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Lesson Plan

Grade: 6
Class: 6A
Date: 20.06.2023
Duration: 40 minutes
Topic: Summer activities. Future Continuous Tense
Aims: to present and practise summer activities using Future Continuous Tense

New language: bungee jumping, fishing, kayaking, kite surfing, mountain biking, paragliding,
rock climbing, sailing, scuba diving, snowboarding, surfing, hiking
Useful phrases:
Ways to say I think:
I think
I reckon
In my opinion
As I see
If you ask me
I feel that
Example: In my opinion scuba diving is interesting.
Ways to say I like:
I like
I love
I adore
I enjoy
I fancy
I’m keen on
I’m fond of
I’m (really) into
I’m interested in
Example: I’m keen on swimming.
Materials: cards with useful language, worksheets, PowerPoint slides
Language competences: the students will be able to identify and use outdoor activities
vocabulary by expressing their opinions and likes
Aim: to greet students and get acquaintance
1) Writing the students’ names on the board ~ 3 minutes
2) Writing the date on the board (the students are supposed to answer some
questions) ~ 2 minutes
1. What is the date today? (day, date, month, year)
2. How is the weather like today?

Presentation and practice

Aim: to present and learn outdoor activities vocabulary
1) The students are supposed to name the summer activities they know.
2) Presenting new words. The learners will try to match outdoor activities to the pictures by
using useful language.
Bungee jumping, fishing, kayaking, kite surfing, mountain biking, paragliding, rock climbing,
sailing, scuba diving, snowboarding, surfing, hiking
Part 1. What do you think? What activity is A (the letter A)? ~ 8 minutes
Ways to say I think
I think
I reckon
In my opinion
As I see
If you ask me
I feel that
Example: In my opinion scuba diving is interesting.
Expected answer, for example: I think the letter A is swimming.

Part 2. What outdoor activities do you like? ~ 8 minutes

Ways to say I like:
I like
I love
I adore
I enjoy
I’m keen on
I’m fond of
I’m (really) into

Expected answer, for example: I’m keen on hiking.

Presenting new grammar. Future Continuous Tense

The students are supposed to do some worksheets to practise Future Continuous Tense.
Extra practice
Aim: to practise outdoor activities by acting out
1) Acting out outdoor activities: Bungee jumping, fishing, kayaking, kite surfing,
mountain biking, paragliding, rock climbing, sailing, scuba diving, snowboarding,
surfing, hiking ~ 3 minutes

Ending the lesson ~ 3 minutes

Saying good-bye and wishing a nice day.

Extension activity
Aim: to practise outdoor activities vocabulary by following instructions.
“Simon says” game
One person is Simon (can be a teacher or a student), and the other players follow Simon’s
instructions. Standing in front of the group Simon tells the players what they must do. The
players must obey all commands that begin with the words “Simon says”. If Simon says, “Simon
says touch your nose” then all players must touch their noses. However, if Simon says, “jump”
without saying “Simon says” first the players must not jump. If they do jump, that player is out
until the next game.

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