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Academic Reading.

Methods and Approaches in language teaching


Word Translation Example

1. Accuracy Грамотность Accuracy is emphasized.
2. Approach Подход Earlier approaches to
foreign language study
used grammar as an aid
to the study of texts in a
foreign language
3. Basic proficiency Базовые навыки Once basic proficiency
was established,
students were
introduced to the
advanced study of
grammar and rhetoric.
4. Bilingualism Билингвизм Both from a
contemporary and a
historical perception
bilingualism or
multilingualism is the
norm rather than the
5. Classroom Процесс урока Technique is the level
procedure at which classroom
procedures are described.
6. Contemporary Современные методы This chapter, in briefly
methods reviewing the history of
language teaching
methods, provides a
background for
discussion of
contemporary methods
and suggests the issues
we will refer to in
analyzing these methods.
7. Curriculum Учебная программа Curriculum or
instructional objectives
for a particular course
would reflect specific
aspects of
competence according to
the learner's proficiency
level and communicative
8. Deductive Дедуктивная Deductive grammar is a
grammar грамматика distinctive characteristic
of this method.
9. Fluency Беглость The focus on fluency
and comprehensibility in
Language Teaching may
ca use anxiety among
10.Grammar- Грамматико- Grammar Translation
Translation переводной метод was the offspring of
method German scholarship
11.Grammatical Грамматическая It leads to inadequate
system of the система языка control of the
language grammatical system of
the target language.
12.Intellectual Интеллектуальные Latin was said to
abilities способности develop intellectual
abilities, and the study of
Latin grammar became
an end in itself.
13.Language of real Язык реальной Language of real
communication коммуникации / живой communication wasn’t
речи taught.
14.Language Освоение языка On the one hand are new
acquisition methods that have been
developed independently
of current linguistic and
second language
acquisition theory
15.Language program Языковая программа / Choice of teaching
Программа языка approach or method,
materials, and learning
activities is usually made
within the context of
language program design
and development.
16.Learning Эффективность It was organized to
efficiency обучения maximize teaching and
learning efficiency.
17.Learning objective Задача обучения To create an effective
curriculum you must take
into account learning
18.'Mental gymnastic' Умственная гимнастика It describes approaches
/ Ментальная зарядка and methods according to
their underlying theories
of language and language
learning; the learning
19.Method Метод Method is an overall
plan for the orderly
presentation of language
material, no part of
which contradicts, and
all of which is based
upon, the selected
20.Multilingualism Мультилингвизм Multilingualism is the
norm rather than
21.Native language Родной язык The emphasis on
memorization of
vocabulary pairs - a
target language item and
its native language
translation - suggests a
view of language in
which lexis is central
and in which lexical
translation rather than
contextualization is
22.Communicative Коммуникативная Curriculum or
competence компетентность instructional objectives
for a particular course
would reflect specific
aspects of
competence according to
the learner's proficiency
level and communicative
23.Proliferation of Увеличение методов The proliferation of
methods approaches and methods
is a prominent
characteristic of
contemporary second and
foreign language
24.Prompt Быстрые инновации
25.Standard Стандарт Students are expected to
attain high standards in
26.Syllabus Учебный план A syllabus was
followed for the
sequencing of grammar
points throughout a text
27.Target language Целевой язык / Язык Classroom instruction
перевода was conducted
exclusively in the target
28.Technique Техника What teaching
techniques and activities
work best and under
what circumstances?
29.Textbook compiler Составитель учебника Nineteenth-century
textbook compilers were
mainly determined to
codify the foreign
language into frozen
rules of morphology
and syntax.
30.Underlying theory Основная теория The underlying theory of
this method was
described in the book.

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