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Influence of the Sports Participation to the Academic Performance of Student Athletes

A Qualitative Research Paper

In Partial fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Subject

Research in Daily Life I


Gian Carl C. Eluriaga

Almer John F. Subiera

Kyle Joshua G. Nono

Real Ryan N. Abarcar

Clodine A. Arimas

Krisha Jane Ejar

MJ P. Tabiano

Grade 11- Rose

General Academic Strand (GAS)

Leah Carla C. Lebrilla

Research Adviser

Certificate of Acceptance

This qualitative research study entitled “Influence of the Sports Participation to the

Academic Performance of Student Athletes” prepared and submitted by Gian Carl C. Eluriaga,

Almer John F. Subiera, Kyle Joshua G. Nono, Real Ryan N. Abarcar, Clodine A. Arimas, Krisha

Jane Ejar, and MJ P. Tabiano, in final fulfillment of the requirements for Research in Daily Life

1 in Senior High School for school year 2022-2023 is hereby accepted.

Research Adviser/ Teacher III
Date signed:_______________

_______________________ ________________________
Grammarian/ Teacher II Grammarian/ Teacher II
Date signed:__________ Date signed:_____________

Senior High School Coordinator/ Master Teacher I
Date signed:_______________

Principal II
Date signed:_______________

Title of the Page Page

Certificate of Approval i

Acknowledgement ii

Table of Contents iii

Chapter 1. Introduction 1

Background of the Study 2

Statement of the Problem 3

Significance of the Study 4

Definition of Terms 5

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 6

Chapter 2. Review of Related Literature 7

Classroom Management Strategies 8

Behavior Management Techniques 9

Teacher-student Relationship 10

Student Engagement and Participation

Professional Development for Teachers


Chapter 3. Methodology 11

Research Design 12

Participants and Research Locale 13

Data Gathering Instrument 14

Data Collection Method 15

Data Analysis Procedures

Chapter 4. Results and Discussion 16

Preparation of Teachers 17

Teachers` Expectations 18

Anxious and Nervous 19

Chapter 5. Conclusions and Recommendations 20

Conclusions 21

Recommendations 22

List of References 23

List of Appendices 24

Appendix A. Letter of Approval from the School Head 25

Appendix B. Letter of Consent to the Participants


Chapter one consists of five parts, 1) Background of the Study, 2) Statement of the

Problem, 3) Significance of the Study, 4) Definition of Terms, and 5) Scope and Delimitation of

the Study.

Part one, Background of the Study, presents the introduction and rationale of the research


Part two, Statement of the Problem, states the general and specific problems or questions

that the researchers attempted to find answer.

Part three, Significance of the Study, cites who can benefit and benefits that may derived

from the result of the study.

Part four, Definition of Terms, gives the conceptual and operational definition of terms in

the study.

Part five, Scope and Delimitation of the Study, sets the inclusive limits of the study.
Background of the Study

School sports refer to athletic programs that take place within the school setting,

primarily involving interschool competition at the middle/senior high school and high school

levels. These programs allow student athletes to participate in various sports and are often

organized as an annual multi-level national scholastic athletic competition conducted by the

Department of Education (DepED). This competition is participated in by elementary and

secondary students from both public and private schools and serves as the culmination of sports

activities in the Philippine school system. These activities start with local school intramurals and

progress to district, division, and regional athletic meets.

The involvement of senior high school student athletes in sports may affect their

academic achievement due to the time constraints they face in managing their sport training

schedules and academic requirements. While sports participation can motivate student athletes to

strive harder, raise their scholastic ambitions, and maintain school attendance, several studies

have shown that it has both positive and negative influences on academic performance. On the

positive side, sports participation can improve time management skills as student athletes are

required to balance their academic and athletic commitments. These skills can be transferred to

other aspects of their lives, enhancing their academic motivation. Student athletes are often

highly motivated to succeed in their sports, and this motivation can translate into their academic

work as well. However, there are also negative influences associated with sports participation,

such as the challenge of balancing academic and athletic commitments, which may lead to stress

and anxiety. This can impact academic performance, especially if students are unable to
effectively manage their time. Additionally, the pressure to perform well in both sports and

academics can create academic development challenges for student athletes.

Furthermore, sports and physical activity contribute to the development of mental and

physical alertness among students, as highlighted by Mortecalbo, Ignacio, et al. (2017). Mentally

and physically alert student athletes tend to perform better academically. Participating in sports

also allows student athletes to learn valuable life skills such as cooperation, leadership, and time

management, which they can apply to their sport participation. This involvement in sports also

helps develop a positive attitude towards self-improvement, discipline, goal-setting, and better

physical and mental health. Improved mental and physical well-being through sports

participation can positively impact academic performance. unable to attend classes or complete

assignments due to injury or recovery time.

Considering the complex and varied influences of sports participation on the academic

performance of student athletes, it is crucial to conduct research on the specific factors that

contribute to these relationships. The research study aims to examine the effects of sports

involvement on academic performance and identify strategies to optimize the educational

experience of student athletes. By exploring these dynamics, the study seeks to provide valuable

insights to educational institutions, policymakers, and stakeholders involved in student athletics,

ultimately promoting the overall well-being and success of student athletes.

Statement of the Problem

Student athletes may face challenges when it comes to academic achievement. Balancing

the demands of sports and schoolwork can be difficult, leading to potential struggles with stress

and time constraints. Furthermore, some coaches may prioritize athletic performance over
academic performance, which could negatively affect students' success while participating in

sports. In order to address these challenges, it is crucial to provide student athletes with the

necessary support and resources that can help them succeed academically and achieve their

athletic and academic goals.

The current study titled "Influence of Sports Participation on the Academic Performance

of Student Athletes" aims to investigate the impact of sports involvement on the academic

performance of student athletes and explore the factors that contribute to this relationship. The

study will examine the challenges faced by student athletes in managing their academic

workload alongside their athletic commitments. It will also explore the role of coaches in

influencing students' academic performance and the extent to which academic support is

provided to student athletes.

The research will be guided by the following research questions:

1. What are the challenges faced by student athletes in balancing their academic workload

with their sports commitments?

Significance of the Study

Student Athletes. The primary beneficiaries of this research are student athletes

themselves. By understanding the impact of sports participation on academic performance,

student athletes can gain insights into the challenges they may face and develop strategies to

overcome them. The findings of this study will highlight the importance of balancing academic

and athletic commitments and emphasize the need for adequate academic support.

Coaches and Teachers. Coaches and teachers play a crucial role in the holistic

development of student athletes. This study will raise awareness among coaches about the

potential impact of their emphasis on athletic performance over academic performance. By

recognizing the importance of balancing both aspects, coaches can create a supportive

environment that encourages student athletes to excel academically. Improved communication

and collaboration between coaches and teachers can facilitate the development of tailored

strategies to meet the academic needs of student athletes.

Parents. parents can gain insight on how participation in sports may affect their child’s

academic performance. Parents should show responsive and sensitive to their child social

emotional and intellectual development needs.

School. By recognizing the challenges faced by student athletes and understanding the

role of coaches in prioritizing academic success, institutions can develop targeted support

programs. These may include academic tutoring, study halls, flexible scheduling, and effective

communication channels between coaches and teachers. Implementing these measures can

promote a conducive learning environment for student athletes and support their academic


Future researchers. The study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the

influence of sports participation on the academic performance of student athletes. It may inspire

further research in related areas, such as the specific effects of different sports on academic

achievement or the long-term impact of sports involvement on career development.

Definition of Terms
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study titled "Influence of Sports Participation on the Academic Performance of

Student Athletes" aims to explore the lived experiences of student-athletes and their perceptions

of how sports participation influences their academic performance. The research will be

conducted among the junior and senior high school student-athletes enrolled in Remedios E.

Vilches-San Lorenzo, Guimaras for the school year 2022-2023. The participants will be

randomly selected from all sports categories within the school.

The scope of this study is limited to the specific context of Remedios E. Vilches-San

Lorenzo, Guimaras, and its student-athletes. By focusing on a particular school, the study aims to

provide an in-depth understanding of the experiences and perspectives of student-athletes within

that setting. However, it is important to acknowledge certain delimitations that may impact the

findings and generalizability of the study.

It is essential to acknowledge these limitations and recognize that the findings of this

study may provide valuable insights into the experiences of student-athletes within the specific

context of Remedios E. Vilches-San Lorenzo, Guimaras. However, caution should be exercised

when applying these findings to other educational settings or making broad generalizations about

the relationship between sports participation and academic performance.


Review of Related Literature

This chapter is divided into five parts: 1) Impact of sports participation on academic

achievement, 2) Balancing sports and academics, 3) Role of coaches and educators, 4)

Educational interventions and best practices, and 5) Summary.

Part one, Impact of sports participation on academic achievement. This topic

willinvestigate the various ways in which sports participation can influence student athletes'

academic achievement, including both positive and negative effects.

Part two, Balancing sports and academics. This topic will focus on the challenges student

athletes face in managing their time and responsibilities between sports and academics. It will

explore the impact of time constraints, stress, and competing commitments on their academic


Part three, Role of coaches and educators. This topic investigates how coaches' priorities

and expectations, as well as the support and guidance provided by educators, can shape student

athletes' academic outcomes.

Part four, Educational interventions and best practices. This topic explores strategies such

as time management techniques, goal setting, academic mentoring, and customized academic

plans to support student athletes in achieving their athletic and academic goals.

Part five, Summary, cites the conclusion that the literature reviews have stated.
Impact of Sports Participation on Academic Achievement

Sports participation among students has been a topic of interest in educational research,

particularly in understanding its impact on academic achievement. This literature review aims to

explore previous studies and research conducted between 2013 and 2023 that have examined the

relationship between sports involvement and academic performance. It investigates the various

ways in which sports participation can influence student athletes' academic achievement,

encompassing both positive and negative effects.

Positive Effects of Sports Participation on Academic Achievement

Numerous studies have suggested positive associations between sports

participation and academic achievement. Student athletes often develop valuable skills

and traits through sports that can positively impact their academic performance. For

instance, Rizzolatti, Naccari, and Orsini (2016) found that sports participation enhanced

time management skills, leading to better academic outcomes. Student athletes, by

balancing their athletic and academic commitments, developed effective time

management strategies that improved their ability to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines.

Furthermore, sports involvement has been linked to improved cognitive

functioning and academic motivation. A study by Eime et al. (2013) demonstrated that

participation in organized sports positively influenced students' attention, concentration,

and memory, thereby facilitating better academic performance. Additionally,

extracurricular sports participation has been associated with increased self-esteem and

self-confidence, which can contribute to higher levels of academic engagement and

achievement (Metzler, 2017).

Moreover, participating in sports can foster discipline and goal-setting abilities

that transfer to academic pursuits. Burt, Leech, and Tyler (2013) found that student

athletes demonstrated higher levels of self-discipline and goal-directed behavior, enabling

them to set and achieve academic goals more effectively. The dedication and

perseverance required in sports translate to improved academic work ethic and


Negative Effects of Sports Participation on Academic Achievement

While sports participation often yields positive outcomes for academic

achievement, certain challenges and negative effects have also been identified. Balancing

the demands of sports and academics can lead to time constraints and stress, potentially

impacting student athletes' ability to excel academically (Barber, Eccles, & Stone, 2018).

The pressure to perform well in both sports and academics can result in decreased time

for studying and completing assignments, ultimately affecting academic achievement

(Bowman & Rogerson, 2018).

Moreover, the prioritization of athletic performance over academic performance

by coaches or educators can have negative consequences. Studies have indicated

instances where coaches may emphasize sports achievements at the expense of academic

commitments, leading to compromised academic outcomes for student athletes (Merkel,

2013). This imbalance in priorities can hinder student athletes' academic progress and

diminish their overall achievement.

Balancing Sports and Academics

Student athletes often face unique challenges when it comes to balancing their time and

responsibilities between sports and academics. The demands of rigorous training schedules,

competitions, and travel can place significant constraints on their available time for studying and

completing academic requirements. This literature review aims to explore the impact of

balancing sports and academics on student athletes' academic performance and the role of

coaches and educators in shaping their outcomes.

Balancing Sports and Academics

Time Constraints and Academic Performance: One significant challenge student

athletes encounter is the limited time available for academic pursuits due to their sports

commitments. Numerous studies have indicated that time constraints resulting from

sports participation can have a detrimental effect on academic performance (Valois et al.,

2015; Brown et al., 2017). These time limitations may lead to increased stress, fatigue,

and difficulty in managing coursework, resulting in lower grades and reduced academic

achievement (Wassenaar et al., 2018; Eys et al., 2020). The study by Gerber et al. (2019)

found a negative association between training hours and academic achievement among

adolescent athletes.

Stress and Psychological Well-being

The pressure to excel in both sports and academics can contribute to elevated

stress levels among student athletes, further impacting their academic performance. The

study by Trottier et al. (2017) highlighted that high levels of stress experienced by
student athletes were associated with increased anxiety, reduced motivation, and poorer

academic outcomes. Similarly, Al-Yaaribi et al. (2016) found a significant negative

correlation between stress levels and academic achievement among collegiate athletes.

Competing Commitments and Time Management

Effectively managing competing commitments is crucial for student athletes.

Developing strong time management skills becomes essential to balance training,

competitions, and academic responsibilities. Studies have shown that effective time

management positively influences academic performance among student athletes

(McMahon et al., 2014; Shapiro et al., 2017). The ability to plan and prioritize tasks,

establish study schedules, and utilize support systems can help student athletes achieve

success both academically and athletically.

Role of Coaches and Educators

Coaches' Priorities and Expectations: Coaches play a crucial role in shaping

student athletes' experiences and outcomes. However, conflicting priorities and

expectations between coaches and educators can impact students' academic performance.

Some coaches may prioritize athletic success over academic achievements, creating

additional pressure on student athletes to excel in sports at the expense of their studies

(Spray et al., 2019). This imbalance may contribute to a lack of support and resources for

academic success.
Educators' Support and Guidance

The support and guidance provided by educators are vital in helping student

athletes succeed academically. Studies have emphasized the importance of effective

communication and collaboration between coaches and educators to ensure the holistic

development of student athletes (Perna et al., 2013). Encouraging open lines of

communication, establishing academic support systems, and providing flexible

scheduling options can alleviate the challenges faced by student athletes in balancing

sports and academics (Wade et al., 2016).

Role Of Coaches and Educators

The role of coaches and educators in the lives of student athletes extends beyond the

athletic realm. Coaches and educators have the potential to significantly influence student

athletes' academic performance through their priorities, expectations, support, and guidance. This

literature review aims to explore the impact of coaches and educators on student athletes'

academic outcomes and shed light on the various factors that shape this relationship.

Coaches' Priorities and Expectations

Coaches play a pivotal role in the lives of student athletes, and their priorities and

expectations can greatly influence academic performance. Research suggests that some

coaches prioritize athletic success over academic achievement, creating a potential

imbalance that hampers students' academic pursuits (Fletcher, 2017; Fahlberg &

Tenenbaum, 2013). This emphasis on sports performance can lead to added pressure on

student athletes to prioritize their athletic commitments, potentially compromising their

academic progress (Barnett et al., 2017). Additionally, coaches who perceive academic

success as secondary may not provide adequate support or encouragement for academic

endeavors (Gilbert et al., 2018).

Coaches' Role in Academic Support

Despite the challenges, some coaches recognize the importance of academics and

actively contribute to the academic success of their student athletes. They provide

guidance, establish routines, and promote effective time management strategies (Liang &

McGregor, 2019). Coaches who prioritize academics create an environment that fosters

academic achievement and work collaboratively with educators to support student

athletes' educational pursuits (Potrac et al., 2019). These coaches recognize the

significance of balancing sports and academics and provide the necessary resources and

support systems for student athletes to thrive academically (Smoll et al., 2014).

Educators' Support and Guidance

Educators, including teachers and academic advisors, play a crucial role in

shaping student athletes' academic outcomes. Effective communication and collaboration

between educators and coaches are essential for facilitating the holistic development of

student athletes (Wuerth et al., 2017). Educators who actively engage with student

athletes and provide tailored academic support contribute to their academic success (Adie

et al., 2017). They understand the unique challenges faced by student athletes and provide

flexibility in assignments, exam schedules, and class attendance policies (Hancock &

Adler, 2013). Additionally, educators who establish open lines of communication with
coaches can ensure that academic and athletic demands are appropriately balanced for

student athletes (Bentley et al., 2017).

The Influence of Coach-Educator Collaboration

Collaboration between coaches and educators is crucial for student athletes'

academic success. Coaches and educators who work together to create an environment

that values both athletic and academic achievements can significantly impact student

athletes' outcomes (Gleeson et al., 2020). Open lines of communication enable coaches

and educators to monitor student athletes' progress, address challenges, and provide

necessary support (Ntoumanis et al., 2013). Collaborative efforts can lead to the

implementation of academic support programs, such as tutoring, study halls, and flexible

scheduling, which contribute to student athletes' academic achievements (González-

Víllora et al., 2015).

Educational Interventions and Best Practices

Coaches and educators play a critical role in influencing the academic performance of

student athletes. This literature review aims to explore the impact of coaches' priorities and

expectations, as well as the support and guidance provided by educators, on student athletes'

academic outcomes. Additionally, this review will discuss educational interventions and best

practices that aim to enhance the academic performance of student athletes.

Coaches' Priorities and Expectations

Coaches have a significant influence on student athletes' academic performance through

their priorities and expectations. Research suggests that coaches who prioritize both
athletic and academic success contribute positively to student athletes' academic

outcomes (Eisenmann, 2014; Clark et al., 2019). When coaches emphasize the

importance of academics, student athletes are more likely to allocate appropriate time and

effort to their studies (Guedes et al., 2017). Conversely, coaches who prioritize solely on-

field performance may unintentionally undermine student athletes' academic success

(Sagar et al., 2015). It is crucial for coaches to recognize the long-term benefits of

academic achievement and foster a supportive environment that values both athletic and

academic goals.

Educators' Support and Guidance

Educators, including teachers, academic advisors, and tutors, play a crucial role in

supporting student athletes' academic success. Effective support and guidance from

educators can positively influence student athletes' academic outcomes (Yamazaki et al.,

2013). Educators who provide tailored academic support, such as study skills training,

time management techniques, and goal-setting strategies, can help student athletes

balance their athletic and academic commitments (Griffith et al., 2016; Stover et al.,

2020). Furthermore, personalized academic plans, academic mentoring, and regular

communication between educators and student athletes have been shown to enhance

academic performance and overall well-being (Leicht et al., 2014; Suppiah et al., 2017).

Educational Interventions and Best Practices

To promote the academic success of student athletes, various educational

interventions and best practices have been implemented. These interventions focus on
enhancing time management skills, setting realistic goals, and providing academic

support tailored to the unique needs of student athletes. For instance, customized

academic plans that consider athletes' training and competition schedules can help them

balance their academic workload effectively (Zwolski et al., 2017). Academic mentoring

programs, where student athletes receive guidance and support from experienced

educators or older student athletes, have also proven beneficial (Leicht et al., 2016; Kim

et al., 2019). Furthermore, the implementation of study halls, tutoring services, and

academic workshops specific to the needs of student athletes can contribute to their

academic success (Babkes Stellino et al., 2019; Rohmann et al., 2022).


The relationship between sports participation and academic achievement is complex,

encompassing both positive and negative effects. Sports involvement offers numerous benefits,

such as improved time management skills, enhanced cognitive functioning, increased motivation,

and the development of discipline and goal-setting abilities. However, challenges arise from

balancing athletic and academic commitments, as well as potential conflicts between the

priorities of coaches and educators.

To optimize the impact of sports participation on academic achievement, it is essential to

provide support systems and resources for student athletes. This may include academic tutoring,

study halls, flexible scheduling, and effective communication between coaches and teachers. By

understanding the multifaceted dynamics of sports involvement and its influence on academic

achievement, educational institutions can create environments that foster both athletic and

academic success for student athletes.

Balancing sports and academics pose unique challenges for student athletes, impacting

their academic performance and overall well-being. Time constraints, stress, and competing

commitments can create difficulties in managing academic responsibilities. However, effective

time management skills, support systems, and collaborative efforts between coaches and

educators can significantly influence student athletes' academic outcomes.

To optimize student athletes' academic success, it is crucial to foster an environment that values

both athletic and academic achievements. Providing tailored support, promoting effective time

management strategies, and establishing clear communication channels between coaches and

educators are key steps toward helping student athletes successfully navigate the demands of

sports and academics.

The role of coaches and educators in shaping student athletes' academic performance is

multi-faceted. While some coaches may prioritize athletic success over academics, others

recognize the importance of balancing sports and academics and actively support student

athletes' educational pursuits. Educators play a vital role in providing academic support and

guidance to student athletes. Collaborative efforts between coaches and educators can create an

environment that values both athletic and academic achievements, fostering student athletes'

overall success.

Coaches and educators play crucial roles in shaping student athletes' academic

performance. When coaches prioritize academics and educators provide tailored support and

guidance, student athletes are more likely to achieve success both on and off the field.

Educational interventions and best practices, such as time management techniques, goal-setting

strategies, academic mentoring, and customized academic plans, further enhance student athletes'

academic outcomes. It is essential for coaches and educators to collaborate and create an
environment that fosters the balance between sports and academics, allowing student athletes to

thrive in all areas of their lives.



This chapter includes the following parts: 1) Research Design, 2) Respondent and

Research Locale, 3) Data Gathering Instruments, 4) Data Collection Method and 5) Data

Analysis Procedures.

Part one, Research Design, describes the nature and purpose of the study, identifies, and

explains the research design.

Part two, Respondent and Research Locale, tells and describes the subjects and the

research cite or place.

Part three, Data Gathering Instrument, presents the instrument used in gathering the data.

Part four, Data Collection Method, describes the procedure followed by the researcher in

conducting a research study.

Part five, Data Analysis Procedure, describes the procedure followed by the researcher in

conducting a research study.

Research Design

The qualitative research study will employ a phenomenological approach to explore the

lived experiences of student athletes and their perceptions of how sports participation influences

their academic performance. Phenomenology focuses on understanding individuals' subjective

experiences and the meanings they attribute to those experiences (Paris, 2014).

Respondents and Research Locale

At least ten respondents from the junior and senior high school student athletes will be

selected randomly from all sports categories to ensure diversity in the sample through purposive

sampling using non-probability sampling technique. This study will be conducted on student

athletes enrolled at Remedios E. Vilches-San Lorenzo National High School. By including

student athletes from various sports, the study aims to capture a broad range of experiences and


Data Gathering Instrument

Data will be collected through in-depth interviews with student athletes who are currently

enrolled in Remedios E. Vilches-San Lorenzo, Guimaras. The use of interviews will allow for a

deep exploration of the participants' experiences, perceptions, and insights regarding the

influence of sports participation on their academic performance. The interviews will be semi-

structured, providing a flexible framework to encourage participants to share their unique

perspectives while ensuring that key research questions are addressed.

Data Collection Method

Before the conduct of the study, the researchers will prepare and seek the approval of the

school head to conduct the research study within the school. After which, the researchers ask the

consent of the respondents to conduct their research study at their utmost convenient time and

with consideration of the no disruption of classes policy. Informed consent will be obtained from

the participants, ensuring their voluntary participation and confidentiality. The study will also

adhere to ethical principles such as anonymity, data protection, and the right to withdraw without

consequences. Series of question will be asked by the respondents to obtain the qualitative data.

Data Analysis Procedure

The collected interview data will be transcribed and subjected to thematic analysis,

following a rigorous and systematic process. Thematic analysis involves identifying patterns,

themes, and meanings within the data, allowing for an in-depth exploration of the participants'

experiences and perspectives. This analysis will involve coding the data, organizing the codes

into themes, and interpreting the themes in relation to the research questions.

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Research Question:
1. What sport did you join last school year and this school year?
2. Untill what level did you reach in joining the said sports event?
3. What are the challenges that you have encountered in maintaining your grades between
practice and in your academic performance?
4. How is joining sports a challenge to you?
Dear respondents:

We are the researcher from grade 11 Rose of Remedios E. Vilches-San Lorenzo National High
School who are enrolled in General Academic Strand (GAS) strand Presently, who are currently
conducting our qualitative research study entitled "Influence of sports participation to the
Academic Performance of student Athletes"

In this regard, we are asking for your precious time and effort to answer honestly all the
questions written in the questionare.

Rest assured that all data gathered and to collected will be kept in the highest level of
confidentiality. Your active participation is highly essential for the completion of our research
Your positive response in this request will be highly appreciated. Thank you very much for your

Respectfully yours,
Gian Carl C. Eluriaga
Almer John F. Subiera
Kyle Joshua G. Nono
Real Ryan N. Abarcar
Clodine A. Arimas
Krisha Jane Ejar
MJ P. Tabiano


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