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#55 Miguel Villarica Rd. Prenza I, Marilao, Bulacan

As for my experience this semester, I learned various things in our Practical Research 3, E-
Tesda, and Culminating Activity. In Practical Research 3, the title is "The Main Factors
Affecting Employee Retention in Sterling Global Call Center, Marilao City, Bulacan." I learned
that being a call center agent is quite hard, and they developed some sort of burnout syndrome
that can result in feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion, an increased mental distance from
one job, and reduced professional efficacy. Therefore, it can be managed by prioritizing stress
reduction, offering management support, improving agent autonomy, incentivizing call center
agents, and improving call center training. Through my participation in E-Tesda, I gain an
understanding of every course that my teacher makes me answer, for example, "Performing Solid
Management in the Workplace." I learned that water bottles and glass containers should be
discarded in blue bins and paper cups in green bins. And "Receiving and Responding to
Workplace Communication" taught me how to talk in the workplace properly. Lastly, through
the culminating activity or seminar, I became aware that we should start a business in our early
20s, even a small one, because you need at least five years to make your business successful. It
was a "happy as a clam" experience, in my opinion, because I gained new knowledge that I can
use in the future and became a more respectful man because of that. Thank you for experiencing
this with me, ICP Marilao.

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