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E Advance Level 2024 PHYSICS

Assignment No: 01

Use Equations of Motion

1. A bike starting from rest acquires a speed of 40 m/s in 20 seconds. Then, the bike travels with
this speed for 15 seconds. Find the
a) acceleration
b) distance travelled during acceleration
c) the total distance travelled.

1. An Olympic sprinter is about to run a 100 m race. He starts from rest and increases his speed
uniformly at a rate of 1 m/s2 upto 70 m, and covers the rest 30 m with a uniform speed. How much
time does he take to cover the first half and second half of the run?

2. An object starting with a velocity of u moves with a uniform acceleration. It has a displacement of
d1 in 5 seconds and d2 in 6 seconds. Show that the acceleration of the object is (𝑑2 − 𝑑1 − 𝑢).

3. A particle is moving along the x-axis with a constant acceleration of 9 m/s2. At time t = 0, its
position is 24 m to the right of the origin and has a velocity of 5 m/s.
a) Find the position and velocity at t = 3 s.
b) Where does the object reach when the velocity calculated above doubles?

4. Train A and B are moving on parallel rails with a uniform speed of 65 kmh-1 in the same direction
with A ahead of B. The driver of B decides to overtake A. He accelerated the train at the rate of 2
m/s2. After 2 minutes, if the two drivers could see each other face to face, what was the original
distance between them? (Take 1 kmh-1 = 18 ms-1)

5. A car running at a speed of 81 kmh-1 is slowed down to 18 km/hr over a distance of 40 m. Calculate,
(Take 1 kmh-1 = 18 ms-1)

a) the retardation produced by the brakes

b) time for which brakes are applied

6. A train starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at a rate of 2 m/s2 for 10 seconds. It then
maintains a constant velocity for 40 s. On applying brakes, a train is uniformly retarded and stops
in 20 s. Calculate,
a) maximum velocity reached
b) retardation in last 20 secs
c) total distance travelled and the average velocity of the t

Sudheera Jayamanna

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