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Dialog Percakapan Dengan Topik Menerima dan

Menyampaikan Pesan Dalam Bertelepon

Dialogue: Taking and Giving Message By Telephone

R: Good Morning, Global Nusantara Company. Can I help you?
C: Good Morning, I am Reza from the expedition JNT company. I would like
to speak to Mrs. Liana, please.
R: One moment please. I’ll check if she’s in office or not.
C: Ok. I will wait
R: I'm sorry, Mrs. Liana didn't come into the office today because she was sick.
Would you like to leave a message?
C: When will Mrs. Liana return to the office?
R: I think the day after tomorrow she will be in the office.
C: Alright, please tell Mrs. Liana to contact us as soon as possible because
there is a problem with the package that was sent for Mrs. Liana.
R: May I have your number?
C: Sure, My phone number is 083317564
R: Alright sir, I will immediately send your message to Mrs Liana, is there
anything else?
C: No., that’s everything. Thank you for all your help
R: Ok, Thank you for calling.

R (Receiver)
C (Caller)

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