management:

This system will show the information about a specific school whether it is
primary, secondary, or tertiary. The school information includes the number of
rooms and instructors they have as well as the count of slots for enrollees and

• Teacher Management:
The school should have a standard that there will be one teacher for every 25
number of students. This will help the school to hire sufficient teachers to teach
all subjects. The information of the teachers also matters because this system
should check the qualifications before they could teach.

• Student Management:
The information of the student must also be managed in school management
because the student information is the most important data that the system
should process. This system should include student’s academic record, character
and performance, fees and fines, punctuality record, etc.

• Room Management:
The room management serves as the division of the number of students to the
capacity of each room per grade and section. This system will assign the count of
students per room and section as well as the instructor.

• Grade and Subject Management:

This system designates the instructors per subject to every student.
• Grading System:
The grading system will sum up and calculate the given output by the students
and the result would be the academic performance of every student. This will
monitor the student's performance and behavior throughout the period of study.

• Enrollment System:
The enrollment system will manage the flow of activities during enrollment. This
will also check the requirements for registration to complete their qualification to
be a student of the school.

• Fee and Payment Management:

Management of fees and payments is also covered in the school management
system. The fee and payment information are processed from the enrollment and
then the parents or students will be updated about their accounts to avoid

• Teachers Training Management:

This system will contain the requirements for training of teachers to familiarize
them latest developments in their respective subjects. This will enable teachers
to teach better and get good results from the students.

• Staff Management:
This system will contain the requirements for training of administrative and
support staff to familiarize them latest developments and trends in their
respective expertise. This will enable them to do better administration and
implement better control in the school.

These Systems must be present in creating the School Management System to meet
the needs in managing School operations. Through this, the management and
monitoring of students and school would be much easier for both school administration
and teachers.

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