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Date: Monday June 19, 2023


Management – Auxilium Properties Inc – Arun Jeevaratnam Property Manager

Ann Marie Hill President – Charlene Ilyas
All Active Board Members of Ann Marie Hill Co-Operative Inc
Cc: CHFT Head Office

From: Sarah Terrill – 164 Galloway Road, TH6

Regarding Arrears notice that I received from Arun Jeevaratnam, Property Manager
Dated June 9, 2023.

In this letter it states that “we are requesting payment in full by” Monday June 19, 2023, (see
attached letter)

On Monday June 19, 2023, my payment in FULL in the amount of $3,091.00 was paid by an RBC
Money order. (see attached copy of money order receipt)

My concern and disappointment is that on Friday June 16, 2023 at 4:55pm one of the cleaning staff
gave me another letter Dated June 16, 2023.

This letter stated “The Board of Directors is going to consider ending your membership and
occupancy rights and evicting you”.

I must attend a board meeting on Monday, June 26, 2023 at 8:15p.m.

Proposed termination date July 6, 2023.

Upon receiving this letter on Friday June 16, 2023 – 3 days before the initial due date from a letter
received the previous week – confusion, frustration and stress presented itself.

I am disappointed to say the least in how I have been treated during these unprecedented times as
many people are facing, and despite being a cooperative, giving and devoted member to this co-op, I
have been shown absolutely no grace or understanding.

I am requesting the second disturbing letter about considering ending my membership be revoked
and off my file as I have committed and abided by the date that was originally provided, June 19,

Thank you for your time and consideration on my request.

Looking forward to hearing back from the President of Ann Marie Hill Co-Operative.

Sarah Terrill

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