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University of Narowal

Project Proposal
Object-Oriented Programming


Shameer Ijaz (2022-UON-0431)

Samar Abbas (2022-UON-0425)

Mam Aimen Arif
Title: Hotel Management System

Problem Statement:
Hotel data management is challenging due to the large volume of
information, such as room availability, bookings, and customer
information. Manual tracking and management can lead to errors and


A hotel management system can help automate and simplify

hotel data management. This can free up staff time to focus on other
tasks, such as providing customer service. A hotel management
system can also help improve hotel data's accuracy and security.
Only a computer operator is required to use this system.

The objectives of this project are to create a hotel management system
that will:

• Create a system that will help hotels manage their data more
• Provide hotels with a system that will help them save time and
• Increase the efficiency of hotel operations.
• Improve the accuracy of hotel data by 90%.
• Develop a system that is secure and protects customer data.
• Help customers to get food early without getting in lines on the
Model Formulation:
The system will be developed by using cpp and object-oriented
programming with the following classes, objects, and their relations.

• Classes
➢ Rooms_Management
➢ Bookings_Managment
➢ Customer_Managment
➢ Billings
➢ Cafe_Management
➢ Food_Items
➢ Food_Payment
➢ Delievery_Service
➢ Report
➢ Payment
• Objects
➢ Rooms
➢ Bookings
➢ Customers
➢ Food_customers
➢ Report
➢ Payment
• Relation of the object with other objects
➢ Rooms and bookings: A room can be booked by a
➢ Customers and bookings: A customer can make multiple
➢ Bookings and payments: A booking can be paid for by a
➢ Food_customers and payments: The payment of food will
be done by customers.
➢ Reports and other objects: Reports will show the details
of bookings done by customers in a day and payments by
• UML Diagram

Features and functionality:

The system will have the following features and functionalities:

• Room management
• Booking management
• Customer Management
• Café Management
• Payments
• Reports

The system is developed using:

➢ Object-oriented programming.
➢ Visual Studio, C++.


The backend of the system is developed in C++.


Visual Studio, C++.

This project is done by Shameer Ijaz and Samar Abbas.

This hotel management system will be created by Shameer and Samar
with equal constribution in frontend and backend.

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