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Biology Unique Questions of Last 3 years (SSC Exams)

Q1. A species of grass named _____ is on the verge of Q13. Which of the following diseases is caused by
extinction due to its insensitivity towards Helicobacter pyroli?--> Gastritis

the environment. Hubbardia heptaneuron Q14. Which among the following birds impersonates the
calls of other birds to steal food?--> Drongo
Q2. Which of the following is NOT a type of
chromosome, on the basis of the location of the Q15. Tumours that normally remain confined to their
original location and do not spread to otherparts of the
centromere? Lophocentric body and cause little damage are called ______
Ztumours. Premalignant
Q3. Which of the following family of flowering plants is
zygomorphic (meaning a flower can be cut into two Q16. ______ is the study of the distribution and
equal halves only through a radius), bisexual and determinants of health-related states or events in
complete and whose calyx consists of five sepals?--> specified populations, and the application of this study
Fabaceae family to the control of health problems.--> Epidemiology

Q4. Which amino acid is essential for healthy skin and Q17. The lubricating fluid found between the two bones
teeth, as it is a component of tooth enamel, collagen and at a movable joint is called:--> synovial
elastin?--> Threonine
Q18. What is the term used for pollination by wind?-->
Q5. Which floating fern damages aquatic ecosystems by Anemophily
outgrowing and replacing native plants that provide food
and habitat for native animals and waterflow?--> Giant Q19. The human shoulder joint is an example of a______
salvinia joint.--> ball and socket

Q6. What is the name of a protein that polymerizes into Q20. ______ are the oldest living tree species on Earth.--
long chains or filaments that form microtubules, hollow > Bristlecone pines
fibres that act as the skeletal system for living cells?-->
Tubulin Q21. When the caterpillar is ready to enter the next stage
of its life cycle called ______, it first weaves a net to hold
Q7. Deficiency of which vitamin causes symptoms like itself.--> pupa
tingling in the tongue, anaemia,
Q22. Which of the following diseases is caused by a
white patches on the skin, mouth ulcers and shortness virus transmitted primarily by Aedes mosquitoes?-->
of breath?--> Vitamin B12 Zika fever

Q8. How is food stored in brown algae?--> In the form of Q23. Which of the following is another name for Vitamin
complex carbohydrates that may be in the form of K1?--> Phylloquinone
laminarin or mannitol
Q24. Which of the following is used as a substitute of
Q9. A balanced diet should meet the RDAs for an mercury in thermometers? Ans. Galinstan
individual. State the full form of RDA.-->
Q25. Which of the following virus causes influenza
Recommended Dietary Allowances disease?--> Mixovirus

Q10. Which of the following proteins is found in Q26. The Atrial wall of the human heart secretes a very
plasma?--> Albumin important peptide hormone. What is the name of that
hormone?--> ANF
Q11. In the movement of the tectonic plates when one
plate plunges beneath another it is called Q27. Which of the following eye disorders is known as
‘lazy eye’?--> Amblyopia
______.--> subduction
Q28. ______ is the inflammation of joints due to the
Q12. Swollen bluish veins resulting from the valves that accumulation of uric acid crystals.--> Gout
do not close properly are called ______.--> varicose
veins Q29. Anemophily refers to pollination by ______.--> wind

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