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Topic 1: education

today children can get so much information from the internet, so schols are no longer necessary
to what extent do you agree and disagree with this statement ?
OPEN 1 :
The rapid advances of the Internet have urshered in an era, wherein most, if not all, information is at our
fingertips. This has led some to believe that schools will soon be rendered obsolete. I disagree with this
thingking, believing schools will remain irreplaceable
One school of thought holds that schools will be replaces by the Internet, as children can access a wealth
of infrmation. While ackknowledging the reasons for this thinking, I would argue that schols will remain
They key rationale in that the internet provies children with innumerable learning resurces with with they
can easily self-study at home. For example, chidren can access a plethora of language- learning tutorials
on Youtube, so it is possible for them to pick up a new language without going to school. The same logic
can be applied to other subjects like maths and literature. Considering those factors, the belief that the
Ibterbet will make schools unecessary seems perfectly justifiable
Granted, detractors of retaining brick-and-mortar/ physical/ traditional schools often emphasize the
amount of information the Intenet can provide for children far exceeds that in any textbook. With this
resevoir of knowledge, thay say, children can easily self-study at home and no longer need to attend
school. Yet, herein lies the rub: not all online content is reliable, and unauthenticated information is
rampant on various virtual platforms. For young, impressionable mind, frequent expsure to fake news or
toxic perspectives can give rise to distorted worldview. This is why we still need schools, which employ
thoroughly verified knowledge as well as pedogogically well-trained teachers to interpret and deliver
infromation, forming solid foundation upon which pupils can erect their understanding
It should be noted that children can be overwhelmed by a sheer volume of online content that they might
not know where to start and what to do next. That being the case, their learning experience could be
extremely infrustrating. This is why we will still need school, where a structured learning environment,
coupled with support from teachers, can help students stay on track with their studies
Moreover, schools are not just a vehicle for transferring academic knowlegde, but also a mini-society
wherein children can develop socially. Through daily interactions with peers and teachers, children can
learn how to communicate, interact and behave in different social settings. This is an area where Internet
can hardly help children. If schools disappeared, these opportunities would be limited, and this would
likely to take a toll on children’s social development. This can be seen in the covid 19 lockdown period,
when children had to study remotely, and after returning to school, many of them were reeported to
experience social awkwardness in a face-toface setting. This example is a testament to the importance of
schools in developing children’s social skills
To summerize, I am totally against the notion that the Internet will marginalize the role of schools,
considering the significant contributions that latter makes to children’s well-rounded development

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