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"Generate" Statement

The VHDL statement generate is a concurrent statement. It is used to
generate multiple instances of a program segment.

The generate statement has two different forms which are unconditional
generate and conditional generate.

Let's see these forms separately.

Unconditional Generate

The unconditional generate as its name implies has no conditional part. Its syntax is as

Label: for parameter in number-range generate

[declarative part
end generate [Label];

The use of Label is a must in generate statement, and the word begin is used if declarative
part is available in the generate statement.

Example-2.6: The generate statement in

Label1: for indx in 0 to 3 generate

y(indx)<=x(indx) xor x(indx+1);
end generate;

is the same as the program segment

y(0)<=x(0) xor x(1);

y(1)<=x(1) xor x(2);
y(2)<=x(2) xor x(3);
y(3)<=x(3) xor x(4);

That is, the same digital logic circuit synthesized for both program segments.

Example-2.7: Write a VHDL statement that reverses the elements of an 8-bit logic vector.

Solution-2.7: Let x and y be an 8-bit vectors. We can reverse the content of vector x using
the following VHDL statement:

reverse: for indx in 0 to 7 generate

end generate;

Example-2.8: Write the previous example as a complete VHDL program.

Solution-2.8: The complete VHDL program is given in PR 2.6.

entity reverse_vector is
port( x_vec: in bit_vector(7 downto 0);
y_rvec: out bit_vector(7 downto 0));
end entity;

architecture logic_flow of reverse_vector is


reverse: for indx in 0 to 7 generate

end generate;

end architecture;
PR 2.6 Program 2.6.
Parity Generator

The parity of the binary vector

𝑥 = 𝑥0 𝑥1 𝑥2 ⋯ 𝑥𝑁−1

is calculated as

𝑝 = 𝑥0 ⊕ 𝑥1 ⊕ ⋯ ⊕ 𝑥𝑁−1

where ⊕ is the xor operation.

Note that, xor is an odd function, i.e., if the number of ‘1’s in binary vector 𝑥 is an odd
integer, then 𝑝 = 1, otherwise 𝑝 = 0.
Example-2.9: Write a VHDL statement that calculates the parity for 16-bit logic vector.

Solution-2.9: Let x_vec be a 16-bit vector, and parr_vec be another 16-bit vector.

We can calculate the parity bit for x_vec using the following VHDL statement:


parity: for indx in 1 to 15 generate

parr_vec(indx)<= parr_vec(indx-1) xor x_vec(indx);
end generate;

p<= parr_vec(15);

Example-2.10: Write the previous example as a complete VHDL program.
Solution-2.10: The complete VHDL program is given in PR 2.7.
entity parity_bit_generator is
port( x_vec: in bit_vector(15 downto 0);
p_bit: out bit);
end entity;

architecture logic_flow of parity_bit_generator is

signal parr_vec: bit_vector(15 downto 0);

parr_vec(0)<= x_vec(0);

parity: for indx in 1 to 15 generate

parr_vec(indx)<= parr_vec(indx-1) xor x_vec(indx);
end generate;
p_bit<= parr_vec(15);
end architecture;
Conditional Generate

The syntax of the conditional generate is as

Label: if condition generate

VHDL Statements
end generate [Label];

where 'condition' must be a static expression.

Note: Note that in VHDL syntax ⋯ shows the optional part.

Example-2.11: Write a VHDL statement that checks a constant positive integer and detects
whether it is an even or odd integer.

Solution-2.11: The VHDL program segment can be written as follows:

EvenDetector: if ((number mod 2)=0) generate

end generate;

OddDetector: if ((number mod 2)=1) generate

end generate;

Example-2.12: Write the previous example as a complete VHDL program.
Solution-2.12: The complete program is depicted in PR 2.8.

entity even_odd_detector is
port( EvenFlag: out bit);
end entity;

architecture logic_flow of even_odd_detector is

constant number: positive:=10001; -- 31-bit positive integer
EvenDetector: if ((number mod 2)=0) generate
end generate;
OddDetector: if ((number mod 2)=1) generate
end generate;
end architecture; 12

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