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Meeting 4 Saturday 6 March 2021: Long Conversation

Baca dan pelajari dialog via telephone di sebuah kantor ini. Lalu kerjakan tugasnya

Dialog on the Phone

( A = Alice, morning secretary K= Kenny, from other company Mr. L = Mr. Listanto ,The Boss )

A : PT. Alamanda Indah Makmur. Good morning.

K : Good morning. Can I speak to Mr. Listanto, please?
A : Do you have any appointment to call him?
K : Yes. I think the secretary has arranged this phone call for me.
A : All right. Let me check. Can I have your name please?
K : Kenny Sebastian
A : Yes miss. Your name is listed here. Kenny Sebastian will make a phone call to the boss.
K : OK
A : I will put you through his room. Hold on please.
K : I will wait. ……….. a few second later
Mr L : Hello good morning. Who am I speaking to?
K : I am Kenny Sebastian Sir. Last week we met in an exhibition in Jakarta. Now I am
following up our talk.
Mr. L : Oh. Sure. From Jaya Abadi Motors, Right?
K : Yes. That’s right
Mr. L : So Miss Kenny. Does your company agree to have a business with us?
K : I think we will. My boss has agreed that we will order new uniform for our staff
Mr. L : That’s good. I think it is much better for you to come here. To see the samples, maybe
K : OK. Will tomorrow be fine?
Mr. L : Let me check my agenda. …. Ok tomorrow is fine, but before lunch time. I have another
program after that.
K : OK. I will come at 9 then.
Mr. L : 9 o’clock is fine. I will wait.
K : OK thank you, Sir. Good morning.
Mr. L : You’re welcome. Good morning.

Answer The Following Questions in complete sentences

1. When does this dialog on the phone take place?

2. Does Kenny have appointment to call up that company?
3. What company does Alice work for?
4. What company does Kenny work for?
5. When did Kenny and Mr Listanto meet?
6. Why does Kenny call up the company?
7. What business does Mr Listantos’s company run?
8. When and where will Kenny and Mr Listanto meet?
9. Can Kenny come to the office in the afternoon tomorrow? Why / Why not?
10. What will Kenny do in the office tomorrow?

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