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Introduction to Criminology

Theories Methods and Criminal

Behavior 9th Edition Hagan
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Hagan, Introduction to Criminology 9e Instructor Resource

1. Occurs when a person does something that incites another person to commit an illegal

a. Victim responsibility
b. Victim precipitation
c. Victim facilitation
*d. Victim provocation

2. For youth, ___________ is common after victimization from their peers, such as being

a. reduction in self-esteem
*b. depression
c. anxiety

3. Females have an overreaching fear of:

a. Simple assault
b. Aggravated assault
*c. Sexual assault
d. Domestic assault
4. Not all victims are eligible for compensation from the crime victims’ fund. Victims of
which of the following crimes are not eligible?

a. Rape or child sexual abuse

b. Domestic violence
c. Drunk driving
*d. Vehicle theft

5. An individual is shot while trying to break into a home. This is an example of:

*a. Victim provocation

b. Victim facilitation
c. Victim precipitation
d. Victim responsibility

6. The person known as the “father of victimology” was:

a. Hentig
*b. Mendelsohn
c. Schafer
d. Wolfgang

7. The first individual to empirically investigate victimization was:

a. Hentig
b. Mendelsohn
c. Schafer
*d. Wolfgang

8. This individual created classification of victims based on their culpability:

a. Hentig
*b. Mendelsohn
c. Schafer
d. Wolfgang

9. Wolfgang found several factors related to victimology. Select the one below that is not
one of the factors described by Wolfgang.
a. Victim and offender knew each other
b. Victim likely to have history of violence offending
c. Alcohol played a role
*d. Never started by minor altercation that escalated

10. Means by which a person or target can be effectively guarded so that a victimization
is prevented from occurring:

a. Suitable victim
b. Suitable target
c. Motivated offender
*d. Capable guardianship

11. Extent to which a victim is responsible for his or her own victimization:

a. Victim responsibility
b. Victim provocation
*c. Victim precipitation
d. Victim facilitation

12. The statement "neighborhoods that have a large percentage of female-headed

households have higher rates of theft and violent victimization" is an example of:

a. Hot spots
*b. Family structure
c. Structural density
d. Residential mobility

14. The premise of routine activities theory includes three elements that must be present
for a crime to occur. Which of the following is not one of those elements?

a. Suitable target
b. Motivated offender
*c. Presence of durable goods
d. Capable guardian

14. The more frequently a person comes into contact with persons in demographic groups
with likely offenders, the more likely it is the person will be victimized is referred to as:

*a. Principle of homogamy

b. Victim precipitation
c. Principle of victimization
d. Victim provocation

15. ______________ is also called predicted victimization.

*a. Residential mobility

b. Structural density
c. Hot spots
d. Family structure

16. Victim impact statements can be given by:

a. Only the victim

*b. The victim or a family member
c. Anyone that saw the victimization
d. Anyone that heard about the victimization

17. This is designed to provide victims a chance to meet with their offenders in structured

a. Victim/witness assistance programs

b. Victim compensation
c. Family justice centers
*d. Victim-offender mediation programs

18. Fear is a(n) ___________ response to a(n) _________ threat.

*a. emotional; perceived

b. rational; perceived
c. emotional; actual
d. rational; actual

19. What is the most commonly reported victimization according to NCVS?

a. Rape
b. Theft
*c. Simple assault
d. Aggravated assault
20. Routine Activities Theory contains three factors. Select the one below that is not one
of the factors described in Routine Activities Theory.

*a. Suitable victim

b. Motivated offender
c. Capable guardianship
d. Suitable target

21. Which of the following is the most difficult cost to quantify for victims?

a. System costs
b. Mental health costs
*c. Pain and suffering
d. Loss of productivity

22. Which of the following is not a common affective response that victims experience
after a crime?

a. Depression
b. Low self-esteem
c. Anxiety
*d. Difficulty sleeping

23. Commonly associated with individuals returning from war and combat, this is a
psychiatric condition that recently has been recognized as a possible consequence of
other traumatic events.

a. Suicide
*b. PTSD
c. Anxiety
d. Depression

24. In his book The Criminal and His Victim: Studies in the Sociobiology of Crime, this
individual recognized the importance of investigating what factors underpinned why
certain people are victims just as criminology attempts to identify those factors that
produce criminality.

a. Mendelsohn
b. Schafer
*c. Hentig
d. Amir
25. A common right provided to victims through the criminal justice system is the right to
be treated fairly in a way that preserves their:

*a. Dignity and respect

b. Protection
c. Rate of reimbursement for harm done
d. Right to a speedy trial of the perpetrator

26. Blacks experience higher rates of victimization than American Indians or Alaskan

a. True
*b. False

27. True or False? An example of an avoidance behavior is staying home at night.

*a. True
b. False

28. True or False? High household incomes are more likely to have property

a. True
*b. False

29. True or False? Males are more likely to be victimized; however, this gender gap is
becoming less evident.

*a. True
b. False

30. True or False? Most individuals would rather take a property loss as compared to
physical bodily harm.

*a. True
b. False

31. True or False? System costs associated with victimization are distributed equally in
a. True
*b. False

32. True or False? A large portion of funding for victim compensation programs comes
from criminals themselves.

*a. True
b. False

33. True or False? Characterological self-blame believes victimization is deserved.

*a. True
b. False

34. True or False? Persons who have been victimized are less likely to be re-victimized.

a. True
*b. False

35. True or False? A victim of rape who resists or uses self-protective actions is less
likely than those who do not to be victimized again.

*a. True
b. False

36. True or False? Persons over age 50 are more likely to be violently victimized than

a. True
*b. False

37. True or False? A victim of rape who resists or uses self-protective actions is less
likely than those who do not to be victimized again.

*a. True
b. False

38. True or False? Victimologists are not as concerned with the costs associated with
being a crime victim as with why they become a victim.

a. True
*b. False

39. True or False? Households earning more than $75,000 per year are more likely to
experience victimization than those that earn less than $7,500.

a. True
*b. False

40. True or False? Estimates indicate that less than 10 percent of total mental health care
costs in the U.S. are related to crime.

a. True
*b. False 41. Hentig attempted to identify the characteristics of a victim that may
effectively serve to influence victimization risk. He argued that crime victims could be
placed into 1 of 13 categories, based on propensity for victimization. Identify 5 of those

Correct Answer:
Young; female; old; immigrants; depressed; mentally defective/deranged; the acquisitive;
dull normals; minorities; wanton; lonesome and heartbroken; tormentor; and the blocked,
exempted, and fighting.

42. Define "defensive or protective behaviors" and give two examples.

Correct Answer:
People try to guard themselves from victimization. Examples: purchase gun, security

43. What is the extent to which we learn about victimization from UCR and NCVS?
Compare the two.

Correct Answer:
UCR-reported crime, not victimization; NCVS-surveyed victimization

44. What could be two problems associated with NCVS?

Correct Answer:
Self-reporting; memory issues; only previous 6 months; people over 12

45. What do we know about age and victimization?

Correct Answer:
Younger are victimized more

46. Give two examples of how individuals change their lifestyle due to victimization.

Correct Answer:
Change phone number, move, carry weapon, stop going out alone, don't go out at night,
stay away from certain areas

47.. Some areas are so crime-prone that they are considered to be “hot spots” for crime.
Identify three of these locations that increase the risk for one to be victimized.

Correct Answer:
Family structure, structural density, and residential mobility

48. Compare and contrast the victim remedies and services discussed in the chapter.
What makes them different from one another? Give examples of each.

Correct Answer:
Victim Compensation: A large portion of funding comes from criminals themselves
through fees and fines; The Victim of Crime Act of 1984 (VOCA) authorized funding for
state compensation and assistance programs
Victim Impact Statements: Gives the victim an opportunity to address the court
Victim/Witness Assistance Programs: Provide victims with assistance as they navigate
the criminal justice system

49. What victim's rights are provided in all states?

Correct Answer:
Right to compensation, notification of rights, notification of court appearances, and
ability to submit an impact statement before sentencing is granted to at least some classes
of victims

50. What is Lifestyle Theory?

Correct Answer:
Certain lifestyles or behaviors place people in situations in which victimization is likely
to occur

51. What are the three affective responses that are common among crime victims?

Correct Answer:
Depression, reduction in self-esteem, anxiety

52. Define anxiety and give two examples of its symptoms.

Correct Answer:
Can experience a range of emotional and physical symptoms, but affects people
differently as well; often experience by having an irrational and excessive fear and worry
that can be coupled with feeling tense and restless, vigilant, irritable, and having
difficulty in concentrating

53. What is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

Correct Answer:
Person must have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event that involved actual or
threatened death or serious injury to oneself or others or threat to the physical integrity of
oneself or others; patterned response to trauma (victimization)

54. What is behavioral self-blame? Give an example.

Correct Answer:
Occurs when a person ascribes blame to an adaptable source; behavior

55. Mendelsohn, known as “the father of victimology” created a classification of victims

based on their culpability, or the degree of the victim’s blame. List and describe 3 of the
6 levels.

Correct Answer:

1. Completely innocent victim: victim who bears no responsibility at all for

victimization; victim simply because of his or her nature such as being a child.
2. Victim with minor guilt: a victim who is victimized due to ignorance; a victim
who inadvertently places him or herself in harm’s way.
3. Victim as guilty as offender/voluntary victim: a victim who bears as much
responsibility as the offender; a person who enters into a suicide pact.
4. Victim more guilty than offender: a victim who instigates or provokes own
5. Most gilty victim: a victim who is victimized during the perpetration of a crime or
as a result of crime
6. Simulating or imaginary victim: a victim who actually was not victimized at all
but instead fabricates a victimization event

56. What are the seven categories of victims developed by Schafer?

Correct Answer:
Unrelated, provocative, precipitative, biologically weak, socially weak, self-victimizing,

57. Explain the five costs of victimization associated with economic cost.

Correct Answer:
Direct Property Losses: Tangible loss of property; Medical Care: Physical injury; Most
would rather take a property loss as compared to physical bodily harm; Costs can be
astronomical; Mental Health Care Costs: Seek treatment to deal with effects of their
victimization; Losses in Productivity: May not be able to work at their job, do
housework, or go to school; Some victims are more likely to miss work; Employers bear
cost of non-work; Pain, Suffering, and Lost Quality of Life: Difficult to quantify, usually
the largest loss victims sustain; change in their routines, lifestyle, or change in their
58. Crime victims often experience tangible losses in terms of having their
___________________damaged or taken.

Correct Answer:

59. We know from official data sources and victimization surveys that the victimization
rate has been steadily ____________________ since 1993.

Correct Answer:

60. Early explorations in the field of victimology were centered on determining how
much a victim contributes to his or her own _______________________________.

Correct Answer:

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