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Emmanuel C.


Answer the following questions:

1. What is home management?
2. Why is home management important?
3. What are the factors that affect home management?

1. Home management deals with the practical application of the principles of management to the
home. Home management is the administrative aspect of family living.
2. Home management is important in our home because it keeps our home properly maintain in a
good condition to make it a good habitable place. Effective home management well likely to
have less stress and struggles in paying finance expenses like bills and taxes and avoid interest
 Family Activities- this is one of the important factors in home management. Each
member of the family as well as children assigned a task by their parents in their home.
In here, the duties and the responsibility of every member of the family should be well
define and must be cleared to all of them. Children will have their daily routine or
schedule in their household chores.
 Planning- planning is also the factors that affects home management where a family
wants to set a goal to be attained. It is important to the family to identify goals as well as
the priorities must be first like paying family expenses like bills and taxes than other is
luxurious things. A family will also plan to set a goal in having a low usage or low
consume of energy and water.
 Organizing-Organizing is a key management function that helps achieve goals by
coordinating resources and activities. In home management, a family also must be
organized in all things. A family even children must be know the concept of needs vs
wants in order to the coordination of the different resources of management

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