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Weekly “The Hindu” Vocabulary

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The most Important Vocab

1. Goad (Verb): Lakdi se direct karna (generally animals), Kisi
ko uksana
• Syn: Drive, Instigate, Incite, Trigger, motivate, inspire,

✓ They goaded him to break the window

✓ Hunger goaded the man to steal a bread from shop

2. Obfuscate (Verb)= To make something unclear/ confusing

• Syn: Obscure, Becloud, Befuddle, Darken
o obfuscated (Adj): Unclear, Vague, Obscure, equivocal

✓ She was criticized for using arguments that obfuscated the main
✓ Politicians have once again obfuscated the issue
Weekly “The Hindu” Vocabulary
YouTube Channel- YET: Your English Tutor
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3. Avalanche (Noun) = An Ice-storm

• Syn: Landslide

✓ Two skiers were killed in the avalanche

✓ We received an avalanche of inquiries

4. Smoulder/Smolder (Verb) = To burn something, Sulgana

o Smouldering/ Smoldering (Adj) = Sulagta hua

✓ The campfire smoldered for hours after the blaze died out
✓ She had a smoldering anger for her husband
Weekly “The Hindu” Vocabulary
YouTube Channel- YET: Your English Tutor
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5. Douse (Verb)= Bujhana

• Syn: Extinguish, quench, put out, blow out

✓ Men came with buckets of water and began to douse the flames
✓ He tried to douse his wife’s anger but everything failed

6. Ember (Noun): Shola, Angara

o Syn: Cinder

✓ Ash and embers blazed down from the erupting volcano

✓ The logs had turned into blackened embers
Weekly “The Hindu” Vocabulary
YouTube Channel- YET: Your English Tutor
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7. Debilitate (Verb): To make weak

o Debilitating/ Debilitated (Adj)
• Syn: Weaken, cripple, wear out

✓ Prolonged strike action debilitated the industry

✓ Heat debilitates many people
✓ I am experiencing debilitating pain in my back

8. Reluctant (Adj): Unwilling to do something

• Syn: Loath, loth, hesitant
• Loathe (Verb) = Hate

✓ She was reluctant to go with him

✓ I am reluctant to trust anyone totally
Weekly “The Hindu” Vocabulary
YouTube Channel- YET: Your English Tutor
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9. Anecdotal (Adj): Suni Sunayi

• Syn: Unreliable, Unscientific, based on hear-say

✓ Their research was based largely on anecdotal evidence

✓ An anecdotal story should never be taken as a fact

10. Dire (Noun): Risky, Scary

• Syn: Perilous, Dangerous, Dicey, Fearful, Frightening

✓ Last night there were dire warnings of civil war

✓ The firm is now in dire financial straits
✓ The economy will have to bear the dire consequences of the lock-
Weekly “The Hindu” Vocabulary
YouTube Channel- YET: Your English Tutor
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11. Strait (Noun): Jal-damrumadhya, A difficult situation

• Syn: Predicament, tight spot/ corner

✓ The world economy is in dire straits

12. Languish (Adj): Sadna, kamajor hona, to become dull

• Syn: Rot, decay, deteriorate, debilitate

✓ Several Kashmiri politicians continue to languish in prison in the

aftermath of abrogation of Article 370 in the state
✓ The children soon began to languish in the heat
Weekly “The Hindu” Vocabulary
YouTube Channel- YET: Your English Tutor
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13. Incarceration (Noun): Jail term

• Incarcerate (Verb): To send someone to prison
• Syn: Imprisonment, detention, confinement, captivity

✓ Prolonged incarceration of former J&K CM Mehbooba Mufti is


14. Bespeak (Noun): Ishara karna

• Syn: Indicate, Hint

✓ His hesitation bespeaks his unwillingness (reluctance) to help us

✓ Rising inflation bespeaks a faster growth rate for economy but
troubles for the common man
Weekly “The Hindu” Vocabulary
YouTube Channel- YET: Your English Tutor
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15. lopsided (Adj): One-sided

Syn: Unilateral, unbalanced, unequal

✓ The lopsided victory of the cricket team in the final match thrilled
the audience of the winning side

16. Facade (Phrase): Dikhava, Dhokha, Front side of a building

• Syn: Semblance, Pretense, Bluff

✓ They seem happy together, but it's all a facade

✓ She managed to maintain a facade of bravery
Weekly “The Hindu” Vocabulary
YouTube Channel- YET: Your English Tutor
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17. Unanimous (Adj):

• Uno (ek) + Animus (Mind/ Soul) → Unanimous
o Magno (Large) + Animus = Magnanimous
o Animation→ Full of life and spirit
• Syn: in Agreement, Consensual, harmonious

✓ He was elected by a unanimous vote

✓ Her proposal met with unanimous rejection

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