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NO KARTU PRAKERJA : 6153202338328201

Mrs. Darley: hello good morning, is this with your internet provider
Mia: hello good morning, yes with your internet provider. How can I help you?
Mrs. Darley: yes so this is how the internet in my house has a lost signal.
Mia: if you know when the signal has been lost?
Mrs. Darley: It's been a week now, that's why?
Mia: well, before you can mention the internet id mom, we will check the cause
Mrs. Darley: well, the id is 223489756099999
Mia: okay, please don't hang up the phone first and wait a moment, can you do
Mrs. Darley: Okay
Mia: id with 22348975099999 on behalf of Mrs. darley is currently experiencing
interference, mabak, and we have contacted the internet provider technician, and
tomorrow morning our technician will go to your house to check the cause of the
lost signal disorder. Please wait until tomorrow morning.
Mrs. Darley: ouh tomorrow morning, okay okay
Mia: if tomorrow morning the technician hasn't come yet, you can contact the
number we sent via sms
Mrs. Darley: okay good, thank you
Mia: Well, can we help you again?
Mrs. Darly: no mabak
Mia: well if we don't have it we hang up the phone, thank you for contacting the
internet provider, good morning
Mrs. Darley: okay, good morning too
Nama pelanggan : Mrs. Darley

No telp : +1678 488 999

Detail komplain

Customers who experience Internet lost signal for a week, due to interference with the
internet rope that causes lost signal, the effect of rope interference causes kite rope

Cara penyelesaian

Customers are asked to wait until tomorrow morning until the technician comes to the
customer's house to check

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