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Evaluate​ Answer Key 
Unit 1: Introduction to Information and Communications 
Lesson 1: ICT and the Society 1 

Lesson 2: Social, Mobile, and Assistive Media 5 

Lesson 3: Convergent Technologies and Evolution of the Web 1​1 

Lesson 4: Uses of the Internet, Online Systems and Platforms 1​5 



​EVALUATE​ Answer Key 


Lesson 1: ICT and the Society 

Part A. 
1. What is information and communications technology? 
Answer: ​Information and communications technology (ICT) refers to technologies that  
are used to support the processing, storing, securing, and transmitting of information. 
2. Enumerate and describe the three components of ICT. 
Answer: ​The three components of ICT are hardware, software, and peopleware.  
Hardware​ is the technical term used to describe the physical or tangible parts of a  
computer system. ​Software​ is the generic term for computer programs and applications  
that are installed on your personal computer, laptop, or smartphone. ​Peopleware​ refers   
to individuals who are responsible for the development, improvement, and maintenance  
of the entire computer system. 
3. Give at least one example of how ICT can positively impact the following:  
a. education 
b. government 
c. nongovernment organizations 
Model Answer: ​Students may provide varying answers in number 3. The answer below is  
a sample answer only. The correctness of a student’s answer will be based on the  
judgment of the teacher using the discussion in the “Explain and Elaborate” part as a  


​EVALUATE​ Answer Key 


Industry  Example 

Education  Teachers  can  now  enhance  their  visual  aids  by  using 
multimedia-rich  presentations  instead of the traditional cartolina 
and manila paper discussions.  

Government  Through  electronic  governance,  citizens  can  request  public 

documents  for  transparency  purposes  instead  of  filing  them  by 
paper in government offices.  

Nongovernment  Nongovernment  organizations  can  easily  promote  and  advance 

Organizations  their  advocacies  through  online  means  such  as their website and 
social media sites to improve communication lines to the masses.  

Criteria  Description  Score 

Accuracy  The information presented by the student is   

5 points  correct, and all the necessary details are present. 

Thoroughness  The explanation given for each answer is   

10 points  thoroughly discussed and accurate for the idea 
being presented. The answers were explained 



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Part B. 
1. How can ICT help you as a student? How can it help you in your future career?  
Model  Answer:  ​As  a  student,  ICT  was  able  to  help  me  in  writing  reports  and  creating 
visual aids for presentations. 
The answer above is a suggested answer only. The correctness of a student’s answer will  
be based on the judgment of the teacher using the discussion in the “Explain and  
Elaborate” part as a guide and the rubric below.  

Criteria  Description  Score 

Accuracy  The information presented by the student is   

5 points  correct, and all the necessary details are present. 

Thoroughness  The explanation given for each answer is   

10 points  thoroughly discussed and accurate for the idea 
being presented. The answers were explained 


2. Describe  how  each  ICT  component  functions  when  media  outfits  adopted  a  new form 
of delivering their contents to their audience through online streaming. 
Answer:  ​Due  to  the  advancement  of  technology,  media  outfits  ventured  into  creating 
online  streaming  services.  In  terms  of  hardware,  the  audience  shifted  from  television  to 
smartphones  and  tablets.  Aside  from  the  default  television  software  installed,  you  also 
need  to  install  other  online  streaming  applications  for  a  specific  service  provider. Besides 
having  a  video  crew,  the  service  has  also  expanded  to  computer  engineers  and 
programmers to develop a functioning online streaming application.  


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3. Do you agree or disagree with the statement below? Justify your answer.  
All information from the government must be made available on its social media platforms.  
Model Answer:​ ​This question has multiple answers depending on the stand of the  
student. The correctness of a student’s answer will be based on the judgment of the  
teacher using the discussion in the “Explain and Elaborate” part as a guide and the rubrics  

Criteria  Description  Score 

Position  The student was able to provide a clear, strong   

5 points  statement of the student's position on the topic. 

Content   The student’s position was supported by   

5 points  evidence. 

Organization   There is a logical progression of details and clear   

3 points  transitions between ideas. 

Language   Use of proper spelling, mechanics, grammar, and   

2 points  word choice is evident. 


4. A  private  school  would  like  to  come  up  with  an  e-learning  program  for  senior  high 
school  students.  Use  the  space  below  to  complete  their  plan  by  listing  specific 
elements in each ICT component that the school needs to include in their plan.  
  Model Answer:​ Project: I​ mplementation of an E-learning Program for Senior High  
School for a Private School 


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Hardware  Software  Peopleware 

computers and/or tablets  productivity tools  teachers 

internet routers and  applications  principal and 
accessory devices  recommended by subject  administrators 
teachers (e.g., Quipper)  IT technicians 

The  answers  above  are  suggested  answers  only  since  there  are  unlimited  possible  answers 
from  the  students.  The  correctness  of  a  student’s  answer  will  be  based  on  the  judgment  of 
the teacher using the discussion in the “Explain and Elaborate” part as a guide. 

Criteria  Description  Score 

Completeness  The student was able to completely list down   

5 points  specific elements in each ICT component. 

Accuracy  The ICT components are accurately tagged.    

5 points 



Lesson 2: Social, Mobile, and Assistive Media 


Part A. 
1. What is assistive media?? 
Answer:  ​Assistive  Media  refers  to  technology  that  aims  to  provide  support  to  persons 
with disabilities by increasing or improving their functionality. 
2. What is mobile media? 
Answer:  ​Mobile  media  are  electronic  devices  that  are  characterized  by  their  ability  to 
be carried or transported easily due to their size and weight. 


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3. What is social media? 
Answer:  ​Social  media  comes  in  different  forms  and  shapes  depending  on  the  purpose 
that  it  serves.  Social  media  sites  and  applications  can  be  used  for  communicating 
information,  interacting  with  other  users,  and  sharing  multimedia  content  like  pictures 
and videos.   
4. Complete the table below by giving at least one example of each type of social media. 
Model Answer: S
​ tudents may provide varying answers in number 4. The answer below 
is a sample answer only. The correctness of a student’s answer will be based on the  
judgment of the teacher using the discussion in the “Explain and Elaborate” part as a 
guide and the rubric after the answer in Lesson 2 Part A number 5. 

Types of Social Media  Example 

Social Networking Site  Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn 

Media Sharing Site  YouTube, Instagram, and Vimeo 

Discussion Site  Reddit, Quora 

Bookmarking and Content  Pinterest, Digg, and StumbleUpon 

Curation Site 

Blogging and Publishing  WordPress, Wix, Tumblr, and Medium 

Network Site 

Consumer Review Networks  Yelp 


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5. How  can  the  different  kinds  of  media  (social,  mobile,  and  assistive)  help  you  in  your 
daily life? 
Model  Answer:  ​Social  media  is  part  of  my  daily  life.  It  is  a  way  to  relax  when  I'm 
stressed  out,  to communicate with my classmates and friends, and to get recent updates 
from  news  pages  With  the  power  of  mobile  media,  I  can  use  social  media  anytime  and 
anywhere as long as I’m connected to the internet. 
The  answer  above  is  a  suggested  answer only. The correctness of a student’s answer will 
be  based  on  the  judgment  of  the  teacher  using  the  discussion  in  the  “Explain  and 
Elaborate” part as a guide and the rubric below.  

Criteria  Description  Score 

Accuracy  The information presented by the student is   

5 pts  correct, and all the necessary details are present. 

Thoroughness  The explanation given for each answer is   

10 pts  thoroughly discussed and accurate for the idea 
being presented. The answers were explained 


Part B. 
1. Why  do  you  think  we  must  develop  electronic  devices  or  programs  that  will  assist 
persons with disabilities in accomplishing their tasks​? 
Model  Answer:  ​It  is  only  fair  for  us  people  to  extend  our  hands  to  those  who  are  in 
need  as  a  means  of  providing  equal  opportunity  and  equal  access  to  the  advancement 
of technology​. 


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The  answer  in  the  previous  page  is  a  suggested  answer  only.  The  correctness  of  a 
student’s  answer  will  be  based  on  the  judgment  of  the  teacher  using  the  discussion  in 
the “Explain and Elaborate” part as a guide and the rubric below. 

Criteria  Description  Score 

Accuracy  The information presented by the student is   

5 pts  correct, and all the necessary details are present. 

Thoroughness  The explanation given for each answer is   

10 pts  thoroughly discussed and accurate for the idea 
being presented. The answers were explained 


2. As  a  student,  do  you  agree  with  prohibiting  students  from  accessing  their  social 
networking accounts while in school? Justify your answer.   
Model  Answer:  ​I  agree  with  the  prohibition  of  access  to  social  networking  among 
students  while  inside  the  school  premises  because  this  type  of  social  media  is  addictive 
and can serve as a distraction to students. 
This  question  has  multiple  answers  depending  on  the  stand  of  the  student.  The 
correctness  of  a  student’s  answer  will  be  based  on  the  judgment  of  the  teacher  and 
using the rubrics after the answer in Lesson 2 Part B number 3. 
3. Is it advantageous or disadvantageous for students to bring their smartphones or 
tablets to school? Explain your answer.  
Model  Answer:  ​I  think  it  is  advantageous  if  these  are  used  accordingly and managed 
with  discipline.  Smartphones  are  one  of  the  most  convenient  and  effective  tool  for 
communication,  especially  in  emergency cases. It is also a tool that is useful in gathering 
information for research projects. 


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This question has multiple answers depending on the stand of the  

student. The correctness of a student’s answer will be based on the judgment of the  
teacher and using the rubrics after the answer in Lesson 2 Part B number 3. 

Criteria  Description  Score 

Position  The student was able to provide a clear, strong   

5 pts  statement of the student's position on the topic. 

Content   The student’s position was supported by   

5 pts  evidence. 

Organization   Progression of details is logical; transitions   

3 pts  between ideas are clear. 

Language   Use of spelling, mechanics, grammar, and word   

2 pts  choice are evident. 


4. With the current trend of social media, what do you think will be the impact of 
further advancement in the future? Predict the possible positive and negative effects 
of social media advancements. 
Model  Answer:  ​I  think  that  social  media  will  be  more  advanced  in  the  future.  There 
might  be  new  technological  advancements  such  as  holograms when talking to someone 
online.  Nowadays,  artificial  intelligence  detects  our  activities  online  and  that  might 
cause  some  problems  in  the  future  especially  when  it  comes  to data privacy. Also, there 
is  the  impact  of  online  addiction  that  might  compromise  the  studies  of  students  and 
lessen the productivity of workers as well. 
The  answers  above  are  suggested  answers  only  since  there  are  unlimited  possible 
answers  from  the  students.  The  correctness  of  a  student’s  answer  will  be  based  on  the 
judgment of the teacher and the rubrics after the answer in Lesson 2 Part B number 5. 


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5. Despite the advancement of technology, there are still places without access to the 
different kinds of media in the provincial areas. Think of a strategy or solution so that 
technology will reach more people. Explain your solution. 
Model  Answer:  ​I  believe  that  the  best  solution  for this problem and technology gap is 
for  the  government  to allocate more funds to the budget for education so that provinces 
will  have  the  technology  they  need  to  study.  Everyone  should  be  exposed  to  technology 
because  it  is  the  current  trend  in  the  workplace  and  in  school.  Nobody  should  be  left 
The  answers  above  are  suggested  answers  only  since  there  are  unlimited  possible 
answers  from  the  students.  The  correctness  of  a  student’s  answer  will  be  based  on  the 
judgment of the teacher and the rubrics below. 

Criteria  Description  Score 

Content   The student was able to provide clear statements   

10 pts  and ideas answering the question. 

Organization   Progression of details is logical; transitions   

3 pts  between ideas are clear. 

Language   Use of spelling, mechanics, grammar, and word   

2 pts  choice are evident. 




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Lesson 3: Convergent Technologies and Evolution of 

the Web 

Part A. 
1. What is technology convergence?  
Answer:  ​Technology  convergence  is  a  state  in  which  two  or  more  technologies  are 
combined in one device or system. 
2. Enumerate the three C’s of technology convergence. 
Answer:  ​The  three  C’s  of technology convergence are: ​computing technology, ​content 
technology, and communication technology. 
3. What is the difference between a website and a web page? 
Answer:  ​A  website  consists  of  one  or  more  web  pages  that  refer  to  the  individual links 
or  pages  of a website. It acts like the pages of a book. Once a user clicks a link or presses 
a  button  on  a  website,  it  instructs  the  site  to  jump  from  one  web  page  to  another, thus 
changing  the  display  on  the  computer  screen.  A  web  page  can  either  be  of  static  or 
dynamic nature. 
4. What is the difference between a static web page and a dynamic web page? 
Answer:  ​Static  web  pages  are  characterized  by  their  fixed  content,  which  means  that 
the  web  page  shows  the  same  content  every  time  it is accessed. Dynamic web pages, on 
the  other  hand,  are  known  for  being  changeable,  which  means  that  the  content  can 
change each time the web page is accessed. 


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5. Write  the  accurate  term used to describe the different generations of websites. Write 
the term in the column labeled “Phase”.  

Web Generations  Phase 

Web 1.0  Read-only Phase 

Web 2.0  Writable Phase 

Web 3.0  Executable Phase 

Part B. 
1. As  a  user  of  modern  technologies  like smartphones, tablets, and laptops, explain the 
benefit that the said electronic devices give you in terms of its size and design? 
Model  Answer:  ​The  sizes  and  modern  designs  of  electronic  gadgets  today  enable 
people  to  bring  their  gadgets  anywhere  because  these  can  fit  in  pockets  or  small  bags. 
This  portability  feature  makes  gadgets  readily  available  anytime  or  any  place  we  need 
them for communicating and for researching for information.  
The answer above is a suggested answer only. The correctness of a student’s answer will  
be based on the judgment of the teacher using the discussion in the “Explain and  
Elaborate” part as a guide and the rubric after the answer in Lesson 3 Part 5 number 4.  
2. It  is  observable  that  the  capabilities  and  functions  of  smartphones  and  tablets  are 
almost  equal  to  the  features  and  powers of a desktop computer. Is it safe to say that 
in  the  foreseeable  future  all  desktop  computers  and  laptops  will  be  replaced  by 
smartphones and tablets? Why or why not? 
Model  Answer:  ​I  think  it  is  possible  that  desktop  computers  will  be  fully  replaced  by 
smartphones  and tablets if the latter devices’ specifications will be able to match or even 
exceed the level and capabilities of desktop computers.  

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The answer above is a suggested answer only. The correctness of a student’s answer will  
be based on the judgment of the teacher using the discussion in the “Explain and  
Elaborate” part as a guide and the rubric after the answer in Lesson 3 Part 5 number 4.  
3. It  is  the  year  2030  and  you  are  working  as  a  teacher of Empowerment Technologies. 
How are you going to describe the technologies of the year 2020? 
Model  Answer:  ​The  technology  that was present during my time was characterized by 
portability  and  power.  I  believe  anyone  who  had  lived during that time can agree that it 
well-suited  our  needs  for  technology.  We  had  devices  in  2020  that  could  take  pictures 
with  32-megapixel  quality,  internet  speeds  reaching  up  to  100  mbps,  and  hard/flash 
drives that could store up to 2 terabytes of data. 
The answer above is a suggested answer only. The correctness of a student’s answer will  
be based on the judgment of the teacher using the discussion in the “Explain and  
Elaborate” part as a guide and the rubric after the answer in Lesson 3 Part 5 number 4.  
4. Give a brief impression of the look and features of websites today.   
Model  Answer:  ​The  websites  today  are  packed  with  multimedia  content  ranging  from 
textual  information  to  videos.  I  can  say  that  these  are  smart  because  they  can  predict 
your  future  actions  and  give  options  based  on  the  task  that  you  are  currently  working 
The answer above is a suggested answer only. The correctness of a student’s answer will  
be based on the judgment of the teacher using the discussion in the “Explain and  
Elaborate” part as a guide and the rubric below.  


​EVALUATE​ Answer Key 


Criteria  Description  Score 

Accuracy  The information presented by the student is   

5 pts  correct, and all the necessary details are present. 

Thoroughness  The explanation given for each answer is   

10 pts  thoroughly discussed and accurate for the idea 
being presented. The answers are explained well. 


5. Assume  that  you  are  a  web  technologist  who  was  invited  to  a  convention  that 
discusses  innovations  and  changes  to  the  recent  generation  of  the  website.  What 
upgrades or fixes are you going to suggest to be included in the release of web 4.0?  
Model  Answer:  ​I  will suggest technologies that will provide greater support for persons 
with  disabilities  that  will  capacitate  them  to  participate  more  actively  in  internet 
activities like posting in social media sites.  

Criteria  Description  Score 

Position  The student was able to provide a clear, strong   

5 pts  statement of his or her position on the topic. 

Content   The student’s position was supported by   

5 pts  evidence. 

Organization   Progression of details was logical; transitions   

3 pts  between ideas were clear. 

Language   Use of spelling, mechanics, grammar, and word   

2 pts  choice were evident. 



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Lesson 4: Uses of the Internet, Online Systems and 

Part A. 
1. What is an online system?  
Answer:  ​An  online  system  is  a  collaboration  of  hardware,  software,  and 
telecommunication  technologies th​at ​facilitates the transfer and processing of data to and 
from internet-enabled devices​. 
2. Enumerate the uses of the Internet? 
Answer:  ​The  uses  of  the  internet  are  as  follows:  communication  tool,  performance  of 
business transactions, research, and entertainment. 
3. What is the role of the customer in transacting with online platforms? 
Answer: ​The customer, in a digital service setup, is the one who makes purchases or avails 
the goods and services produced by business organizations. 

Criteria  Description  Score 

Accuracy  The information presented by the student is   

5 pts  correct, and all the necessary details are present. 

Thoroughness  The explanation given for each answer is   

10 pts  thoroughly discussed and accurate for the idea 
being presented. The answers are explained well. 



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Part B. 
1. Some  people  see  the  prevalence  of  online  systems  like  online  shopping,  online 
banking,  and  online  bills  payment  as  a  mechanism  that  makes  people  lazy.  Do  you 
agree with this view? Explain your answer. 
Model  Answer:  ​I  do  not  see  the  prevalence  of  online  systems  as  mechanisms  that  will 
make  people  lazy  because  this  technology  is  developed  to  help  people  save  time  and 
effort,  enabling  them  to  spend  the  spare  time  and  effort  to  perform  other  tasks  or 
2. The  introduction  of  online  transactions  brought  ease  to  paying  for  online  purchases 
using  credit  cards  entered  on websites or online applications. What problems do you 
see in the process of transacting businesses online?  
Answer:  ​The  use  of  online  transactions  is  proven  to  be  very  effective  in  terms  of  ease  in 
business  processing  but  there  are  some issues regarding the security of money transfer as 
well as safety against fraudulent activities. 
3. The  availability  of  multimedia  content  online  like  movies  and  games  are  indeed 
beneficial  to  providing  entertainment  to  people.  However,  its  popularity  comes  with 
the  problem  of  the  spread  of  pornographic  materials  and  users’  access  to  content 
that  is inappropriate to their age. As a teenager, what suggestions can you give to the 
web  technologists  to  ensure  that  young  people  like  you  will  not  be  exposed  to 
inappropriate media content? 
Model  Answer:  ​I  hope  to  suggest  technologies  that  can  identify  the  age  of  the  user  to 
serve  as  the  reference  for  the  multimedia  content that the user will be allowed to access. I 
will  also  urge  web  technologists  to  strengthen  the implementation of parental controls on 
websites  so  that  the  children  will  be  prohibited  from  accessing  websites  that  are 
inappropriate for their age. 


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4. Using  social  media  sites  enables  people  to  meet  new  friends  from  any  part  of  the 
world.  These  technologies  introduced  the  term  “online  friends” who are persons you 
only  interact  with  when  using  the  Internet.  Can  the  friendships  built  online  be equal 
to  friends  you  actually meet in person? What are their similarities? What makes them 
Model  Answer:  ​Social  media  enables  people  to  make  friends  with  other  people  around 
the  world  and  perform  activities  similar  to  things  that friends who meet in person do, like 
chatting,  share  stories,  pictures,  videos.  Despite  its  capacity  to  allow  people  to 
communicate  with  one  another,  it  cannot  be  done  on  a  personal,  physical  level.  One 
cannot hold hands with, pat the shoulder of, or share hugs with online friends. 
5. The  convenience  of  researching  online  using  smartphones  has  led  to  the 
development  of  websites  and  applications  that  have  rich  sources  of  information, 
making  physical libraries obsolete. Do you think it is time to replace bookshelves with 
computers or tablets with internet connection? Why or why not?   
Model  Answer:  ​I  do  not  think  that  books  will  be  replaced  by  computers  or  tablets 
because  not  all  references  are  published  online.  There  are  still  several  publications  that 
are good for reference that are printed and can only be found in books. 

Criteria  Description  Score 

Position  The student was able to provide a clear, strong   

5 pts  statement of his or her position on the topic. 

Content   The student’s position was supported by   

5 pts  evidence. 

Organization   Progression of details was logical; transitions   

3 pts  between ideas were clear. 

Language   Use of spelling, mechanics, grammar, and word   

2 pts  choice were evident. 



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