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he Nile Empire is a magical realm, one

where ancient sorcery mixes with modern
knowledge to create pulp sorcerers. More
deliberative traditions in magic revolve around
the art of astrology. Mathematics investigates
the power of numbers and the cycles of the stars
and planets to predict the future. Engineers use
astrological alignments and arcane techniques to
study and build structures. Both of these traditions
are core parts of the Imperial bureaucracy, but
heroes are starting to use them against Mobius.

Mathematics is an ancient arcane tradition
developed during the Bronze Age of Terra but
faded after civilizations fell over 3,000 years ago.
With the rise of Doctor Mobius, Mathematics has
The ancient Egyptians believed there is powerful
magic in numbers, and they were right! Specifically,
they believed the numbers 2, 3, 4, and 7, as well as
their multiples and sums, had mystical properties.
Later, astrologers monitoring the motion of the
stars and planets discovered these heavenly bodies
reflected the power of numbers, and that fact could
be used to enhance predictions of the future.
Mathematicians are not just stuck thousands of
years in the past. Modern discoveries have enabled
new spells to be discovered. The discovery of
imaginary numbers led to the science of waves, and
mathematical spellcasters applied those discoveries
in a variety of ways. Spells like corporeal diffraction
and harmonic wave utilize waves in magical ways
that astound physicists.
The magical tradition of Engineering is related to
Mathematics. Early engineers realized pyramids fit
perfectly within the Mathematics paradigm, with
their four visible sides (2 squared), eight edges
(2 cubed), and five vertices (the sum of 2 and 3).
Additionally, pyramids with features aligned
with the stars’ positions at certain special times
of the year were found to have enhanced magical
properties. Later, spells developed for pyramids
were applied to other forms of buildings and
construction (but not natural caves).

Mathematics and Engineering are not very flashy
traditions. With a few exceptions, these spells’ effects AVAILABLE SPELLS
are not dramatic (ironic considering the reality).
However, Mathematics and Engineering spells Below are the spells a character with the Nile
have understated utility in predicting future events Mathematician Perk, Nile Engineer Perk, or
and investigating buried tombs in the Nile Empire, Supreme Sorcery Perk can choose.
dungeons in Aysle, and even buildings throughout
Core Earth and the other higher-tech realms. • Engineering: Alarm*, bullet*, calculate
weakness, detect magic*, detect traps, dispel
Most mathematicians and engineers come from magic*, entropy, map building, mage hands*,
Khem and the cosms Doctor Mobius invaded mage light*, magical trap, mechanical trap,
previously. Only a few are native to Core Earth (and neutralize traps, open lock*, pathfinder*.
even then have transformed). Most mathematicians
are loyal to Doctor Mobius, but a handful have • Mathematics: Armor*, calculate weakness,
turned away from the High Lord and now work contemplation, corporeal diffraction, detect
with the Delphi Council. magic*, dispel magic*, gain language*, haste*,
harmonic wave, one by four by nine, pathfinder*,
• Pulp Sorcery: Astral form, blue bands
Nile engineers cast spells and rituals that aid in of Bastet, figment, glamor, images of Isis,
the construction of buildings, monuments, bridges, invisibility*, phantasm
roadways, and railways. Most importantly,
engineers construct pyramids. These capabilities, *Detailed in Torg Eternity
while important to the background of the Nile
Empire, are not expected to be of interest to most
Storm Knights.
A bound spell may be cast by anyone with the
However, many buildings and tombs that are the appropriate skill who holds a was scepter attuned
settings of Nile Empire adventures were previously to the building. He doesn’t need to know the spell,
enhanced by engineers. Engineers create a “maat nor be able to actually cast magic spells normally—
matrix” which is an arcane energy field anchored the was scepter grants the holder the knowledge to
in the structure of the building. This creation is cast the spell while he holds it. Bound miracles can
not easy and requires the coordination of multiple be invoked by anyone with the faith skill who holds
engineers and a week of preparation. This maat a was scepter, but those who have faith in a religion
matrix effectively creates an enchanted item, it’s other than Amaatism are treated as unskilled and
just that the “item” is the size of a building. can only use their base Spirit.
After the maat matrix is established, spells and Those who do know a spell or miracle bound to a
miracles can be bound to the structure. Until recently, maat matrix are Favored when casting or invoking
only spells from the Mathematics or Engineering it as long as they wield an attuned was scepter.
traditions were bound to Nile Empire buildings. Traps created by a spell are made permanent if
However, with the exposure of other traditions of bound to a maat matrix.
magic, any spell that isn’t contradictory can be cast
into a maat matrix, including pulp sorcery spells
(but not those based on pulp powers) and spells
from other cosms. Miracles can also be infused into Many structures, including ruined tombs,
a maat matrix but only if they’re available to those “modern” buildings, and pyramids, display
who follow Amaatism (even if they’re not invoked huge spreads of hieroglyphics on their walls.
by an Amaatist priest). Once cast or invoked, All of these spreads tell legends and stories.
engineers spend a day binding the spell or miracle These stories may be of pharaohs, or heroes on
into the maat matrix. adventure, or about the owner or inhabitants of
the building. In addition to their intrinsic value,

when some Egyptian sorcerers learned how to
RITUALS AND ASTROLOGY fling lightning.
Sorcery was rediscovered on Terra shortly after
There are additional effects in the Mathematics Doctor Mobius began his conquests of other
and Engineering disciplines, as well as miracles realities. These modern spellcasters, now known
cast by Amaatist priests that extend beyond as pulp sorcerers, are flashy, not only through
what is listed here. Generally though, these the effects of their spells, but in their spellcasting
effects apply more to the background or the technique. Many pulp sorcerers frequently name
story, as opposed to being directly cast by their spells alliteratively, like renaming lightning
Storm Knights or their foes. Examples include to the shocking spell of silurius! (exclamation mark
enhancements to buildings, wards, death traps required). Furthermore, they yell the name of the
(as opposed to simple traps), and the powers of spell as they cast it (except for illusions).
Some pulp sorcerers discovered rituals that
Some rituals are only possible during certain expand their repertoire, much like weird science
alignments of the planets (such as the ritual gadgets can produce more advanced effects than
cast by the priests of Khem to resurrect the Nile Empire’s Tech Axiom allows. These rituals
Doctor Mobius), and these are better handled are pulp powers and are not cast in the same manner
in the Torg Eternity rules as a Dramatic Skill as arcane spells. The distinction is subtle though,
Resolution, as opposed to an actual spell entry. and few non-practitioners notice the difference.
The bottom line is the spells and miracles

detailed in this book should not be construed
as the limit of these traditions and rites.
Illusions are spells with a variety of forms, and
players can use them in many creative ways,
these stories, if bound into a maat matrix, can although details are determined by the specific
absorb the power of those stories in the form of spell cast.
Possibility Energy. That energy can be used to Game Masters are encouraged to allow player
empower spells and miracles, even by Ords, as creativity but have the authority to decline an
long as they wield an appropriately attuned was application of an illusion or apply additional
scepter. Difficulty Modifiers. The illusion should be simple
and believable.

PULP SORCERY Illusions have the following qualities:

Sorcery is an ancient magical tradition, one • Senses: Illusions affect viewers' primary
practiced at least as early as Terra’s Bronze Age, senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste)
but legends say sorcery was even more common in and can be perceived by anyone in the area.
an Age prior to that. Mindless creatures are affected by illusions,
as they still have senses, even if they have no
After the collapse of the Bronze Age civilizations, minds.
sorcery disappeared. Some reality scholars • Substance: Illusions 'appear' to have physical
speculate the Magic Axiom of Terra simply fell substance—bullets may appear to bounce off,
below the levels that support organized magic. or a person touching one may feel it— but they
However, with the rise of Doctor Mobius and are not truly concrete. For example, if someone
his acts to raise the Nile Empire’s Magic Axiom, walks onto an illusionary bridge, they will fall
sorcery has returned—in spades. through.
Ancient sorcery only produced effects which were • Damage: Illusions usually cannot cause direct
not especially flamboyant. The lone exception was physical damage, but can be used as part of an
a brief period near the end of the Bronze Age, interaction attack.

• Concealment: Illusions can provide
Concealment but not Cover.
• Difficulty Modifiers: Illusions cannot
move from place to place under normal Pyramids are special structures inherently
circumstances, but can do so if the spell is attuned to the harmony of the universe,
cast with a Challenging (-2) penalty. Specific especially when the pyramid’s sides are aligned
individuals or objects can be replicated by with certain planets at certain times of the year.
taking a Hard (-4) penalty to the spellcasting The unique numerological properties of its
test. physical form allow the pyramid to naturally
• Disbelieving: Unless otherwise stated, living be imbued with arcane and spiritual energy.
beings perceiving the illusion believe it unless They do not require maat matrices to be created
they interact with it in some manner (e.g. in order to bind spells and miracles to them,
touching or shooting it), or if an interaction or the maat matrix forms naturally within a few
physical attack made by the illusion misses the weeks after construction is complete.
target. To disbelieve the illusion, the character Additionally, pyramids naturally absorb
makes an evidence analysis or Mind test vs. the Possibility Energy. That absorption is increased
caster’s conjuration as a free action. If the caster when legends are written on the interior walls
is present the test becomes a contest. If multiple with hieroglyphics. The minimum size a
beings attempt to disbelieve the illusion at the pyramid needs to be is 40 meters on a side (the
same time, they may do so as a Combined Great Pyramid is 215 meters long).
Action. Once anyone disbelieves the illusion,
the illusion is broken and fades away.
or if the caster’s astral form or physical body is
NEW SPELLS subject to an effect like the banish miracle.
The hero can view the physical realm as if he
aSTral Form were physically present but cannot interact
Axiom Level: 10 with beings or objects present. However, he can
Skill: Alteration 16 interact with and be attacked by ghosts, spirits, or
Casting Time: 1 Action other immaterial entities. Any of his abilities not
DN: Hard (DN 14) connected to physical objects can be used in astral
Range: Self form, including inherent pulp powers, pulp sorcery
Duration: Concentration rituals, miracles, or spells. He can also attack using
Parallel to our physical existence is an immaterial unarmed combat. These abilities and attacks only
one, a realm of ghosts and spirits. Some of these affect immaterial beings. Invoking banish while
vengeful spirits, under a high enough Magic in astral form on an already immaterial foe has no
Axiom, can physically manifest and appear as effect.
demons. Skilled sorcerers have discovered a means Attacks that can affect ethereal beings work on the
to replicate this feat, but in the other direction. caster’s spirit for full effect.
When successfully cast, the sorcerer intentionally Success Levels:
separates his spirit from his physical body, and • Good: The character becomes invisible but
his body becomes helpless and inert, as if he were can become visible and speak to others in the
sleeping. The hero’s astral form is transparent, physical realm as a simple action. The caster
ethereal, and can fly as fast as he can run. The still cannot touch or otherwise physically
character remains connected to his physical body interact with any objects, but can make verbal
through a silver cord, and can travel up to one interaction attacks.
kilometer away. The spellcaster may instantly • Outstanding: As Good and the spellcaster
move back into his physical body as a free action. can travel any distance away (in the same realm
This also happens if the caster loses Concentration or cosm) from his body, and can travel to that

location instantly (though he must already be coNTemplaTioN
familiar with that location). Axiom Level: 6
Skill: Divination 12
Casting Time: 1 minute
Axiom Level: 14
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Skill: Conjuration 12
Range: Self
Casting Time: 1 Action
Duration: Instant
DN: Target’s dodge or Dexterity
To be able to cast this spell at all, the spellcaster
Range: 20 meters
must spend an hour quietly meditating on the
Duration: Concentration
universe. This can include studying astrological
The sorcerer yells out the name of this spell while
charts as part of the use of the Astrologer Perk. After
making circular motions with his fingers, causing
this preperation is complete, the Mathematician
glowing blue bands of energy to form and constrict
subconciously considers potential outcomes
around a single target (Multi-Targeting may not
which can be brought to the forefront by casting
be used). On a success, the target is Stymied and
contemplation once per scene until the next sunrise.
Vulnerable until the spell ends.
On a success, the Storm Knight may draw two
Success Levels:
new Destiny cards and then immediately discard
• Good: The target is restrained. To escape the
two cards.
target win a contest of Strength vs. the caster's
conjuration. A nonplayer character who casts this spell
• Outstanding: As Good but the duration successfully may reroll one test or contest during
increases to one minute, and the caster’s test to the rest of the scene, even a Mishap, as if they
keep the target restrained is Favored. played a Second Chance card.

calculaTe WeakNeSS
Success Levels:
• Good: The Storm Knight draws three cards
Axiom Level: 8 and then discards three cards. A nonplayer
Skill: Divination 12 character gets a +2 bonus to the reattempt.
Casting Time: 1 Action • Outstanding: The mathematician draws
DN: Standard (DN 10) three cards then discards two cards. Nonplayer
Range: Self characters get a +4 bonus to the reattempt.
Duration: Concentration
Calculate weakness is cast on one (and only one) corporeal DiFFracTioN
heavily armored opponent or an object, and allows Axiom Level: 14
the caster to find a weakness in the target's armor. Skill: Alteration 12
The spellcaster writes out a series of equations and Casting Time: 1 minute
informs his allies in hearing range the location of DN: Hard (DN 14)
the weak spot. If the caster is unable to write out Range: Self
the equations, he must do the calculations in his Duration: Concentration
head which makes it a Hard (DN 14) divination test. By calculating his own vibrational frequency, the
While this spell is active, the spellcaster allies may mathematician can decrease that frequency to a
make a Called Shot (-4 penalty). On a hit, the attack point he (and everything he is wearing) can pass
gains Armor Piercing 2. through spaces physically smaller than himself.
The spellcaster isn’t just able to pass through a
Calculate weakness cannot be cast again until the
single opening, but can pass through multiple
first casting ends.
openings like bars or a portcullis. On a success,
Success Levels: the mathematician can pass through openings 10
• Good: The hit gains AP4. centimeters across or larger.
• Outstanding: As Good and the attacker deals
This calculation is not simple and it does pose
the target an additional +1BD damage.
some danger. Concentration must be maintained

while passing through openings, and should and states a certain mathematical formula. If the
concentration fail, the spellcaster’s body is forcibly object is held by a character, the test is treated as a
ejected forward or backward through the opening Called Shot.
(whichever is closer). To avoid injury, the caster On a success, the object begins to rot or disintegrate.
must succeed at a Hard (DN 14) alteration test. On If the object is held by a character, actions using that
a failure, he takes one Wound. On a Mishap, he item have a –2 penalty, and damage is reduced by
takes 1 BD Wounds. These wounds may be soaked 2. If the object is armor, the bonus to Toughness is
normally. decreased by 2. At the end of the spell, the penalty
Success Levels: goes away.
• Good: The spellcaster can pass through If the object is not in anyone’s possession, it loses
openings one centimeter across or larger. 2 points of cover and Toughness each round.
• Outstanding: The mathematician may pass Once the object’s Toughness reaches zero, the
through an opening one millimeter across or object disintegrates into dust. Eternity Shards and
larger. Darkness Devices are not affected at all by this
DeTecT TrapS
Axiom Level: 10 Success Levels:
Skill: Divination 10 • Good: The penalties are increased to –4.
Casting Time: 1 minute • Outstanding: The object disintegrates unless
DN: Standard (DN 10) it is a magic item, sacred item, or mystical
Range: Self artifact.
Duration: 6 hours FigmeNT
The engineer touches the walls of an individual Axiom Level: 13
structure, and closes his eyes. For the duration, the Skill: Conjuration 10
engineer may use his divination skill to avoid traps. Casting Time: 1 Action
This spell does not detect traps that are the result DN: Standard (DN 10)
of a Cosm Card or deathtraps (thanks to the Law of Range: 50 meters
Drama). Casting Detect traps can only be attempted Duration: Concentration
on the same building once every six hours (even if The illusionist closes his eyes briefly and imagines
the casting fails). an object up to the size of a small house or a large
See page 114 for more information on traps. dinosaur. He then opens his eyes and motions
Success Levels: towards the target location. This spell creates an
• Good: The caster and nearby allies’ tests to illusion of a new object (see Illusions on page
avoid traps are Favored. 34). Figment cannot make something that already
• Outstanding: As Good and if a player has exists look like something else. If the caster wishes
a Cosm card that causes a trap to go off, that to create multiple objects, the Multi-Targeting rule
player may discard it for the full benefit. applies.
As long as the caster maintains concentration he
eNTropy can make the illusion change shape or state, such
Axiom Level: 10 as speaking, or moving its hands, etc. The illusion
Skill: Alteration 12 can be used as part of an interaction attack, but
Casting Time: 1 Action cannot do physical damage.
DN: Hard (DN 14) or target's dodge or Dexterity Success Levels:
Range: 50 meters • Good: The spell's duration is increased to 1
Duration: Concentration minute and interaction attacks made with the
The engineer points at an inanimate object or a part illusion are Favored.
of a larger object (such as the wheels of a truck) no • Outstanding: As Good and the interaction
larger than something a typical human can carry, attack may use the caster’s conjuration skill

instead of the interaction skill. The Repeated HarmoNic Wave
Actions restriction of the Multi-Action rule Axiom Level: 10
does not apply for this attack. Skill: Alteration 14
Casting Time: 1 action
glamor DN: Target’s dodge or Dexterity
Axiom Level: 13 Range: 10 meters
Skill: Conjuration 12 Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1 Action Mathematicians are familiar with the concept that
DN: Standard (DN 10) harmonics can amplify the power of anything,
Range: 50 meters even to the point of allowing something as light
Duration: Concentration as air destroy a bridge, simply by blowing at its
The caster closes his eyes and briefly imagines an harmonic frequency. Harmonic wave changes the
object up to the size of a giant or train locomotive harmonic frequency within an object or organism.
changes to appear to be something else (e.g. Mathematicians often joke, calling it “being on the
making a car look like a tree). He then opens his same wavelength as someone”.
eyes and motions towards the object in question,
The spellcaster motions with her fingers,
which then appears to be the new object.
starting with a single index finger, then both
This spell is an illusion (see page 34). It index fingers, then four, then eight before
cannot turn an object invisible, nor can it make pushing out with her hands at the target. The
an object appear that didn't exist previously harmonic wave causes 10 damage that ignores
(e.g. an intact bridge over a canyon). If armor.
the caster wishes to make multiple
Success Levels:
objects appear different, the Multi-
• Good: +1 BD damage.
Targeting rule applies.
• Outstanding: +2 BD damage.
The illusion cannot do physical
damage, but can be used as imageS oF iSiS
part of an interaction attack. Axiom Level: 14
Success Levels: Skill: Conjuration 14
• Good: The spell's Casting Time: 1 Action
duration increases DN: Standard (DN 10)
to 1 minute and Range: Self
any interaction Duration: Concentration
attacks made with Images of Isis is cast by the
the glamor are Favored. sorcerer making motions with
• Outstanding: As Good and the his hands and spinning around
caster may use his conjuration skill once. On a success, two nearly
instead of the interaction skill perfect illusory duplicates of the
when making an interaction caster appear and move into, out of,
attack. The Repeated Actions and around the caster like a huckster
restriction of the Multi-Action playing a shell game.
rule does not apply for this If an enemy succeeds in an attack,
attack. the attack randomly strikes one of
the illusions or the caster. If the
attack hits an image, it disappears.

TOTEN-THAH The individual images can

be included as targets for the
purposes of Multi-Targeting

or in an area effect attack. In this case, the normal • Cold Blast Trap
Multi-Targeting penalty applies. • Ennervate Trap
Success Levels: • Flameburst Trap
• Good: Three duplicates are created. • Lightning Trap
• Outstanding: Four duplicates are created and The engineer also chooses a trigger, which usually
the duration increases to one minute. is stepping on a spot or passing a threshold. The
result is a Standard (DN 10) trap. When triggered
map BuilDiNg the trap conjures the chosen effect, and then resets
10 seconds later.
Axiom Level: 12
Skill: Divination 14 An individual caster may only have three traps
Casting Time: 1 minute (magical and mechanical) active simultaneously.
DN: Standard (DN 10) When the spell ends, the trap disappears.
Range: Self Success Levels:
Duration: 6 hours • Good: The spell creates a Challenging (DN
The engineer touches the walls of a single 12) trap.
structure, closes his eyes and extends his senses
throughout the structure. The spell provides a • Outstanding: The spell creates a Hard (DN
vague description of the current level in his head 14) trap.
(e.g. “There’s a large room that way”), but does not
give any information about floors above or below. mecHaNical Trap
The spellcaster automatically detects any secret Axiom Level: 11
doors with stealth 10 or less when he is in line of Skill: Alteration 12
sight of them. Casting Time: 10 minutes
DN: Standard (DN 10)
Casting map building on a particular floor may Range: Touch
only be done once every six hours, even if the spell Duration: Until the next sunrise.
fails. Mechanical trap must be cast inside a structure or
Success Levels: one of its entrances, and the target location cannot
• Good: Any secret doors with stealth 14 or less be occupied by any creature. The engineer points
are detected when the spellcaster is in line of at the spot he wishes to trap, then motions, with
sight of them. a finger, equations involving motion and gravity.
• Outstanding: The spellcaster gets a roughly The spellcaster then chooses one of the following
accurate map of the entire building imprinted traps (see page 116):
in his mind. The GM can sketch the map, • Deadfall Trap
provide a copy of the actual map (if available), • Pit Trap
or be very lenient with guiding the spellcaster • Spike Trap
through the building. • Arrow Trap
• Poison Dart Trap
magical Trap The spellcaster also chooses a trigger, such as a
Axiom Level: 14 pressure plate, tripwire, or blocking a beam of
Skill: Conjuration 12 light. The materials in the structure, including the
Casting Time: 10 minutes floor, wall, or doors transform to form the chosen
DN: Hard (DN 14) trap. On a success the spell creates a Standard (DN
Range: 5 meters 10) trap.
Duration: Until the next sunrise.
This spell is cast upon an unoccupied location When the spell ends, the trap components return
within a structure or one of its entrances. The to the original shape or state. An individual caster
caster chooses one of the following magical traps may only have three traps (magical and mechanical)
(see page 116): active simultaneously.

Success Levels: This spell does not affect traps related to a Cosm
• Good: The spellcaster creates a Challenging card or affect deathtraps (thanks to the Law of
(DN 12) trap. Drama).
• Outstanding: The trap created is Hard (DN This spell cannot be cast on the same building
14). more than once every six hours, even if the casting
NeuTralize TrapS Success Levels:
Axiom Level: 10 • Good: If a player has a Cosm card related to
Skill: Alteration 12 traps, she may discard it for the full benefit.
Casting Time: 1 Minute • Outstanding: As Good plus once per scene,
DN: Standard (DN 10) the engineer may automatically succeed at a
Range: 10 meters Dramatic Skill Resolution step when solving a
Duration: 6 hours deathtrap.
The engineer touches the walls of an individual
building and closes his eyes. Until the end of the oNe By Four By NiNe
duration, the engineer may use his alteration skill Axiom Level: 9
to disable traps, and attempts to disable traps Skill: Alteration 10
are Favored. Even traps that cannot normally be Casting Time: 1 minute, must be cast at sunrise.
disabled may be attempted at Nearly Impossible DN: Standard (DN 10)
(DN 20).

Rama Tut is the master of the mystic arts.

Range: Self Unlike normal illusions, phantasms are partially
Duration: Until the next sunrise real, and can inflict physical, but non-lethal
Numbers have power, and one, four, and nine damage.
are the numbers one, two, and three raised to
the second power. This pattern is said to have No matter what form the illusion takes, once
cosmic significance, and is rumored to have been per turn the caster may attack with it as a simple
discovered by an early mathematician, Zarathustra. action, making a conjuration test against the target's
willpower or Mind. On a success the target takes 10
One by four by nine must be cast at sunrise, while damage that ignores armor. Good and Outstanding
vocalizing particular notes and drumming a Successes add bonus dice as usual.
particular beat. Only one attempt may be made to
cast per day. If an actual drum is used, the test is Success Levels:
Favored. • Good: The duration increases to 1 minute.
• Outstanding: As Good plus the phantasm
On a success, the mathematician can reduce the instead does a base 13 damage that ignores
impact of his misfortune until the next sunrise. armor.
When mathematician rolls a 1 on the first die
roll of any test, he rolls a die and adds it to 1. porTeNT
This second roll has a minimum of 4, similar to Axiom Level: 10
spending Possibilities. Any Mishap or Malfunction Skill: Divination 12
still takes effect, even if the test is a success. This is Casting Time: 1 action
an exception to the rule that a 1 always fails, and DN: Standard (DN 10)
the character can also spend Possibilities or play Range: Self
cards to further improve the result. If the Mishap Duration: Instant
causes a disconnection, it occurs after the test is The spellcaster thinks of a person, item, area, or
resolved rather than immediately. course of action, and receives an indication about
Success Levels: immediate fortune surrounding the situation.
• Good: If the second die roll is a 4 (and not Sometimes the flash of insight is so potent that the
just a lower roll that counts as 4), a third die is immediate future can even be altered slightly.
rolled and added to the total, with a minimum On a success, the mathematician may look at the
of 9. top card on the Drama deck and then return it to
• Outstanding: As Good, but a roll of 1 on any the top of the deck.
die roll during a test (including Up conditions
or Possibilities) starts the 1-4-9 sequence. Success Levels:
• Good: Two cards may be looked at and then
pHaNTaSm replaced in the same order.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of figment or glamor • Outstanding: Two cards may be looked at
Axiom Level: 14 and then one discarded and the other placed
Skill: Conjuration 14 back on top of the Drama deck.
Casting Time: 1 Action
DN: Hard (DN 14)
Range: 25 meters
Duration: Concentration
The caster closes his eyes briefly and creates a
mental image of a creature. He then opens his
eyes and motions towards a target location, and
an illusion (see page 34) based on the creature


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