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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools – Valenzuela
Valenzuela Central District


SCHOOL: Lawang Bato Elementary School
DISTRICT: Central District

1. How do we more fully engage our students in the learning experience?

As an educator, a primary goal is to keep your students engaged. This, however, can be challenging
due to the sheer amount of distractions students face combined with the swath of material that must be
covered. It can be tough to hone in on what exactly you can do to keep students engaged, motivated, and
on course to meet both their own and your objectives. To help raise the level of engagement, teachers
have put together a series of best practices that aim to capture students’ attention and improve retention
levels. These are some ways to engage students in the learning experiences:
 Start with a warm-up
 See smartphones and tech as tools
 Regularly test students
 Use self-paced work
 Brainstorming
 Arrange group discussions
 Run reflections
 Make students part of the process
 Get creative

2. How do we ensure that we are equipping our students with the skills needed to succeed in our
technologically advanced economy?
Ensuring that students are equipped with the skills needed to succeed in technologically advanced
economy involves a comprehensive and multifaceted approach that encompasses various aspects of
education. Here are some key strategies to achieve this goal:

 Holistic Education: Focus not only on academic subjects but also on developing essential life
skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, collaboration, adaptability, and
emotional intelligence.
 Technology Integration: Integrate technology into the learning process to enhance students'
digital literacy, as technology plays a crucial role in almost every profession today.

Centro, St. Lawang Bato, Valenzuela City

(02) 8983-2413
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools – Valenzuela
Valenzuela Central District
 Real-World Experiences: Incorporate real-world experiences, such as internships, field trips, or
guest lectures, to give students exposure to different industries and professions.
 Project-Based Learning: Encourage project-based learning, where students work on practical
projects that simulate real-life scenarios, fostering creativity and problem-solving

3. How do we broaden the learning opportunities we provide to students in the areas of

communication, creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving?
Broadening learning opportunities in the areas of communication, creativity, collaboration,
critical thinking, and problem-solving is crucial to preparing students for success in the rapidly changing
world. Here are some strategies and approaches to achieve this:
 Project-Based Learning (PBL): Integrate project-based learning into the curriculum, where
students work on real-world problems or scenarios that require them to communicate effectively,
think critically, collaborate with peers, and come up with creative solutions.
 Interdisciplinary Learning: Encourage interdisciplinary approaches to learning, where subjects are
interconnected and students can see the relevance of skills across various fields. This fosters
critical thinking and creativity.
 Incorporate Technology: Utilize educational technology tools and platforms that promote
interactive and collaborative learning experiences. This could include virtual collaboration tools,
digital storytelling platforms, and video conferencing for communication and teamwork.

 Student-Centered Approaches: Shift from traditional teacher-centered instruction to student-

centered learning. Allow students to take ownership of their learning and explore topics of
interest, enabling creativity and problem-solving.
 Teamwork and Group Projects: Organize group projects to promote collaboration and
communication skills. Assign diverse teams to encourage students from different backgrounds to
work together, fostering creativity and empathy.
 Community Engagement: Encourage students to participate in community projects or service-
learning activities. Engaging with real-world issues can develop problem-solving skills and a
sense of social responsibility.
 Global and Cultural Awareness: Introduce diverse perspectives and cultures into the curriculum.
This broadens students' understanding of the world and enhances their ability to collaborate and
communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds.

Centro, St. Lawang Bato, Valenzuela City

(02) 8983-2413
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools – Valenzuela
Valenzuela Central District
By integrating these strategies into the education system, educators can create a more holistic learning
environment that fosters the development of essential skills in communication, creativity, collaboration,
critical thinking, and problem-solving.

4. How can we best leverage instructional technology to enhance the teaching and learning
Leveraging instructional technology effectively can significantly enhance the teaching and
learning experience by providing educators with innovative tools and methodologies to engage students
and promote deeper understanding. Here are some strategies to make the most of instructional technology
in education:

 Blended Learning: Combine traditional teaching methods with online learning platforms and
resources. This approach allows for a more personalized learning experience, as students can
access materials at their own pace and receive targeted support.
 Flipped Classroom: Invert the traditional teaching model by assigning students to review
instructional materials (videos, readings, etc.) outside of class. Class time can then be used for
discussions, hands-on activities, and collaborative learning.
 Online Assessments: Use online assessments to gather real-time data on students' progress and
understanding. This data can help teachers identify areas of difficulty and adapt their instruction
 Teacher-Student Interaction: Maintain a strong teacher-student relationship even in an online
setting. Use video conferencing, virtual office hours, and messaging platforms to ensure students
receive individualized attention and support.
 Professional Development: Provide teachers with ongoing training and support on how to
effectively use instructional technology. Teachers who are confident and skilled in utilizing
technology are more likely to implement it successfully in their classrooms.

By embracing these strategies, educational institutions can effectively leverage instructional

technology to create dynamic and inclusive learning environments that cater to the diverse needs of
students while enhancing the overall teaching and learning experience.

5. How can we redesign the learning environment to support progressive teaching practices and
immerse students in deep levels of engagement?
Redesigning the learning environment to support progressive teaching practices and immerse
students in deep levels of engagement requires a holistic approach that incorporates various elements.
Here are some strategies and ideas to achieve this goal:

Centro, St. Lawang Bato, Valenzuela City

(02) 8983-2413
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools – Valenzuela
Valenzuela Central District

 Student-Centered Approach: Shift the focus from a teacher-centered model to a student-centered

one. Allow students to have a say in what and how they learn, encouraging their interests and
 Project-Based Learning (PBL): Integrate PBL into the curriculum, where students work on real-
world projects that address authentic problems. This approach fosters critical thinking,
collaboration, and hands-on learning.
 Technology Integration: Utilize technology to enhance learning experiences. Incorporate
interactive learning platforms, educational apps, virtual reality, and simulations to make lessons
more engaging and immersive.
 Experiential Learning: Encourage experiential learning through field trips, outdoor activities, and
community involvement. These experiences provide real-life context to lessons and deepen
student engagement.
 Student Collaboration: Promote collaborative learning by incorporating group projects, peer
teaching, and cooperative learning activities. Collaboration enhances engagement and helps
students develop interpersonal skills.
 Encourage Reflection: Incorporate time for students to reflect on their learning experiences and
set goals for their growth. Journaling, portfolio assessment, and self-assessment can help students
become more self-directed learners.
 Teacher Professional Development: Invest in ongoing professional development for teachers to
stay updated on innovative teaching practices, technology integration, and classroom
management techniques.

Remember that the success of any learning environment redesign lies in fostering a positive and
inclusive culture, where students feel valued, respected, and motivated to learn. It requires a collaborative
effort from educators, administrators, parents, and the community to create an environment that supports
progressive teaching practices and engages students at deep levels.

Centro, St. Lawang Bato, Valenzuela City

(02) 8983-2413

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