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Electricity access and scholarship on Aggregate high

school grade

1. Introduction

Average, the score obtained from nationwide university entrance exam (OSS), time spend for
studying, learning ability and living place during the university life. Since there is a lack of
studies about determinants of the university students’ CGPA in Somalia, this study is expected to
fill the gap in the literature for this research area. Since the number of people who graduated
from a university has increased in Somalia, there is a high competition among the graduates in
white collar job market. One of the indicators that highlight the university students’ qualification
is the academic performance mostly measured with the cumulative grade point average (CGPA).
Many employers use the CGPA to screen out the job candidates and they mostly prefer a
candidate with a higher CGPA. Many factors are considered as determiners of the students’
CGPA such as gender, previous academic performance, living place and income level of family,
social environment, the type and quality of the high school graduated, the high
school grade point
practical importance. One goal of this study was to consider both language status and ethnicity in
our assessment of the value of SAT scores and high school grades in predicting college grades.
(Erdem et al., 2007)

Theoretically, Electricity and other energy access are major factors in economic and social
development. On the one hand, energy is a key productive asset in economic growth. Energy is a
necessary input together with machinery, land, natural resources, human capital in the productive
base of the economy. promise scholarship, a merit aid program in West Virginia. The Promise
scholarship was similar to other state merit programs in its initial eligibility requirements and the
amount of aid it offered. But it was unique in requiring students to complete at least thirty credits
per year in order to keep their scholarships, a rate which would put them on track to graduate in
four years. (Ziomek & Svec, 1997)
She finds that Promise increased eventual graduation rates by almost 4 percentage points, while
the percentage of students graduating on time increased by about 7 percentage points from a
baseline of just 27 percent. The impacts on year- by- year credit completion was concentrated
around the annual renewal threshold in the freshman through junior years, but disappeared in the
senior year when students were still receiving their scholarships but no longer faced any renewal
requirements (scholarships could not be renewed for a fifth year in any case). This finding
suggests that a combination of cost reduction and performance incentives may have a greater
impact than financial aid alone. (Sanchez, 2015)

The empirical results show inconsistent and contradicting results about the real effects of
electricity access and scholarship on aggregate high school grade. Moreover, despite the dire
need for this post- conflict school boom era, very few studies have been conducted in the context
of Somalia. Hence, the study aims to carry out a cross-sectional empirical investigation to
electricity access and scholarship provide evidence-based policy advice for the ministry of
education of the federal government of Somalia

2. Methodology
The study employs a cross-sectional regression method to achieve the study objectives by
empirically assessing the net impact electricity access and scholarship on aggregate high school
grade. As shown in the blow-described regression model, the study also controlled a host of
other relevant variables that confound this relationship.

AHS=α+ βEL+ γSCH +ϑ X i +ε i

Linear regression
AHSG Coef. St.Err. t-value p-value [95% Conf Interval] Sig
EA .609 .673 0.90 .37 -.741 1.959
Scholarship : 0 . . . . .
Yes -1.976 1.459 -1.35 .181 -4.901 .949
CFHE .168 .073 2.29 .026 .021 .315 **
BFHE .359 .065 5.54 0 .229 .489 ***
Constant 41.994 4.569 9.19 0 32.833 51.154 ***

Mean dependent var 84.490 SD dependent var 7.319

R-squared 0.685 Number of obs 59

F-test 29.357 Prob > F 0.000

Akaike crit. (AIC) 343.145 Bayesian crit. (BIC) 353.532

*** p<.01, ** p<.05, * p<.1

Explain all of the above regression result

In the regression outcomes, dependent variable average high school grade independent variable
electricity access and scholarship. Regression result showed there is a positive relationship
between biology, chemistry average high school grade and regression result statistically
significant. similarly, availability of electricity of access and scholarship increases leads to
engage more average high school grade.

Descriptive Statistics
Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
AHSG 63 84.966 7.404 63.79 98
EA 63 1.381 .888 1 4
SCH 63 1.175 .383 1 2
CFHE 59 79.458 11.19 40 98
BFHE 60 80.15 12.517 40 100

Average grade high school number observation is 63, mean is 84.966, standard deviation
7.404, minimum 63.79 and 98 maximums. Also, Electricity access number observation is 63,
mean is 13.381, standard deviation .888, minimum 1 and 2 maximum.

Matrix of correlations
Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(1) AHSG 1.000

(2) EA -0.053 1.000

(3) SCH -0.194 -0.139 1.000

(4) CFHE 0.680 -0.234 -0.004 1.000

(5) BFHE 0.803 -0.130 -0.125 0.715 1.000

Each cell in the table shows the correlation between two specifics, the
highlighted cell below shows that the correlation between “average high school grade”
and “electric access” is -0.053 which indicates that they’re strongly Positives Correlated.
Another highlighted cell below shows that the correlation between “average high school
grade” and “Scholarship” is -0.194, which indicates that they’re positives Correlated.
Another highlighted cell below shows that the correlation between “average high school
grade” and “Chemistry” is 0.680, which indicates that they’re positives Correlated.
Another highlighted cell below shows that the correlation between “average high school
grade” and “biology” is 0.620, which indicates that they’re positives Correlated.

Having access to electricity and scholarship aid are essential elements in helping to increase a
student’s high school grade on recommendation. this essay will discuss how access to electricity
and scholarship aid effect the grades a students can receive upon recommendation from their
high school. electricity is needed to power devices such as computers and give students the tools
to study and produce high grade. scholarship aid is also critical is providing additional pressure
and financial resource for material needed to excel in school. the goal of this essay is to
determine the impact of having access to electricity and scholarship on a high school students
aggregate grade upon recommendation. Making electricity access and scholarship accessible to
students has tremendous potential to benefit students. educators, and society. by proving access
to energy and financial assistance to young scholars, educational institution can offer a more
equitable education experience for both the student and the individual tasked with providing
them with instruction. this tangible benefit can have a profound impact on educational outcomes.
scholarships can provide the resource necessary for students to continue their studies and become
more successful physiologically. academically and professionally.


Erdem, C., Şentürk, I., & Arslan, C. K. (2007). Factors affecting grade point
average of university students. The Empirical Economics Letters, 6(5), 359–

Sanchez, E. (2015). How Accurate Are Self-Reported High School Courses ,

Course Grades , and Grade Point Average ? April.
Ziomek, R. L., & Svec, J. C. (1997). High school grades and achievement:
Evidence of grade inflation. NASSP Bulletin, 81(587), 105–113.

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