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Semestre Febrero 2019 – Julio 2019 Módulo 3

Prueba de Evaluación continuada – PEC3. Solución

I. Short answer questions (maximum half page per question)

1. How are the characteristics of race or belonging to an ethnic minority group related to female
Pages 14 & 15, Specific Topics.
2. Why some human trafficking victims are prosecuted as criminals?
Pages 36 & 37, Specific Topics.
3. Does the difference in definitions of rape influence the estimates and reports? If so, why and how?
Page 29, Specific Topics.
4. The United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners (The Bangkok Rules) set of several
rules focused on the treatment of female offenders and prisoners. Explain the relevance of The
Bangkok Rules and describe at least two rules.
Pages 19 & 20, Specific topics.

II. Applied question (maximum 2 pages)

5. According to FRA (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights) survey on violence against women in
EU (2014), an estimated 3.7 million women in the EU have experienced sexual violence in the course of 12
months before the survey interviews. One in three women (33%) has experienced physical and/or sexual
violence since she was 15 years old. Regarding the consequences of violence, women reported that when
talking about the most serious incident of sexual violence, their emotional responses at the time were
mostly those of fear, anger and shame about what has happened to them. In total, victims reported the
most serious incident of partner violence to the police in 14% of cases and the most serious incident of non-
partner violence in 13% of cases. (
a) Reflect on the extent of violence against women and explain some of the difficulties for
addressing intimate partner violence correctly.
b) Look at the Daphne toolkit -An active resource from the European Commission’s Daphne
Programme- ( )
Search for one project that has contributed to prevent and combat violence against women in
Europe and summarize its main characteristics and results (Include the name, reference number and
link of the project).

Para responder satisfactoriamente a esta pregunta, el estudiante debe reflexionar sobre las implicaciones de
la violencia contra las mujeres a partir de los datos de la encuesta de FRA. Para responder correctamente, a)
incluya contenido de las secciones del módulo de temas específicos relacionados con la violencia de género,
como las páginas 26, 32 y 34. B) reflexione sobre las dificultades para abordar, prevenir y combatir la violencia
contra las mujeres (VAW) . Para hacerlo, los estudiantes pueden explicar el desafío de las víctimas para
denunciar, las barreras de las variaciones de las leyes entre los países, las consecuencias para las víctimas, la
normalización histórica de este tipo de violencia (entre otros, en el módulo 3, temas específicos). Por último,
C) Deben consultar la herramienta del programa Daphne y buscar al menos un proyecto de investigación o
intervención desarrollado en el marco del programa marco Daphne que haya contribuido a prevenir la VCM, y
deben describir en qué consistió el proyecto y qué ha logrado.

Evaluation criterio

A) Score

1) Short questions: 6 points (1.5 each question)

2) Applied question: 4 points

B) Criteria

In order to score both the different sections and the overall assessment of the test, the following criteria will
be considered:

1) Level of the argumentation that supports the answer (above the answer itself).
2) Capacity for conciseness in the response and clarity in the presentation of ideas. The fact of extending
more than necessary to express the same idea can be penalized, including several ideas with the aim of
covering with one or the other what is asked, etc. All these practices may involve not overcoming the
exercise even though the correct answer can be found in the whole written text.
3) Expression and academic language.
4) Presentation.
5) It is necessary to highlight and clearly differentiate the exhibition referred to "concepts" of the referred to
"reflection" and/or "examples". We recommend you highlight (for example, using the bold letters) the basic
concepts that you contribute to the answer.
6) The evidence of having consulted complementary materials on the student's own initiative will be taken
into account, provided that the answer is of a higher quality and is adequately supported and referenced.

C) Penalties
It may be penalized:
* The unclear presentation of the exercise.
* The exceeding of the indicated space limit.

Semestre febrero 2019 – julio 2019 2

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