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I hate comparing things… Because ever since I became more matured, I have
realized that life is all about contentment. I am always keeping in my mind that I am
with a great family, still waking up in a nice and comfortable place, have enough
clothes to wear and foods to eat every day. I am very thankful for what I have
because even though I don’t receive that much, I still appreciate the little things I
have. I remember what my mom told me when I was younger, that even though my
shoes are not like hers, my clothes are not like his and my lifestyle is not like theirs,
I’m still lucky that I am still complete, a feet to put my shoes on, a body to put my
clothes on and a simple but happy life. If you learn how to be contented, it is the time
you’ll realize how lucky you are.
As I have seen the people, my classmates visited last Alay sa Belen, I felt sad
and guilty because I thought about how I complain about my life sometimes and
there are things that I don’t give importance to that I didn’t know others needed it
Starting this day, I will be more thankful for all the blessings I will be receiving
no matter how big or small it is. People may think I don’t have it all, but as long as I
am satisfied on what I have, I consider myself as lucky… Always remember: You
may not have what you want, but you will always have what you need.

Soriano, Paula Angela Maria S.


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