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Skill What I would do What I would do differently How I would do it

I would do this by creating a culture of

I would treat all interpreters with I would go beyond simply being polite open communication and feedback,
dignity and consideration, regardless and respectful to interpreters. I would and by providing interpreters with
Respect of their position, background, or actively listen to their concerns and opportunities to learn and grow. I
beliefs. I would listen to their ideas, ideas, and I would work to create a would also be open to new ideas and
value their contributions, and give work environment where they feel perspectives, and I would be willing to
them the opportunity to grow and comfortable sharing their thoughts change my own mind if I was
develop. and feelings. presented with new information.

I would strive to understand the I would go beyond simply I would do this by providing
perspectives and needs of interpreters understanding the technical aspects interpreters with opportunities to
Comprehension by listening to them openly and of interpreting. I would also try to share their experiences, and by
honestly, and by trying to see things understand the emotional and listening to them with an open mind. I
from their point of view. psychological demands of the job. would also be willing to offer support
and guidance to interpreters who are

I would show empathy for interpreters I would go beyond simply being I would do this by being available to
by being supportive and sympathetic to interpreters. I would interpreters when they need to talk,
Empathy understanding when they are going try to feel what they are feeling, and I and by offering them resources and
through difficult times, and by would offer them practical help and support services. I would also be
celebrating their successes. support. willing to go the extra mile to help
interpreters succeed.
I would do this by creating a culture of
I would promote diversity by creating I would go beyond simply tolerating inclusion and belonging, and by
a workplace where everyone feels diversity. I would actively celebrate it, providing opportunities for everyone
Diversity welcome and respected, regardless of and I would use it as a strength to to learn about and appreciate
their differences. improve the workplace. different cultures and perspectives. I
would also be willing to challenge my
own biases and assumptions.

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