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Kruger’s Newsletter

September 8, 2023
Mrs. Kruger:

Learning Targets UPCOMING EVENTS

Next week our sight word will be “in”. We
✓ I can read the sight words I, the! The was our will be learning the sounds for Mm and Rr and
new sight word! Find it in all the books you learning how to write them correctly. We will
read! And remember, keep the paper books continue in Unit 2 of our literacy program,
that come home for reading practice. discussing attributes of toys, being play experts,
✓ I can participate in a reading group! We and writing short simple sentences from a model.
started reading groups this week! We group
In Math we will finish up Topic 1 and begin
students by needs and some go with Mrs. CB,
some with Mrs. Hampton, and some with me! Topic 2 which compares quantities and continues
Ask your child about their fun reading group! practicing number formation.
✓ I can tell you the sounds for Cc and Nn and
write them correctly!
✓ I can practice tracking words as I read!
✓ I can differentiate a letter vs. a word!
✓ I can practice hearing the beginning and end
sounds in words.
✓ I can rhyme! We had fun manipulating rhyming
words in the nursery rhymes Humpty Dumpty
and Little Boy Blue!
✓ I can sequence Humpty Dumpty!
✓ I can tell you different attributes of toys! Ask
me! We played a fun sorting game using Specials
different attributes including color, size, and
texture. Mon./Thur.-Art
✓ I can find different ways to make 5! Tue/Fri.- Music, Library/Tech
✓ I can write my numbers 1-7! Wed.-P.E.
✓ I can identify a ten frame, ten pennies, ten
fingers etc.! Ask me about my Zero the Hero
book and our special treat!

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