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Basic Medical Vocab

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1. Trastorno Hemorragico Bleeding Disorder

2. Trastorno Sanguineo Blood Disorder

3. Esguince Sprain

4. Amigdalas Tonsils

5. Muestra de sangre / muestra san- Blood Sample


6. Deposicion Fecal Bowel Movement

7. Dolor Estomacal Stomachache

8. Sarampion Measles

9. Fast Ayunar

10. Ronchas Hives

11. Provider Proveedor

12. Nervio Oprimido Pinched Nerve

13. Distensión Muscular Strain

14. Medicamento de Venta Libre OTC Medication

15. Radiografia X-Ray

16. Sole of the foot Planta del Pie

17. Kneecap Rotula

18. Pap Smear Papanicolau

19. Prueba de Sangre Blood Test

20. Cast Yeso

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21. Wart Verruga

22. Mouth Sores Aftas / Postemillas

23. Medico de cabecera PCP (Primary Care Physician)

24. Foreskin Prepucio

25. Lice Piojos

26. Endoprotesis Stent

27. Cannula Canula

28. Imagen de Resonancia Magnética MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

29. Ictericia Jaundice

30. Dispositivo Auditivo Hearing Device

31. Feeling Down Decaido

32. Dientes de Leche Baby Teeth

33. Spine Columna Vertebral

34. Derrame Stroke

35. Bochornos Hot Flashes

36. Anticoagulante Blood Thinner

37. Bomba de Lactancia Breast Pump

38. Bilis Bile

39. Convulsiones Seizures

40. Heartburn Agruras / Acidez Estomacal

41. Pacemaker Marca Pasos

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42. Gripe / Influeza Flu

43. Nape Nuca

44. Syringe Jeringa

45. Soplo Cardiaco Heart Murmur

46. Sonograma Sonogram

47. Signos Vitales Vital Signs

48. Surtir Refill

49. Remision Referral

50. Prueba de Esfuerzo Stress Test

51. Proveedor de Atencion Medica Health Care Provider

52. Protector Bucal Mouth Guard

53. Procedimiento Ambulatorio Outpatient Procedure

54. Presion Arterial Blood Pressure

55. Prender Latch

56. Postrado en Cama Bedridden

57. Periodo Menstrual Menstrual Period

58. Partera Midwife

59. Pañal Sucio Soiled Diaper

60. Paladar Palate

61. Paciente Ambulatorio Outpatient

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62. Orzuelo Stye

63. Ombligo Navel

64. Obstetra Obstetrician

65. Llagas de Decubito Bed Sores

66. Retortijon Abdominal Cramp

67. Intravenosa IV

68. Ingle Groin

69. Calambre Cramp

70. Dosis Dosage

71. Donador Sanguineo Blood Donor

72. Dolores de Parto Labor Pains

73. Garganta Irritada Irritated Throat

74. Cucharadita Teaspoon

75. Sarpullido Rash

76. Parpado Eyelid

77. Gums Encias

78. Wound Herida

79. Cucharada Tablespoon

80. Ampolla Blister

81. Colico Period Cramp

82. Scab Costra

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83. Resfriado Cold

84. Pronostico Prognosis

85. Picazon Itch

86. Anticonceptivo Birth Control

87. Moretones Bruises

88. Bubbly Extrovertido/a

89. Flema Phlegm

90. Hisopos Cotton Swabs

91. Dolor / molestia Soreness

92. Dolor de Garganta Sore Throat

93. Garganta Rasposa Scratchy Throat

94. Boca del Estomago Pit of the Stomach

95. Muestra Sample

96. Recetar Prescribe

97. Revisar Check

98. Tragar Swallow

99. Sintomas Symptoms

100. Prueba de Laboratorio Lab Test

101. Dull Pain Dolor Sordo

102. Parto Natural Vaginal Delivery

Basic Medical Vocab
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103. Cesarea C-Section

104. Miscarriage Aborto Espontaneo

105. Abortion Aborto Inducido

106. Utero Uterus

107. Ginecologo Gynecologist

108. Tiroide Thyroid

109. Dolor Agudo Sharp Pain

110. Dolor Pulsante Throbbing Pain

111. Stabbing Pain Dolor Punzante / Perforante

112. Excruciating Pain Dolor Insoportable

113. Hormigueo Tingling

114. Entumecimiento Numbing

115. Swollen Hinchada

116. Coágulo de sangre Blood Clot

117. Analgesico Pain Killer

118. Fatty Liver Higado Graso

119. Runny Nose Escurrimiento Nasal

120. Via Respiratoria Airway

121. Nariz Tapada Stuffy Nose

122. Paperas Mumps

123. Sarna Scabies

Basic Medical Vocab
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124. Injury Lesión

125. Trastorno Disorder

126. Enfermedad Illness

127. Glucometro Glucometer

128. Chills Escalofrios

129. Jaw Mandibula / Quijada

130. Desgarre Muscular Muscle Tear

131. Resuello Wheezing

132. Vacuna de Refuerzo Booster Shot

133. Immunization Record Cartilla de Vacunacion


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