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On November 29, 2022, the Operations Club meeting (Invictus ops club) was held at Sona College of
Technology. The meeting was attended by members of the club, The meeting also had an honorable
chief guest, Dr. Selvaraj , He is former JD.

The meeting began with the president of the club welcoming everyone and introducing the agenda
for the meeting. The following topics were discussed during the meeting:

Introduction of the chief guest:

The club president introduced Dr. Selvaraj, who shared his experiences and insights on the
importance of Operations in organizations.

Recognition of event winners: The club recognized the winners of the two events conducted by
the club.

Winner: MONIKA S


Winner: RAGUL B

Runner up: SHALINI M

The winners were awarded certificates of appreciation for their participation and achievements.

Discussion on Operations trends:

The members had an insightful discussion on current operations trends and practices. The members
shared their perspectives and ideas on how operation can drive the growth of an organization.

The operation club meeting was a great success, with active participation from all the members and
an insightful talk by Dr. Selvaraj the club recognized the winners of the events and had a productive
discussion on operation trends and practices. The club looks forward to organizing upcoming events
successfully and providing a platform for the development of finance professionals.

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