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Reflection Report

Djelil Yasmina Feriel

May 3, 2023

The aim of this project was to be able to fully control a tunnable lamp with six primaries:
R,G,B,A,WW and UV. By the end of the project, using a Python file, we were able to:
• Control each channel of the lamp(colour) and its intensity(with driver values)
• Apply color mixing with N primaries in order to reach a target light color(for example neutral
• Optimise the colour mixing process using target values( for example a certain CCT and Duv).

1 General project’s progression

The project, on the whole, progressed smoothly despite encountering a few challenges and last-minute
issues. To provide a more comprehensive overview of its progression, we will begin by describing the
problems that arose and subsequently explain how they were resolved.

1.1 What didn’t go well

• The primary challenge encountered in this project revolved around group formation. The pres-
ence of an inactive student within our class caused conflicts during the group creation process,
as everyone objected to being assigned to the same group as that student. Consequently, this
led to disorder within the group work, with certain students from one group collaborating with
individuals from another group without the consent of their respective team members. As a
result, an unbalanced working environment was created. How did we solve that? By reassigning
the groups in mid project.
• The unexpected absence of Professor Smet, which was beyond his control, generated significant
confusion and fear among us.
• Comprehending the theory was particularly challenging, especially considering that the Lighting
Science class was already abstract in nature, making it difficult to apply and grasp in practical

1.2 What did go well?

• The teamwork proceeded smoothly and effectively compensated for the inactive group member.
As a result, we were able to complete the project within the specified time frame while successfully
grasping the core concept behind it.
• The confusion generated by the abstract nature of the theory was quickly resolved with the aid
of our project supervisor and the efforts of the group members.

• The division of tasks among the group members proved to be both effective and intuitive, as
we allocated responsibilities based on a clear distinction between the theoretical and practical
aspects of the project.

1.3 Personal project reflection
From a personal standpoint, the project proved to be mentally exhausting for me, primarily due to
my ADHD. The initial challenge I faced was mustering enough interest to embark on this journey.
Furthermore, executing and completing the tasks assigned to me required significant effort and proved
to be a difficult feat. This lack of motivation placed some pressure on my team members, as they
struggled to understand how to handle this situation. In addition to the aforementioned difficulties,
I also encountered challenges in the computational aspect of the project. Coming from a theoretical
physics background, I had limited experience and proficiency in programming, which posed obstacles
for me. However, as time went on, I gradually developed a growing interest in the project and found
motivation with the support of my group members.
Throughout the process, one of the key takeaways for me was witnessing the practical application
of the theory we learned. For instance, I gained insights into how the color mixing theory translated
into real-world scenarios and observed the link between the chromaticity of our light source and its
actual appearance. Furthermore, I made efforts to familiarize myself with essential Python packages
like Numpy and gained a basic understanding of luxpy. This allowed me to grasp our code better and
comprehend the underlying concepts more effectively.

1.4 Individual team members contributions

• Yasmina(Me) : In the project, my primary responsibility revolved around writing the report and
making corrections to the theoretical aspects. Additionally, I took charge of refining the visual
aspects of the figures and providing an overview using markdown. I also actively participated in
practical code testing and contributed to the general brainstorming sessions.
• Artemis: Artemis played a crucial role in handling the majority of the coding tasks. With her
strong programming background, she effectively translated the theoretical concepts into code,
making our final objectives attainable. In addition to her technical contributions, Artemis pro-
vided valuable emotional support to the team through her constant encouragement and positive
attitude, creating a supportive and motivating environment.
• Patricia: Patricia assumed the role of group manager, showcasing her leadership qualities. Her
strong organizational skills and ability to keep the group on track were instrumental in main-
taining a steady workflow. While her strict nature could be overwhelming at times, it proved to
be essential given the circumstances. Patricia also dedicated significant effort to understanding
the theory and made valuable contributions to writing the markdown section of the project.
• Ayazhan : Ayazhan, unfortunately, exhibited a lack of active involvement and initiative through-
out the project. She rarely participated in group meetings and showed no interest in contributing
to the project’s progress. While her absence did not significantly hinder the group’s functionality
initially, challenges arose when additional work, such as the reflection report and practical test,
was were introduced. At that point, Ayashan placed blame on the other group members for her
own negligence and expected them to explain the entire project concept from scratch just one
week before the presentation. To this day, I have not observed any noticeable changes or nor
increased motivation from her.

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