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Nama : Ignatius Doddy

NIM : 22081101
Mata Kuliah : Lab English


A : Good Morning, PT shoots Panorama, with kidoy, how may I help you?

B : Morning, im Shincan from JNC Company. I want to confirm about the meeting
with the CEO, Mr. Naruto. on Tuesday 10 April 2010 at 10 am, whether the existing

A : wait a minute…………………

A : For the meeting on Tuesday 10 April 2010 at 10 am, Mr Naruto has confirmed
that he will be present at such meeting.

A. : There may I help you again?

B. : I think enough, thank you for the information provided. good morning

A. : ok, ur Welcome – Good morning.


A. : Hello, Good Morning, can I talk with Mr. Bondan ?

B. : Yes. I’m

A : Mr. Bondan, Im Kidoy From JNC Company. Want to invite u for attending the
meeting on monday 21 october 2010 at 10 am.

B : Oh I see..I need to check my schedule first, I will confirm to u later

A. : ok sir..I'm wait for ur confirmation..thank you n good morning

B : good morning

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