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Week: 16 Date of teaching:..........................................................................

Period: 31

Review 1
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will review talking about foods, insects, numbers,……
II. Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: class CDs, flashcards, TV.
III. Languages focus:
Vocabulary: Review
Structure : Review
IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

Step away lines
- Give each student a blank sheet of paper and ask them to draw  Teacher –
food ( banana, cookie, sandwich). whole class/
- Have students stand in two rows facing each other, so that each pair work
student has a partner in the opposite line.
5’ - Have each pair hold up their drawing pictures and say a sentence. E
g. ‘I want a banana.’ Each time the pairs complete their
sentences ,both partners take a giant step back and repeat the
sentences. Every time they do so, they will naturally need to speak
louder in order to be heard by each other.

20’ Slap
- Divide the class into five groups and have the students make five
lines.  Teacher –
- Place flashcards on the floor. whole class/
- Call out a number and have the first student of each line run to the
board and slap. Give one point for the student who slaps the
correct flashcard first.
- Arrange children into rows of at least six.
- Secretly show a flashcard to the first child in each group. This child  Teacher-
whispers the word to the child next to him/her. E. g. “ butterfly” whole class/
- Children continue whispering the word to the child next to them pair work
until the word reaches the final child.
- The final child says the word out loud, and the first child holds up
the flashcard to see whether it is correct.

 Teacher-
whole class/

Throw the dice  Teacher –
- Put children in pairs. Each pair has a die with the numbers 1–5. whole class/
5’ - Student A throws the die, student B asks, “ How old are you?”. pair work
- Student A looks at the number on the die he/she ‘s got and
answers: “I’m five.”

Chữ ký giáo viên

Hồ Thúy Dung
Phê duyệt của giáo viên chủ nhiêm Phê duyệt của BGH
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Week: 16 Date of teaching:............................................................................
Period: 32
Review 2
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will review talking about foods, insects,
II. Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: class CDs, flashcards, TV.
III. Languages focus:
Vocabulary: Review
Structures : Review
IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

Which Line.  Teacher –
- Put flashcards on the line whole class
- Students jump to each flashcards and say each word loud

New lesson
Pass the card  Teacher-
- Give student a card . whole class/
- Have students listen to music and pass the card. groupwork
- Stop music.
- Have the student with the card stand up and say the word
- Change the card and continue the game.
Quick flash  Teacher-
- Use the flashcards of a banana, a cookie and a sandwich that whole
students have learnt. class/
- Show each card very quickly and then hide it again. Ask the class to individuals
call out the word of the picture they have seen. Have students
make a sentence with that word.
- Stick three picture cards on the board in different places.
 Teacher –
- Have students slap pictures
- Have remain students give their ideas about their friends’ answers, whole class/
then teacher gives the correct ones. individuals

Chữ ký giáo viên

Hồ Thúy Dung
Phê duyệt của giáo viên chủ nhiêm Phê duyệt của BGH
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