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Emmanuel C.


1. What environmental issues and concerns move you and provoke you to action? What efforts
and practical steps do you do to influence others to take action?
For me the environmental issues and concerns that move me and provoke me to action is about
the Typhoon Paeng that we’ve experience in here in Southern Luzon last time. We experience a
severe flooding and strong rains that I’ve seen many garbages and plastics are drift at the height
of the flood that can cause of blocking canals. So, the efforts and practical steps do I do to
influence others to take an action is to throw my simple garbage or a piece of it in the right trash
can so that it doesn’t add to the flooding problem. And, I want to practice 3R’s to manage our
waste and to lessen of it and try to reduce our consumption of both energy and material goods.
2. Develop a personal definition of sustainability.
Sustainability is to maintain proper using of natural resources to its conditions and to take care
of it by protecting environment.
3. What personal greening initiatives would you propose to your own campus community, and
My personal greening initiatives would I propose to my own campus community, and
home is to encourage them to plant trees and having our own a vegetable garden that helps the
environment in so many ways. We all know the food we buy in the market have a pesticides and
chemicals and nowadays the commodities and the vegetables and fruits are so expensive. So,
building a vegetable garden without pesticides and chemicals in our community campus and to
our home is an effective way and improve also to the health of many learners by providing
nutritious food in the school canteen. And learners have the advantages to acquire knowledge in
gardening experiences to take care of our environment. Building a vegetable garden is also a
great way to teach us about the importance of utilizing whatever bounty the earth has provided
to its fullest and avoiding waste!

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