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Fina Okta Fiana

Nim. 12203183183





Presented to

State Islamic University of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
in English Education

Fina Okta Fiana

Nim. 12203183183




The Thesis entitled “Teachers’ Challenges in Classroom Management in

Teaching English at MTsN 1 Trenggalek” written by FINA OKTA FIANA with
student’s registered number 12203183183 has been checked and approved to be

Tulungagung, June 2022



NIP. 197802042009011003

Approved by,
The Head of English Education Department


NIP. 19720307 200901 2002



Written by:
NIM. 12203183183

Has been defined by Board of Examiners on , 2022 and approved as

the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) in English
Education Department.

Board of the thesis examiner Signature

...................... .........................
Main Examiner:
..................... ..........................
..................... .........................
Approved by,
Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung

Prof. Dr. Hj. Binti Maunah, M.Pd.I.

NIP. 19650903199803200


Name : Fina Okta Fiana

Gender : Female

Plce/Date of Birth : Trenggalek, October 12th, 1999

Address : Trenggalek, East Java

NIM : 12203183183

Program : Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBI)

Advisor : Dr. H. Nursamsu, M.Pd.

Declare that the thesis entitled, “Teachers’ Challenges in Classroom Management

in Teaching English at MTsN 1 Trenggalek,” is completely my original work. It

does not contain any material previously written and published by another person

expert indicated in the citation and bibliography. It is prepared and published as a

requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education

Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training State Islamic University of

Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung in the academic year 2021/2022.

Tulungagung, June 2022

Fina Okta Fiana


“Work hard, so people don't know what you're up to or what you want.

Always involve God and the parents in it. That way you'll get what's best for



My beloved parents Mr. Imam Mudhofi and Mrs. Umi Nasikah supported and
inspired me. Without their patience, understanding, and most of all love of them,
the completition of this work would not have been possible.

My sister Risma Arum Styana understands me in any situation.

My beloved friends who support me every time.

Everyone in simple loves and jokes.


All praises and gratitude we pray to Allah SWT. For mercy, Taufik, and
guidance. Sholawat and salaam do not forget what our lord Muhammad saw., so
that the preparation of the thesis entitled “Teacher Challenges in Classroom
Management in Teaching English at MTsN 1 Trenggalek”. This thesis is submitted
as the final requirement to accomplish a degree at English Education Department,
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University Sayyid Ali
Rahmatullah Tulungagung.

This thesis is presented as partial fulfillment of the requirement for

obtaining the undergraduate degree of education in Faculty Tarbiyah and Teacher
Training of State Islamic University of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung. The
researcher is sure that the thesis would not be completed without the help, support,
and suggestions from several sides. Therefore, the researcher would like to express
her deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and suggested her
during the process of writing this thesis. The researcher would also like to express
the deep gratitude and appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. Maftukhin, M.Ag., as the Head of UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah
Tulungagung for his permission to write this thesis.

2. Prof. Dr. H. Binti Maunah, M.Pd., as the Dan of Faculty of Tarbiyah and
Teacher Training of UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung who had
approved this thesis.
3. Dr. Erna Iftanti, S.S., M.Pd., as the Head of English education Department
of State Islamic University of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung.
4. My advisor, Dr. H. Nursamsu, M.Pd., has been willing to give guidance and
advice as long as thesis writing.
5. Lecturers of the Faculty Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at the UIN Sayyid
Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, especially in the English Education
Department who has provided knowledge that is very useful for the writer.

6. English teachers at MTsN 1 Trenggalek, who had participated during the

7. All my friends from English Education Department, especially my

classmates at TBI E thanks for supporting and guiding the researcher. It had
been an amazing four years we had spent time together.

8. Everyone in simple loves and jokes and all of the parties who have helped
me in the process of preparing this thesis that I cannot mentioned one by

The writer realizes that the writing of this thesis is still far from perfect. Therefore,
constructive criticism and suggestion are very much appreciated.

Tulungagung, 2022

The writer


Fiana, Fina Okta. Students Registered Number. 12203183183. 2022. Teachers’

Challenges in Classroom Management in Teaching English at MTsN 1
Trenggalek. Sarjana Thesis. English Education Department. Faculty of
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training. State Islamic University of Sayyid Ali
Rahmatullah Tulungagung. Advisor: Dr. H. Nursamsu, M.Pd.

Keywords: Challenges, Classroom Management, Teaching English

The Classroom as the place for the teaching process has a great influence on
the persistence of the teaching and learning at school. One of the keys to the success
of the teaching process is the teacher’s ability to manage the class well. Classroom
management can also affect the comfort of the students in the class. Every teacher
had their characteristics and habits, and they would bring their habits into the
classroom. That way the teacher has their challenges in managing the class.
Challenge is different from a problem. The difference is if a problem does not need
any effort but a challenge needs an effort to get something.
The focus of the study is: (1) How is classroom management in MTsN 1
Trenggalek (2) What are the teachers’ challenges in classroom management in
teaching English at MTsN 1 Trenggalek? The purpose of the study is: (1) To
analysis how is classroom management in MTsN 1 Trenggalek. (2) To know what
are the teachers’ challenges in classroom management in teaching English at MTsN
1 Trenggalek. The research design in this study was qualitative research with a
qualitative descriptive method. The subjects are taught by three English teachers
and some of the students are taught by the teacher. This study uses observation and
interviews as research instruments. Data analysis in this research is data
condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing.
The result of the study showed that: (1) Classroom management in teaching
English at MTsN 1 Trenggalek the teachers implemented some aspects as applying
movement, maintaining dicipline, giving feedback, and seating arragement, but the
methods taught by some teachers are not the same. (2) There are three factors in the
teachers’ challenges in classroom management. The first is the teacher's factors
such as material mastery, use of multiple methods, and mood control, and teachers
must be creative in making methods that are acceptable to students. The two factors
of the students such as the teacher must understand the character of each student in
the class, make students happy and interested in learning English, uniting students
with different backgrounds, interests, abilities, and most suitable teaching methods
into one. The third is class conditions such as making the class comfortable in
learning English.


Fiana, Fina Okta. Nomor Induk Mahasiswa. 12203183183. 2022. Theachers’

Challenges in Classroom Manegement in Teaching English at MTsN 1
Trenggalek. Skripsi. Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu
Keguruan. UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung. Pembimbing: Dr. H.
Nursamsu, M.Pd.

Kosa Kata : Tantangan, Pengelolaan Kelas, Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris

Ruang kelas sebagai tempat berlangsungnya proses belajar mengajar yang
berpengaruh terhadap keberlangsungan proses belajar mengajar di sekolah. Salah
satu kunci keberhasilan pengajaran adalah kemampuan guru saat mengelola kelas
dengan baik. Pengelolaan kelas juga dapat mempengaruhi kenyamanan siswa di
dalam kelas. Setiap guru memiliki karakteristik dan kebiasaan mereka masing-
masing, dan mereka akan membawa kebiasaan mereka ke dalam kelas. Dengan
begitu guru memiliki tantangan tersendiri dalam mengelola kelas. Tantangan
berbeda dengan masalah. Bedanya jika masalah tidak butuh usaha tapi tantangan
butuh usaha untuk mendapatkan sesuatu.
Fokus penelitian ini adalah: (1) Bagaimana pengelolaan kelas di MTsN 1
Trenggalek (2) Apa saja tantangan guru dalam pengelolaan kelas dalam mengajar
bahasa Inggris di MTsN 1 Trenggalek?. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1)
Menganalisis bagaimana pengelolaan kelas di MTsN 1 Trenggalek. (2) Untuk
mengetahui apa saja tantangan guru dalam pengelolaan kelas dalam pengajaran
bahasa Inggris di MTsN 1 Trenggalek. Desain penelitian dalam penelitian ini
adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Mewawancarai tiga
orang guru bahasa Inggris dan beberapa siswa yang diajar oleh guru tersebut.
Penelitian ini menggunakan observasi dan wawancara sebagai instrumen
penelitian. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah kondensasi data, penyajian data
dan penarikan kesimpulan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Pengelolaan kelas dalam
pengajaran bahasa Inggris di MTsN 1 Trenggalek adalah guru menerapkan
beberapa aspek seperti menerapkan gerakan, menjaga disiplin, memberi umpan
balik, dan pengaturan tempat duduk, tetapi metode yang diajarkan oleh beberapa
guru tidak sama. (2) Ada tiga faktor tantangan guru dalam pengelolaan kelas.
Pertama adalah faktor guru itu sendiri seperti penguasaan materi, penggunaan
beberapa metode, pengendalian suasana hati, dan guru harus kreatif dalam
membuat suatu metode yang dapat diterima siswa. Kedua faktor siswa tersebut
seperti guru harus memahami karakter setiap siswa di kelas, membuat siswa senang
dan tertarik belajar bahasa Inggris, menyatukan siswa dengan latar belakang, minat,
kemampuan, dan metode pengajaran yang berbeda menjadi satu. Ketiga, kondisi
kelas seperti membuat kelas nyaman dalam setiap pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.


ADVISOR’S APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................ ii

BOARD OF THESIS EXAMINERS’ APPROVAL SHEET ................................ iii
DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP ................................................................... iv
MOTTO .................................................................................................................. v
DEDICATION ....................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................... vii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... ix
ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. x
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... xi
LIST OF PICTURES ........................................................................................... xiii
LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................... xiv
LIST OF TABLE .................................................................................................. xv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION......................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Study.............................................................................. 1
B. Focus of the Study........................................................................................ 6
C. Purpose of the Study .................................................................................... 7
D. Significance of the Study ............................................................................. 7
E. Scope and Limitation of the Study ............................................................... 7
F. Definition of Key Term................................................................................ 8
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .............................. 10
A. English Teachers ........................................................................................ 10
B. Classroom Management ............................................................................. 14
a. Definition of Classroom Management ................................................... 14
b. The Purpose of Classroom Management ................................................ 15
c. Aspects of Classroom Management ....................................................... 15
d. Elements of Classroom Management ..................................................... 19
C. Teaching English........................................................................................ 25
a. Challenges in Teaching English ............................................................. 25
D. Previous Study ........................................................................................... 27

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD .......................................................... 30
A. Research Design ......................................................................................... 30
B. Data Source ................................................................................................ 30
C. The Subject of the Study ............................................................................ 31
D. Method and Colecting Data ....................................................................... 32
E. Method and Data Analysis ......................................................................... 33
CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS ......................................................... 36
A. How is Classroom Management at MTsN 1 Trenggalek ........................... 36
B. What are the Teachers’ Challenges in Classroom Management at MTsN 1
Trenggalek. ................................................................................................ 45
CHAPTER V DISCUSSION ............................................................................. 54
A. How is Classroom Management at MTsN 1 Trenggalek ........................... 54
B. Teachers’ Challenges in Teaching English at MTsN 1 Trenggalek .......... 57
CHAPTER VI CONCLUSION......................................................................... 61
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 61
B. Suggestion .................................................................................................. 61
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 63
APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 67


Picture 1 Orderly Row/Traditional ................................................................................... 21

Picture 2 Circle or Square ..................................................................................... 22

Picture 3 Horsesshoes ........................................................................................... 23

Picture 4 Separate Tables ...................................................................................... 24


Appendix 1 Observation sheet .............................................................................. 67

Appendix 2 Interview Guide ................................................................................. 69

Appendix 3 Documentation .................................................................................. 72

Appendix 4 The Report of Thesis Guidance ......................................................... 74


Table 1 The Teacher Challenges in Classroom Management ............................... 53



This chapter presents the background of the study, formulation of the

research question, purpose of the study, the significance of the study, the

definition of key term, scope and limitation of the study.

A. Background of the Study

Classroom as the place for the teaching process has a great influence

on the persistence of the teaching and learning at school. Doyle (1980)

stresses that the classroom is not only the static picture of a room filled with

twenty or thirty students and the same number of chairs and desks, with

shelves, tables, books, and chalkboards. Classes also need to be properly

organized so that teachers and students can interact more easily. In addition,

classroom seats should be properly placed to facilitate movement and

activities within the classroom for teachers and students, and the available

equipment supports the teaching and learning process. Should be used

properly to do. In the classroom, students can study comfortably. Not only

that, a class is said to be successful if the teacher can manage the class well.

One of the keys to the success of the teaching and learning process is the

teacher's ability to manage the class well.

According to Treffiy, et al (1997) "management" means the

technique or practice of managing or controlling. Van Deventer (2000)


views management in schools as a process in which educational leaders who

are responsible for teaching and learning seek to utilize educators and

students as well as other resources as efficiently as possible to foster a

culture of teaching and learning. In this study, the term "management" will

refer to the techniques used by education managers and other educators in

schools to foster a culture of teaching and learning.

Classroom management refers to all the things that a teacher does to

organize students, space, time, and materials so that student learning can

take place. Effective teachers, who establish an efficient management

system from the beginning of the school year, will have more time to devote

to student learning than teachers who are constantly trying to use an

inefficient management system Wong, Wont, Rogers, and Brooks

(2012:61). Classroom management is also defined as any action a teacher

takes to create an environment that supports and facilitates both academic

and social-emotional learning Evertson and Weinstein in Oliver (2011:7).

Classroom management includes the arrangement of people (students) and

facilities which include, ventilation, lighting to the design of appropriate

learning programs. “Class management or class organization includes

various components, namely teachers, students, and the physical

environment. These three aspects interact with each other to create

conducive and safe learning activities in the classroom” (Zulfani, 2009:


Classroom management is everything that the teacher does and

prepare to organize students, space, time and materials so that student

learning can take place (Wong and Wong). Arikunto in Diamarah & Zain

(2010:177) added in the following sentence, that are 2 aspects of classroom

management. Firstly, management of students; secondly, management of

physic such as room, furniture, and learning equipment. This is a more

specific term for organizational skills to build a good learning / educational

environment. This skill is called classroom management because teachers

are more likely to teach in the classroom. This means teachers need to

understand what they are doing in the class, adhere to it, establish classroom

rules and procedures, and know the responsibility for their work in the

language classroom.

Besides, Kulina et al. (2003) define classroom management as the

teacher’s actions used to manage students’ behaviors. The more practical

definition says that classroom management is how the teacher works, how

the class works, how the teacher and students collaborate, and how teaching

and learning happen (Bosch, 2006). Marzano et al. (2003), classroom

management can be the parameter to differentiate between an effective class

and an ineffective one.

Teaching is not controlling, but working with students to learn, grow

and succeed together. Through a strong student-teacher relationship with

the students, the classroom will be a place where each member can express

their feelings and work together. Academic success depends on these close

relationships and the guidance that teachers and students have with each

other. Classroom Management is necessary for all teaching and learning

processes, including the English teaching and learning process.

English Classroom Management is a way of supporting for the

English teaching and learning process to develop smoothly, efficiently, and

effectively. Teachers must maximize the teaching and learning process by

preparing study aids, learning devices, and teaching aids, as well as having

the ability to use different study aids and resources depending on the subject.

Teachers play an important role in increasing students' motivation

and enthusiasm for learning (Yestiani & Zahwa, 2020). Djamarah (2014)

explains that teachers have the responsibility to encourage, guide, and foster

students, both individually and classically, to continue learning. One of the

most important skills teachers should have in the course of education and

learning is the ability to manage the classroom. English teachers have an

important role in determining the learning outcomes achieved by students.

This is a challenge for them, considering that English in Indonesia is a

foreign language.

English is taught and used as a foreign language in Indonesia. The

fact that English is one of the most important international languages for

communication has been recognized by the Indonesian government since its

independence, therefore, the government has recommended that English be

a compulsory subject in secondary schools (Nurkamto, 2003). Therefore,

teachers are required to be able to teach English in the classroom in a fun


and enjoyable way. Moreover, English is the second language after


Different teachers have different ways of instinctively managing the

classroom environment and patterns of setting up classroom that best fits

their purpose (Aly, 2007). Managing a classroom is the ultimate

responsibility of a teacher. The way a teacher manages the classroom will

change the thinking of the students towards learning, defines the role of the

students, their behaviours, choices, and the overall targets and tone of the

school. Strong and consistent management and organizational skills have

been identified as leading to fewer classroom discipline problems (Froyen

and Iverson (1999).

Based on Magdalena (2011) the term of challenge refers to the

situation that faced by someone who needs an effort to reach the goal.

Challenge is different from a problem. The difference is if a problem does

not need any effort but a challenge needs an effort in to get something. It

means that if someone is experienced a challenge, he has to do something

and find a way to solve it. Teaching a language has many different features.

The teacher not only teach and pay attention to students’ language skills,

such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking, but also help, facilitate,

and encourage students to have enthusiasm, good attitude, and motivation

towards English. Furthermore, teachers have to understand what students

learn, how and why such learning influences them, how lessons could be

beneficial for them in the future (Derakhshan, 2015).


As classroom administrators, teachers need to manage students by

instructing them what to do and learn. The teacher's responsibility to

manage the atmosphere and media to help support learning is important.

This thesis analyzes the problems experienced by English teachers which

are also considered challenges for them in teaching. Successful teaching

often depends on the teacher's ability to manage the classroom. The way the

teacher teaches can have a significant effect on the effectiveness of teaching

and learning. Classroom challenges are one of the right problems faced by

teachers, and good teachers dare to overcome all of these challenges.

Addressing these common classroom challenges not only helps increase

teacher retention but also increases student success rates and the final

quality of education.

Because classroom management by teachers is very important and

must be considered to create an effective teaching and learning process,

researchers are interested in knowing how the classroom management

process at MTsN 1 Trenggalek and observing what problems or challenges

English teachers face when learning English.

B. Focus of the Study

Based on the background of the study on the previous page, the research

problem will be:

1. How is classroom management in MTsN 1 Trenggalek?

2. What are the teachers’ challenges in classroom management in

teaching English at MTsN 1 Trenggalek?


C. Purpose of the Study

Based on focus of the study, the study will intend to:

1. To analysis how is classroom management in MTsN 1 Trenggalek.

2. To know what are the teachers’ challenges in classroom management

in teaching English at MTsN 1 Trenggalek.

D. Significance of the Study

The results of this study are expected to provide the following benefits:

1. The Teachers

For teachers, researchers hope that this research can contribute to

teaching English. The teacher can manage the class well, the teacher

must encourage and criticize as well as remind, that way teaching and

learning in the classroom can be more effective.

2. The Students

For students, they have the opportunity to learn comfortably both in and

out of the classroom, and also to get useful and meaningful feedback

from their teachers.

3. The Future Researchers

For further researchers, the results of this study can identify the

challenges and problems of teachers in managing the classroom.

E. Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this research there are 3 English teachers at MTsN 1

Trenggalek. This study is intended to analysis how is classroom


management in MTsN 1 Trenggalek and to know what are the teachers’

challenges in classroom management in learning English at MTsN 1


F. Definition of Key Term

In this part, there are some explanations to understand the context

easier. The definitions of key terms are as follows:

1. English Teacher

English is taught at all educational levels and where the learning of

teaching takes place known as learning a second language or a foreign

language. English teachers do not only teach language skills such as

those four skills above but also they have to help, facilitate, encourages

students to have enthusiasm, good attitude, and motivation towards

English (Songbatumis, 2017).

2. Classroom Management

Moskowitz and Hayman (1976), when an educator loses control in class,

it becomes increasingly difficult for them to manage the class.

Classroom management is a combination of two words, word class and

management. Management in English is called Management.

Management is roughly understood as management or generally,

activities including planning, organizing, directing, coordinating,

monitoring and evaluating.


3. Teaching English

The activity of transferring knowledge about English include all

elements and skill of English language from teacher to learners in the

classroom. In classroom activities, teachers play an absolutely important

role in communicating messages and knowledge and have close

relationships with students. From this, we can conclude that teachers,

the center of education, are faced with a series of decisions made in the

classroom. As classroom administrators, teachers need to manage

students by instructing them what to do and learn. The teacher's

responsibility to manage the atmosphere and media to help support

learning is important.


A. English Teachers

English teachers have language skills such as the four skills of

reading, writing, listening, and speaking, but must also help facilitate, and

encourage students to have passion, good attitude, and motivation towards

English. Because the teacher is the manager in the classroom. As a teacher

in Indonesia they must have four basic competencies, such as:

1. Pedagogy competence

Pedagogical competence is closely related to the teacher's ability to

understand the learning process. The learning that takes place in the

classroom is dynamic. This can be done through mutual communication or

interaction between teachers with students and students with students. The

diversity of students in the classroom also requires the teacher's ability to

design a learning program.


2. Personal competence

Personal competence means that a teacher must show a good attitude

and personality in fulfilling his/her duties and functions. Teacher to emulate

is a philosophy that demonstrates personality skills. Imitated because

teachers are believed to possess knowledge beneficial to the survival of their

students. A teacher is imitated because the teacher has a good attitude and


3. Social competence

Social competence is the ability of teachers as educators to

communicate and interact well with the citizens of the school as well as with

the citizens of the teachers' location. This social competence can be seen

through teachers' social interactions with students, other teachers, and the

community in which they are located.

4. Professional Competence

Professional competence is a teacher's ability to direct the teaching and

learning process. The ability to learn is supported by classroom

management, mastery of learning materials, teaching strategies and the use

of learning media.

As a teacher and a class manager you are expected to perform the following


1. Plan teaching activities

Lack of or insufficient planning can be very costly. For example, a

teacher who does not schedule their lesson note to be due on time may

prioritize incorrectly and therefore may provide the wrong information at

the time. He or she may lose focus and waste very limited class time on

irrelevant activities. Well-structured and planned lesson content ensures

ease of delivery and understanding for the teacher or student.

The greatest planning interest in school is directed towards: (i)

achieving outcomes of the teaching and learning process, (ii) organizing the

learning activity, how to improve client (student) performance, interaction

and satisfaction, and how to use the facilities to enjoy the use value that the

facility had. Some of the benefits of effective and appropriate planning

include: Minimizing wastage of time and other classroom resources.

2. Organize students and materials

This is the orderly arrangement of the work. A good class leader, i.e.

the teacher, must be able to organize the lessons in a way that maintains

order and fairness in the classroom. Both students and teaching materials

must be organized in such a way that no student or learner is disadvantaged.

For example, it may be necessary for the classroom teacher to consider or

note the height or visual status of certain students in the class and to place

those students where they cannot be unreasonably excluded from the

classroom activities that are taking place in the classroom.


3. Coordinating students and activities

As a teacher and classroom manager, the responsibility for

synchronizing or harmonizing both the students and classroom resources

and activities rests on your shoulders. This is important to ensure that

teaching and learning take place in a comfortable atmosphere free from

resentment and chaos. This leadership role of the teacher avoids the

separation between the different interactive activities within the classroom

and thus achieves a successful teaching-learning process in Classroom.

4. Leading (Commanding) activity of the teacher

The term command was common in classical times. However, a

friendly word in use today is lead. This includes providing a guide or

instructions for others to emulate or follow. It is the teacher's responsibility

to provide guidance or guidance to the students so that they (the students)

can understand the provided tutorial. Teachers should ensure that students

receive the correct address. This should be done in the interest of the

students as a parent is guiding a child. It should show the students the way

so that they do not fall into costly mistakes. This promotes warmth and

mutual respect.

5. Control function of the Teacher

Control is the act of regulating an activity to ensure that the expected

outcome is achieved through established procedures and methods. This is to

avoid a deviation from the expected result. Control is a security mechanism,

policy, or procedure that can counteract attacks on the system, reduce risk,

and eliminate vulnerabilities. Helps protect the system.The teacher must

effectively control the teaching situation and monitor the results, and use a

feedback mechanism to make the necessary corrections in the event of

deviations from the standard.

B. Classroom Management

a. Definition of Classroom Management

Management is defined as a series of work or efforts carried out by a

group of people to carry out a series of work to achieve certain goals. During

the teaching learning process, teachers play an important role in managing

classroom interaction. Regarding this, Hill (1982: 118) proposes that

teaching and learning are processes in the classroom that require interaction

between the teacher and the students. In line with this thought, Cohen (1976:

211) states that classroom interactions are controlled by the teacher for it is

he or she who promotes particular learning situations through his or her

choice of objectives, organization of experiences and selection of materials,

and methods.

According to Evertson and Weinstein (2006), Classroom management

has two distinct purposes: “It not only seeks to establish and sustain an

orderly environment so students can engage in meaningful academic

learning, but also aims to enhance student social and moral growth”.

Classroom management is a multifaceted activity and goes beyond the

traditional behavior management techniques recommended for dealing with


students exhibiting disruptive behavior. Teachers need to build caring and

supportive relationships with and between students; organize and

implement instructions in a way that optimizes students' access to learning;

they can use group management methods that encourage student

participation in academic tasks; encourage the development of students'

social skills and self-regulation, and use appropriate interventions to help

students with behavioral problems.

In summary, interaction happens within the classroom activities

between the teacher and students. In any case, the teacher appears to play a

more important role particularly when he capacities as a class organizer. In

this case, the class will be under his specialist. When the teacher’s work

grows to a facilitator the understudies will have more opportunities to

appear their learning style.

b. The Purpose of Classroom Management

Management of any component of a teaching-learning system can have

many different goals ut there should e one main reason for doing so. It is to

enhance the learning ability of students. Therefore effective classroom

management should also begin with the common goal of enhancing student

learning at all levels everywhere.

c. Aspects of Classroom Management

In classroom management, teachers carry out a process or phases of

activities based on planning, execution and evaluation, so that the activities


carried out are interrelated. The activities carried out are also effective and

purposeful, and the management endpoints are purposeful with high


According to Karwati & Priansa (2014) the detailed activities that need

to be undertaken by teachers in classroom management as aspects that exist

in the instructions for classroom management are:

1. Check student attendance

2. Collect the students‟ work, checking and appraise

3. Distribution of materials and learning tools

4. Delivering course material

5. Give the task or homework.

Every teacher had their characteristics and habits, and they would bring

their habits into the classroom. But some issues must be considered that are

not just personality issues or styles that affect the learner's perceptions

directly. Thus, an educator should display a good characteristics in front of

learners especially in administering the class. According to Moskowitz and

Hayman (1976), when an educator loses control in class, it becomes

increasingly difficult for him to manage a class. Thus, according to Harmer

(2007:34), there are several points that the educators should note in order to

manage the class in way proximity (kedekatan), appropriacy (kelayakan),

movement (gerakan), and awareness (kesadaran).


Meanwhile, Shakila (2009) was exploring parts of the classroom

management that were invariably motivated (giving feedback), controlling

participants in education, seating Settings, and interactions between

educators and learners. There are two actions suggested by Ur (2012) in

maintaining the class atmosphere to remain conducive. The two actions are

performed in two different sessions-at a time before a problem occurs and

at a time after a problem occurs. Maintaning before problems consist of

careful planning, clear planning, and keeping in touch. Whereas in a real-

life problem consisting of dealing with threats, don't take a thing

personalized and don't use threats.

Classroom management in this study is categorized based on the theory

of classroom management by Harmer (2007) and Shakila (2009). Based on

this theory, the aspects assessed in classroom management are movement

(proximity, aprociacy, movement, awareness), maintaining discipline

(before and after problems), providing feedback (written, verbal, positive,

and negative), and seating arrangements.

a) Movement

Movement is carried out so that students are comfortable learning

English because not all students in the class have a confident character, are

easy to get along with, and dare to ask questions. The teacher as a manager

in the class always pays attention to all the characters of students in the class.

b) Maintaining Dicipline

Maintaining discipline is done so that students are more obedient to the

teacher in the classroom and also obey all the rules that exist in the school.

That way the character of students will be formed if students obey the

existing rules. Many students still like to break the rules, teachers are

required to always supervise students in the classroom.

c) Providing Feedback

Feedback is a way for teachers to improve students' skills and motivation.

This method can be done when the teacher teaches English so that students

can be interested and interested in learning English. Giving feedback to

students as written and oral feedback. The feedback function is divided into

two, namely positive and negative feedback. Giving a feedback can increase

students' motivation when learning English because not all students like


d) Seating Arrangement

Good seating management can optimize learning achievement even for

slow students. In daily practice, there are four types of seating arrangements

according to Harmer (2005) in Fauziati (2010). They are an orderly row,

circle or square, horseshoes, and separate table.


d. Elements of Classroom Management

1. Teacher Talk

Related to classroom management, teacher talk is one of the most

important elements and becomes the crucial point in practicing it.

Supporting the previous sentence, Feng and Qican (1999) in Elismawati

(2016) state when the teacher wants to give instruction, cultivate her/his

intellectual capability, and manage the activity in the classroom, teacher

talk is used as a tool to communicate it. Without having good

communication through the teacher’s language used, classroom

management would not be effective.

2. Teacher Talking Time

All the classroom instruction should be explained well by the teacher

by using a clear teacher talking time to make the students accomplish

the task given. Besides, teacher talking time can be utilized by the

teacher to draw the students’ attention to the material given.

Additionally, it turns into a beneficial factor when it is heard by the

students in the language classroom as the comprehensible input Krashen

(1982) in Fauziati (2010). From the preceding explanation, the positive

influences of teacher talking time should be put into priority.

3. Voice Management

The third factor that influences classroom management is voice

management. This term is described as the teacher’s way to speak in the


classroom. The voice becomes the teacher’s instrument to conduct

teaching and learning activities (Fauziati, 2010). Stated by Geng (2011),

the teacher’s voice can be used as a device to gain the students’ attention

and build good communication. Here, voice management shows a

positive impact in helping the teacher deal with classroom management.

4. Physical presence

Fauziati (2010), the phrase is related to the teacher’s physical

position in the classroom. The teacher should consider where the best

position to stand so that all the students can see her/him. The physical

position can be varied during the following activities such as standing

when conducting a language presentation, sitting and monitoring while

the students read, sitting while students carry an activation control, and

moving smoothly when students work in a group (Qureshi, 2010) in

Fauziati, 2010).

5. Seating arrangement

The study in Kenya accomplished by Ngware et al. (2013) revealed

that seating arrangement influences the students' achievement. Good

seating management can optimize learning achievement even for slow

students. In daily practice, there are four types of seating arrangements

according to Harmer (2005) in Fauziati (2010).

They are an orderly row, circle or square, horseshoes, and a separate


1) In the first type, orderly row/traditional, the chairs are set up like

choral drills. By using this setting, the teacher and the whiteboard

can be observed easily by all students in the classroom. At the same

time, the teacher has a good vision for every student. There are

several activities that are suitable for this type of seating

arrangement such as watching the video, explaining the material on

the whiteboard, and explaining the structure.

Picture 1 Orderly Row/Traditional

Traditionally, desks are arranged in rows, this allows the

whole class to see the blackboard. It is also easy for teachers and

students to walk around the desk in class. This provides an

opportunity for teachers to timely assist individual students in an

easy way. This type of table setting reduces the chances of cheating

but increases students' ability to give each other notes. Therefore,


the teacher's desk should be placed in the middle so that he can see

all the students sitting in the class. It is more difficult to organize

group activities in this type of classroom setting.

2) The second type called circle or square is appropriate for small size

classrooms. The teacher can place her/himself in the middle of the

circle. Therefore, every student has the same distance toward the

teacher. This situation creates a sense of equality among them.

Picture 2 Circle or Square

The circular table is designed to give more focus to the class

as a group. This setting encourages all students to be involved in

class activities. This type of class design allows students to have

maximum interaction with their peers. Although there is maximum

interaction opportunity between students and teachers with each

other there is a negative point in this class setting that some students

cannot see the whiteboard as multiple students. Will be in front of

the blackboard while the others will be on the side of the board.

3) The third type is horseshoes which have a similar pattern to the circle

shape. However, in this type, there is an open space that is used by

the teacher to stand.

Picture 3 Horseshoes

U-style or horseshoe is a combination of circle and line

designs. Horseshoe designs are useful for group assignments, group

discussions, and lectures. All students who sit in u style can see the

blackboard easily when they look ahead. The teacher's desk is

usually in the middle of a horseshoe design. This type of classroom

arrangement is very beneficial because the classroom becomes

wider and both teachers and students can move easily in the

classroom. In addition, it is also useful for structuring activities in

the classroom because the area around the seating area becomes


4) The next type is called separate tables. This type of seating

arrangement is mainly used to manage the class in several smaller

groups. Students can work with the same partner in the same group

for the whole time. As a result, for some students, the situation will

rather monotonous. To avoid this condition, the teacher can change

the type of seating arrangement periodically based on what the

lesson needs.

Picture 4 Separate Tables

In this type of classroom seating, two students sit together

around one table and there is a distance between the two tables

which has a separate table/table for each student. The chairs are

arranged in such a way as to allow the teacher to move freely around

the classroom and access each student with ease. Students can see

the board and all other instructional aids easily in this setting.

Teachers can assess students and they can carry out activities in


C. Teaching English

Smith expanded the concept of teaching in 1963 to include two sets of

variables that the agent cannot regulate (class size, student characteristics,

physical facilities, etc.) and which he can change (teaching techniques and

strategies). The activity of transferring knowledge about English include all

elements and skill of English language from teacher to learners in the classroom.

In classroom activities, teachers play an absolutely important role in

communicating messages and knowledge and have close relationships with

students. From this, we can conclude that teachers, the center of education, are

faced with a series of decisions made in the classroom. As classroom

administrators, teachers need to manage students by instructing them what to

do and learn. The teacher's responsibility to manage the atmosphere and media

to help support learning is important.

a. Challenges in Teaching English

Teaching English might seem mutual with any other teaching, yet it

has its unique challenges.

1. A Severe shortage of training. In some countries, problems related to a

serious shortage of trained English teachers are reported (Nunan, 2003;

Salahuddin, Khan & Rahman, 2013; Nurkamto, 2003). Therefore,


teachers may teach English without adequate training in English in

general, or teach English to students in particular, and this is often the

case in poor or rural areas. Because teachers may receive only basic

preparation to support theory and practical applications, they may find

it difficult to integrate teaching methods effectively.

2. Crowded class. One of the most frequently cited problems by English

teachers is overcrowded classes and the impact such conditions can have

on teaching and learning. Nurkamto (2003) also listed one of the

challenges in teaching English, namely the size of the classroom.

3. Lack of vocabulary. One of the biggest challenges for students is

mastering vocabulary. As a result, learners of ESL are limited by

knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the target language and

must make an effort to understand the content.

4. Students’ motivation. Encouraging students in remote areas to learn

English can be challenging as they may struggle to understand the

relationship between learning English given their little contact with

speakers of the language. They also added that students have no idea of

the purpose of learning English, an attitude that can be reinforced by

their parents.

5. English as a foreign language faces the students' bad attitude towards

the implementation of English, especially in the presence of a competing

user. Therefore, these psychological issues affect students' motivation

and learning attitudes towards the English language.


6. Mother tongue interference. Most of the problems encountered are due

to the interference of the first language. Both teachers and students are

fluent in their own mother tongue, which unconsciously leads to a

misreading of English.

7. Lack of basic and necessary equipment. The lack of facilities and

equipment makes it difficult for teachers to embody an effective

teaching process. The language could only be understood by practicing

the four faculties; listening, speaking, reading and writing.

8. Low teaching methods and techniques mastery. Applying proper

teaching methods and techniques is difficult because teachers think not

only about how to teach four language skills, but also how to keep

students motivated and enthusiastic in learning and practicing the

English language.

9. Students’ boredom. Another difficulty in teaching English is related to

students who enroll in English courses outside schools. According to

Khajloo (2013), such students have higher academic level than others

and when they “listen to repetitive low-level content for them, they find

it unattractive and boring”.

D. Previous Study

An Analysis of Classroom Management of English Teaching Process in The

Large Class at The Second Grade of Junior High School based Islamic Boarding

School Pancasila Kota Bengkulu by Resky (2021). In this research, the

researcher used a descriptive qualitative research method and the subject is


Class VII B at Junior High School Based Islamic Boarding School Pancasila

Kota Bengkulu, which consisted of 40 students. The finding of this research is

that the first; Teacher Roles a large class in the second grade of Junior High

School based Islamic boarding School Pancasila Bengkulu which plays an

important role in the teaching and learning process in large classes. The second,

Grouping Students a large class at the second grade of Junior High School based

Islamic boarding School Pancasila Bengkulu. It is one way to handle the big

class. The third, Giving Feedback a large class in the second grade of Junior

High School based Islamic boarding School Pancasila Bengkulu. The fourth,

the Physical Environment of the Classroom a large class the second grade of

Junior High School based on Islamic boarding School Pancasila Bengkulu. The

last the Teacher’s Physical Attendance a large class the second grade of Junior

High School based Islamic boarding School Pancasila Bengkulu consists of the

first, Body Language and second the teacher’s Movement.

Teachers’ Challenges in Teaching English at Seventh Grade Students of

Junior High School 18 Jambi by Husna (2021). In this research the researcher

used descriptive qualitative method and the subject there are 2 English teachers

that teaching at seventh grade students of Junior High School 18 Jambi. The

finding of the reserch is the challenges include: lack of student interest in

learning English, lack of basic knowledge of students about English lessons, the

use of mother tongue when learning English, facilities at school, teacher

unfamiliarity in technology and insufficient time lesson hours due to the Covid-

19 pandemic that happen right now.


Classroom Management in Teaching English at Tenth Grade Students of

Senior High School 1 Taseplin Bungo by Jannah (2019). In this research the

researcher used qualitative descriptive method and the subject there are English

teacher at tenth grade student Senior High School 1 Taseplin Bungo. The

finding of the reserch is the researcher concluded that the process of classroom

management in English teacher at tenth Grade Students of Senior High School

1 Taseplin Bungo from the planning based on the lesson plan, preparation the

material and the media, then establish the positive climate with setting the

establish working atmosphere and discipline with some reward and punishment

such as gave them task and ask them to take the rubbish.


A. Research Design

Design in this study used qualitative descriptive with qualitative

descriptive method. Nazir (2011:55) said descriptive qualitative method is

a method of research provides the description of the situation of events or

occurrence. This method is used to describe the characteristics of objects

being studied such as an activity, conditions, and circumstances. In this case,

the activity studied is the process of classroom management and classroom

interaction by a teacher and the overall activity with students in the class at

MTsN 1 Trenggalek.

B. Data Source

The data source is a source which data is taken from. The source of

the data is very significant in the research because the researcher will not

enable to get information without the source of data. In this study, the source

of the data will get from English teacher in the classroom at MTsN 1

Trenggalek. In the research to describe management, the subject of the study

is taken from the class that use English in their teaching learning process.

Data refers to the answer of the research question. Bogdan and

Biklen, (1998:106) define data as the rough materials researchers collect

from the world they are studying. Data include materials the people doing


the study actively records, such as interview transcripts, and participant

observation field notes. In this research, the researcher used qualitative data

based on the data from the field and another source. The data of the study

belong to descriptive qualitative data. Those data were the classroom

management conducted by teacher and learner during the teaching-learning

process in the classroom which occurred during the English class. In this

research there were two forms of the data. The first data are gathered from

the observation field. The second data are interview transcripts of the

teacher that was record by the researcher during the conduct interview.

C. The Subject of the Study

In qualitative research, the subject of the study is the main person

who will be chosen to provide data by analyzing each person's capability.

According to Ludic et al. (2006: 266), “the researcher will select the subjects

so that they will be able to provide the key information essential for the

study.” Meanwhile, according to Burhan Bungin (2012: 53), the most

important sampling procedure is how to determine key informants or certain

social situations that are full of information. Selecting a sample, in this case

a key or social situation, is more appropriate to be done intentionally or

purposefully, namely by purposive sampling. The subject of the study was

three English teachers and some students at MTsN 1 Trenggalek is taught

by the teacher.

D. Method and Colecting Data

The data gathering in this study uses two kinds of instruments with

observation guide and an interview.

1. Classroom Observation

In order to obtain data for class management processes and

interactions that teachers perform with students, and process classroom

management. The technique is used to obtain accurate sources of

information in the transition of roles in this interaction between the

teacher and the students. Additionally, at each meeting, researchers use

an observation check list as research guides that are carefully adjusted

to the criteria for good class management based on the theory found in

chapter II.

2. Interview

In this study, the researcher interview three English teachers at

MTsN 1 Trenggalek and some students who taught. Interviews are

structured and open where researchers have prepared previous interview

manuals with questions. Interviews were conducted referring to the

following points:

a. Whole activity in the class

b. The class management process by the teacher

c. The student response in the class


3. Documentation

Documentation consists of public and private records that qualitative

research obtains about a site or participants in a study, and they can

include newspapers, minutes of meetings, personal journals, and latters

(Creswell, 2012: 223). The researchers used the documentation method

to obtain data from the source of the document at MTsN 1 Trenggalek.

Documentation is used by researchers to get data from the conditions of

teaching and learning in the classroom by the teacher.

E. Method and Data Analysis

Data analysis is the final activities in research are analyzing and

interprets the data collected and presents the result. The analysis involves

reducing and organizing the data, synthesizing, searching for significant

patterns, and discovering what is important.

In analyzing the data the researcher employed the method suggested by

Miles and Huberman (2014) covering data condensation, data display, and

conclusion drawing.

1. Data Condensation

Data condensation refers to the process of selecting, focusing

simplifying, abstracting, and/or transforming the data that appear in the

full corpus (body) of written-up field notes, interview transcripts,

documents, and other empirical materials.


2. Data Display

After data condensation, the next step in analyzing the data is data

display. Data display is a form of analysis that describes what is

happening in the natural setting so that it finally can help the researcher

to draw a final conclusion. The process of display the data are based on

the formulation of the research problem. It is about how is the process

of classroom management by the teacher at MTsN 1 Trenggalek and

what are the teachers' challenges in classroom management. The most

frequent form of data display in the study is in the form of narrative

texts. After displaying the data, a conclusion is drawn.

3. Conclusion Drawing

This is the last step of data analysis that is Drawing Conclusion or

Interpretation. Here, the researcher begins to see what is in the data. The

researcher examines all entries with the same code and then merges

these categories and finds the connection among categories. Then, it

continues to tell the stories and make connections among stories. The

researcher begins to make meaning of the categories and themes to

connect them. So, we can get the idea from this step.

Conclusion drawing involves reflecting about the words and acts of

the study's participant and abstracting important understanding from

them. The researcher makes generalization based on the connections and

common aspects among the categories. The conclusion in qualitative

research is a new discovery that can be an answer of the research


problem. The conclusion is in the form of a description of the object of

this study. Finally, in this step, the researcher can get the result and

conclusion of the research.

In the last procedure of data analysis, the researcher concluded and

verified the transcribed data. The conclusion was the essence of the

analysis that tells about how is process of classroom management at

MTsN 1 Trenggalek and Teachers' challenges in calssroom



This chapter discusses the findings result of the study. It covers the data

finding related to the formulation of the research question. In this data, the

researcher would like to present the data that has been gotten during having

observation in the classroom and interviews with teachers and students. It is based

on the formulation of the research question there are: how is classroom management

at MTsN 1 Trenggalek, what are the teachers’ challenges in teaching English at

MTsN 1 Trenggalek. In order to present and analyze the data to be more easily the

researcher used symbols T1 (teacher 1), T2 (teacher 2), and T3 (teacher 3) as

subjects and S1 (student 1), S2 (student 2), S3 (student 3), S4 (students 4), S5

(student 5) and S6 (student 6) it is as follows:

A. How is Classroom Management at MTsN 1 Trenggalek

Based on the observation that has be done by the researcher and interview

with three English teachers and also students, it can be describe that classroom

management one of the keys to the success of the teaching process is the teacher’s

ability to manage the class well. Classrooom management can also affect the

comfort of the students in the class. In this session, the researcher devided the data

by teachers in the class that can be explain in some point and will be explain as

follows. As we can see, classroom management by teachers is very important for

teaching and learning activities, especially in English classes. Teaching methods,


learning environment and optimization of teachers are very influential in the

learning process in the classroom.

1. Movement

Based on the result of the observation conducted in the class. The

researcher found the data that the teacher must apply dicipline to all students

in the class. Before the lesson begins the teacher greets and prays first. In

the first interview with the Teacher, how is classroom management at MTsN

1 Trenggalek as follows:

T1 stated that: “Whether or not the class is active, the key is in the
teacher, how to handle and manage the class can be seen from the
teacher. The student can be active or not, and can receive the material
well or not depending on how the teacher handles the class and how
the method is given by the teacher. If teachers can be active and
creative, they can automatically give and contribute well in
classroom management.”

T2 stated that: “The manage classroom that I applied for the first
time was discipline (character), if there were assignments or
questions, they had to be done immediately even though it was
wrong, the students had to try to do it. If it is wrong the students can
share and discuss again with the teacher, which is the correct answer.
I also have to emphasize the attitude, character, responsibility and
behavior of students when in class, in my opinion grades and lessons
are number two. I also apply a brave attitude where if I have
difficulty while doing an assignment, I must dare to ask the teacher.

T3 stated that: “Different class is different idea, because any students

is different character, any students different a skills and the
background is different too. So there is excellent classes here and for
usually classes. It's just that we don't have the same way of teaching
in excellent or ordinary classes, we must first know the character of
the students themselves.”
The teacher's statement above is supported by the student's statement.
S1 stated that: “Thats right, this teacher (T1) approached the students
after giving the material and assignments, was asked one by one and

then gave the correct answer if wrong. I also prefer it when the
teacher approaches us one by one, because from there we will feel
more comfortable and not monotonous in front of the class.
Sometimes there are teachers who just stay in front of the class and
don't check the results of our assignments.”

S2 stated that: “Yes, this teacher (T1) every times she finished
giving the material always checked the results of our assignments
one by one.”

S3 stated that: “This teacher (T2) teaches by approaching students,

but sometimes.”

S4 stated that: “Sometimes she (T2) approach students, sometimes

only in front of us.”

S5 stated that: “This teacher's (T3) way of teaching is very good, his
way of learning is relaxed but serious. The teachers and students are
close, so our learning is not afraid and boring. This teacher also
approached the students one by one.”

S6 stated that: “This teache (T3) made a game every meeting, where
we were made excited. But that's what makes us motivated to learn

Classroom management is usually a difficult aspect of teacher

instruction. The destructive activities of students in the classroom can

discourage teachers to some extent, but that doesn’t discourage for them.

How they manage the class well, must go through a long process. Unite the

minds of many students into one. Where each student has a different

character, some are easy to manage, some are a bit difficult, some are

stubborn and difficult to manage. Delivering material that is easily accepted

by students is also quite difficult because English is a second language

where their first language is Indonesian.


T1 stated that: “I apply movement by approaching students after

giving the material and assignments. I asked them one by one,
whether the material I explained was well received or not. Then give
the correct answer if their answer is wrong.”

T2 stated that: “I think of the students themselves as study friends.

In essence the teacher serves students, I prefer to spend time for
students so that they understand better. The interaction between
teachers and students must also be good so that English learning in
the classroom runs well. I also prefer to communicate one by one in
class after delivering the material, so that all students can convey
which material they do not understand. Sometimes if I only ask in
front of the class the question "Does everyone understand?" there
must be some students who are afraid to answer do not understand /
do not understand. I think all the room and all the students must be
affordable, if there are children who are silent and less active
(passive) there must be an approach between the teacher and

T3 stated that: “I don't really like using the teacher center myself, but
actually, let's see the material first. Because if the child is taught by
the teacher center method, most students will get bored easily.”

Apply movement with students is intended to make students dare to say

what they can't. Most of those who are not brave and shy will definitely not

want to ask the teacher. Here the teacher approaches the students one by one

to ask the material they do not understand. Not many students dared to ask

questions, but many were also active and asked what materials they could

not. Because in the class there must be active and passive students, therefore

the teacher must understand the character of the students themselves.

2. Maintaining dicipline

Discipline is a form of obedience to the rules and sanctions that

apply in the school environment. The application of school community

discipline, especially teacher discipline in carrying out the teaching and


learning process, is very dependent on the performance of the teacher

himself. Teacher performance or work performance in carrying out special

tasks such as education, education, supervision, coaching, evaluation, and

evaluation is the main increase in student intelligence which leads to

improving the quality of education provided.

T1 stated that: “To do with discipline, they must be on time.

Whatever assignments in class must be done on time and according
to directions. At this MTsN also has its own rules in applying
discipline regarding student habituation, the teacher must check and
remind the completeness of attributes such as shoes and uniforms.
As for the specifics of the material, I checked the student's
assignments, the way of assessing not only academics but also
attitude values.”

T2 stated that: “I apply discipline (character), if there is an

assignment or question, it must be done immediately even though it
is wrong, the student must try to do it, uniformly, on time when they
comes to class.

T3 stated that: “The way I apply discipline to students when doing

assignments, they must be on time in collection. Maintaining
discipline before and after the class. I am not a strength teacher but
i just like the students is to late for the duty and not this opname a
childish and my student understand what my character. So if the
assignment is limited time automatically students know the risks. So
if there is an assignment and the submission of assignments is past
the specified date, the value will automatically be at the maximum

Mantaining discipline is applied, they are disciplined and respect about

the problem of time, collection and spelling of assignments. If the teacher

does not apply discipline then they will just do it. Not only that, discipline

will also make them respect the teacher. How students should behave

towards their teachers is also important.


This statement is evidenced by Student 1 responses “Every class entry

and assignment submission must be on time, otherwise we will be given
a warning if we violate it. If we don't wear uniforms, we will also get
sanctions. Moreover, the shoes you wear must be black..”

This statement by Student 2 responses “ It is true that the discipline in

this school and the teaching of English by Teacher 1 is very strict. If we
violate it once, we will only be reprimanded if it has been repeated
several times, then we will be sanctioned.

Because students have different learning styles and learn at different paces,

most teachers realize they need to teach the same material using several methods

to ensure learning. It is the same with discipline—one approach does not work for

all students or in all situations.

3. Giving Feedback

Feedback is the teachers behavior to help each student who has

learning difficulties individually by responding to the results of student

work, whether the material presented has been well received or not. The

feedback provided by the teacher includes providing an explanation of the

mistakes made by students in completing the assigned tasks, either directly

or indirectly. Feedback is a correction of answers to student responses in

doing tests or exercises. Feedback is a process with the result or effect of a

response to control it.

T1 stated that: “There are two kinds of giving feedback, namely

written and oral feedback, including positive and negative

T2 stated that: “Actually giving feedback to students can be written

and oral feedback. There is also positive and negative feedback.”

T3 stated that: “There are several types of giving feedback, namely

positive and negative feedback.”

Giving feedback to students

T1 stated that: “Giving feedback to students is very important
because it can motivate students themselves to learn English. Giving
feedback to students, one of which is reviewing the material, giving
games and questions, next meeting by repeating/recalling the
previous material with the question "Do you still remember what is
the last meeting about?” Give feedback by means of evaluation,
games, role play, asking questions directly, reviewing questions
related to the material previously described.”

T2 stated that: “The feedback I give is motivation, if they do well,

we will appreciate it and if it is not good, we will be motivated again
to be more enthusiastic about learning. I always emphasize to
students, the motivation when learning English is so that they can
not get good grades. If you understand automatically the value will
also follow.”

T3 stated that: “I saw first the results when I gave feedback to

students and saw the results first. The value of English is good or not
after I give the material (giving assessment). I usually give it twice
in the examination test in my students of the chapter. I use a
vocabulary test, why do I use a vocabulary test because students is
not easy, a very easy to memories new vocab. If I use a vocabulary
test, I can automatically detect it and then it will be easier to
understand the test I will give. Only the vocabulary test i don't the
giving information, I usually don't give time, just directly. If I want
a vocab test today, just go ahead and students must be ready. If it's
for vocab only, if it's for the test, I'll let you know beforehand.

Researcher : How do you give written and oral feedback to students?

T1 stated that: “Written feedback by giving homework while oral
feedback I usually do direct interviews with students like the
material that has been given (the game is both oral and written). The
game goes into written feedback if you quickly write a list in front
of the blackboard, for example "Please find a kind of thing around
class, write all thing on your class!" Not necessarily students write
the word table into a table from which the teacher can also see the
students' abilities.

T2 stated that: “Written feedback is more about students'

assignments in working on questions, for example, if there is an

incorrect answer, I will definitely write down the correct answer. For
oral feedback, for example, if there is an incorrect answer, I will
explain again. I always emphasize to students, motivation when
learning English so that they can not get good grades. If they
understand the value will follow.

T3 stated that: “Give written and oral feedback to students. For

example, if the speaking material is Oral, every chapter I usually ask
to go one by one and practice dialogue 2 to 3 times.”

Giving positive and negative feedback to students

T1 stated that: “Giving feedback to students, one of which is by
reviewing the material, giving games and questions, next meeting
by repeating/recalling the previous material with the question "Do
you still remember what is the last meeting about?" Don't forget to
give rewards and don't just punish them. Students will definitely be
happy if the teacher appreciates and appreciates their students more,
they will be more enthusiastic about learning English.”
“Positive feedback gives encouragement so students don't get down.
If the student is right or wrong, the teacher must give positive words.
If the student is correct the teacher gives motivational words such as
"good job, excellent job" if wrong "good but this is still not perfect,
please study more. If the teacher asks a question but the student has
not been able to answer correctly, the teacher still supports the
student to answer correctly. "Oh, almost right, almost true" with
positive motivational words so students will not feel down, they will
be more motivated to answer because the teacher does not insist on
answering correctly. There are so many students who find it difficult
to learn English, many of them don't like this lesson. Teachers must
be able to teach English with fun and deliver material so that
students are more interested in English and don't make English a
scourge / scary lesson.”

T2 stated that: “Positive feedback by giving motivational words, and

providing opportunities for students.”

T3 stated that: “Positive and negative feedback to students. The

negative is if students don't quickly understand the material we
teach, it's just how we as teachers respond to it. In the past I could
use posters, practice and games. I don't like teacher center learning,
I prefer practice. Always give motivational words to students.”

Giving feedback to students so that teachers know how much

understanding of the material that has been given to students. Whether the

materials and methods provided have been well received by students. When

it is not well received, the teacher will evaluate what is wrong with the

delivery and the methods they use. The teacher also gives positive

motivational sentences when students cannot accept the material given by

the teacher. When there is something that can be done, the student is given

a reward.

4. Seating Arragement

Seating arrangement is one of the ways the teacher organizes the class. Good

seating arrangements will help learning conditions and make students

enjoyable to learning English. The proper arrangement of the classroom

environment affects the level of student involvement and participation in

the learning process.

T1 stated that: “For seating arrangements, all types of arrangements

can be used but also not with all teachers. Because the selection of
seats also depends on the material to be taught. Personally, I prefer
to use orderly row or traditional arrangement, but if asked to choose
I prefer horseshoes or letter U seating arrangement, because it is
more comfortable, free to see and interact with students, more
flexible and comfortable for classroom management (apply

T2 stated that: “The effectiveness of the seat also affects the learning
process. The seating arrangement that I often use is the orderly row
or traditional arrangement depending on the material as well. If the
material allows for groups, then I will use a small group or separate
table. In my opinion, the traditional one is easier because students
will focus on the blackboard, but small groups are more effective.

T3 stated that: “I think the seating arrangement doesn't matter all of

them can be used, but I prefer the traditional arrangement. The

problem is that the character of the child can be invited to a group or

not. So the seating arrangement is not a problem, the problem is not
really the seating arrangement but the way of learning.”

Seating arrangement is also very important because with seating

arrangement students will be more comfortable studying, they will not get

bored quickly. In all schools the average seating arrangement uses the

traditional arrangement. The seating arrangement is done by the teacher

himself because the teacher is the class holder when delivering the material.

B. What are the teachers’ challenges in classroom management at MTsN

1 Trenggalek.

a. Observation

In every teaching and learning process, of course, in the classroom

the teacher has its own challenges in managing the class. There are many

factors whether it's from the teacher themself, students or class

conditions. Classroom challenges are one of the right problems faced by

teachers, and good teachers have the courage to overcome all of these

challenges. Addressing these common classroom challenges not only

helps increase teacher retention, but also increases student success rates

and the final quality of education.

The finding of the teacher challenges in classroom management at

MTsN 1 Trenggalek are as follows there are many factors whether it's

from the teacher themself, students or class conditions. The teacher's

challenges in classroom management in teaching English is to get


students interested in English. What we know most of the students do

not like English. Teachers are required to provide motivational

motivation so that learning English in class is fun and the material can

be conveyed well. The teacher must also know the character of the

students themselves, making it easier for the teacher to convey the

material well.

In addition, teachers must create new teaching methods so that

students are comfortable and easy to understand the material. Moreover,

those taught are MTsn students, where these students enter the growth

period from adolescence to adulthood. They will be more difficult to

manage and the teacher will also have to adjust what method is suitable

for them. Seating arrangements also actually make it easier for teachers

to teach in the classroom, but various seating arrangements are made to

adjust the material. Where if the material has to be a dining group, it

requires seating arrangements such as a small group. Teachers are also

demanded to be professional, problems that arise from anywhere are not

used as obstacles in teaching. Because if the teacher is not professional

then the class management will not run well. Because the key to

successful classroom management lies in the teacher themself.

Based on the result of observation and interview to the subjects of

the research, the researcher present the finding of the research. The

finding will be explained as the following. This part presents the

research findings found in the field by conducting observation and


interview. It related to the my title “Teachers’ Challenges in Classroom

Management in Teaching English in MTsN 1 Trenggalek”. After the

researcher observed the teachers doing their teaching activity and

activity in classroom management, the researcher got the needed data.

From the result of observations and interviews, the researcher got some

similar answer from three english teacher and some of the students they


b. Interview

The finding of the teacher challenges in classroom management at

MTsN 1 Trenggalek are as follows there are many factors whether it's

from the teacher themself, students or class conditions. The teacher's

challenges in classroom management in teaching English is to get

students interested in English. What we know most of the students do

not like English. Teachers are required to provide motivational

motivation so that learning English in class is fun and the material can

be conveyed well. The teacher must also know the character of the

students themselves, making it easier for the teacher to convey the

material well.

In addition, teachers must create new teaching methods so that

students are comfortable and easy to understand the material. Moreover,

those taught are MTsn students, where these students enter the growth

period from adolescence to adulthood. They will be more difficult to

manage and the teacher will also have to adjust what method is suitable

for them. Seating arrangements also actually make it easier for teachers

to teach in the classroom, but various seating arrangements are made to

adjust the material. Where if the material has to be a dining group, it

requires seating arrangements such as a small group. Teachers are also

demanded to be professional, problems that arise from anywhere are not

used as obstacles in teaching. Because if the teacher is not professional

then the class management will not run well. Because the key to

successful classroom management lies in the teacher themself.

The way teachers teach has an influence on their own teaching and

student learning in the classroom. Uniting students with different

backgrounds, interest, abilities, and most suitable teaching method into

one is not easy. Therefore, classroom management by the teacher is very

influential on the effectiveness of learning in the classroom.The key to

whether or not the class is active is the teacher, how to handle and

manage the class is seen from the teacher. The student can be active or

not, can accept the material well or not depending on how the teacher

handles the class and how the method is given by the teacher. If teachers

can be active and creative, they can automatically give and contribute

well to classroom management.

1. Teachers’ factors

The challenges of teachers in teaching English are in how to

master the material to be delivered, modifying various teaching

methods so that students do not get bored quickly, teachers are


also required to always be creative so that what is delivered is

not monotonous. Besides that, teachers are also human, they are

required to be professional. How to control the mood that can

come at any time. Mood can also affect teaching and learning

activities in the classroom. Therefore, how the teacher controls

the mood will be a challenge for students and learning English.

T1 stated that: “If teachers can be active and creative, they

can automatically give and contribute well in classroom
management. There are not many obstacles from myself,
because I have taught many times and have been teaching for
a long time too. Maybe sometimes we are required to always
think creatively and be creative in learning so that students
are not bored and are more enthusiastic in learning English.
If we only use traditional and roles, it will be monotonous.
Automatically inspires teachers and students as well. We are
required to always be professional, where mood related to
mood conditions or health conditions also affects learning in
class. If the teacher is not in the mood, it will definitely feel
uncomfortable for learning in class and students will
definitely not be able to enjoy the English lesson itself.”

T2 Stated that: “Mood can affect students, but we have to be

professional. Actually it affects but if we are aware we can
handle it so as not to affect learning activities in the

T3 stated that: “Obtacles in managing classes, depending on

how many percent of students can catch the material we
teach because every class is different. The teacher must
know each student's character. Mood will definitely affect
learning activities, but we must remain professional.”

Based on the interview with T1, T2 and T3, The teacher's

mood greatly affects the teaching in the classroom. Teachers

must be professional in the classroom, especially in conveying

material to students. T1 also explained that teachers are required


to always be creative and also innovate so that the material can

be understood by and students are not easily bored in class. T2

and T3 explained that mood is also very influential, besides that

the teacher must know the character of their students in the


2. Students’ factors

Factors from students can also affect teaching by teachers. No

matter how much the teacher explains the material, if the

students don't like English, the material will not enter. Therefore,

the teacher must make English interesting for students. Students

who are lazy and don't want to learn English are also influential.

T1 stated that: “Sometimes what they hear and write is

different. For example, the word look is not necessarily
written as luk. Verb changes are difficult, what they hear, say
and write is sometimes different, so that's where the teacher
is also required to direct students to do it.”

T2 stated that: “Problems in class can come from any factor,

it can be from teachers, students or class conditions. In every
class there is a student who is closed but he likes English. As
teachers we also have to know the character of the students,
there are active, passive and closed if they are closed it
doesn't mean they can't but they don't want to interact.
Teachers should also pay more attention to their students.”

T3 stated that: “Making students interested in English is not

easy, for example, learning vocab when we say it like this,
but what they writing is definitely different.

Many factors come from the students themselves. Starting from

interest in learning English, mastery of the material provided,

lazy to study. T1 explained that sometimes in teaching English,


what the teacher says and what students hear and write is

different. For example, the word look is not necessarily written

as luk. Explaining verb changes is difficult, so that's where the

teacher is also required to direct the students. T2 and T3 explain

that problems in class can come from any factor, it can be from

teachers, students or class conditions. Our teachers must know

the character of students and teachers must also pay more

attention to their students. Besides that, getting students

interested in English is not easy. Teachers must have their own

classroom management.

3. Class condition

The classroom is also an influential place for teaching and

learning English, where the classroom is used by students to

learn. If the class room is comfortable, those who study in it will

also enjoy it. Clean classrooms, complete and comfortable

facilities will definitely make learning more effective.

T1 stated that: “The new class conditions will make them

more enthusiastic. They are also very interested if the
conditions and atmosphere of the class are changed to be
new. From the school itself, facilities such as TV, LCD are
provided, but not all classes are supported. If there is a class
that does not support it, go back to the teacher's method. If
students know a lot of vocab, the students will be able and
happy with English. The teacher's task is how students are
more interested in English.

T2 stated that: “Even though there is a problem, I can

overcome it, because the problem is always in the classroom.
Problems usually arise in student attitudes. In my opinion,

the facilities in the classroom are already supportive for me

to teach in class.

T3 stated that: “Problems are always there in the classroom.

Problems usually arise in the attitude of students who are
difficult to manage. In my opinion, the facilities in the
classroom are already supportive for me to teach in class, but
not all classes have complete facilities. To overcome that I
use my own teaching method.”

Judging from the challenges of teachers found, namely

factors from the teacher, student factors, and class conditions.

Teachers can solve it by doing an evaluation everyday, from start

to finish teaching. That way the teacher can prevent and correct

mistakes when the teacher is teaching and improve the teacher's

ability to teach English.


Table 1 The Teacher Challenges in Classroom Management

Challenges in Classroom Teachers’ Challenges in

Management Classroom Management

- Material mastery
- Use multiple methods
- Mood control
1. Teacher
- Teachers must be creative in
making methods that are
acceptable to students

- Understanding the character

of each students in the class
- Make students happy and
interest to learn English
2. Students - Uniting students with
different backgrounds,
interest, abilities, and most
suitable teaching method
into one.

- Make the class comfortable

3. Class Condition
in every learning English


This chapter presents related about discussion. The discussion is given on

the presented finding.

A. How is Classroom Management at MTsN 1 Trenggalek

From the research data at MTsN 1 Trenggalek, it can be seen that

classroom management one of the keys to the success of the teaching

process is the teacher’s ability to manage the class well. Classrooom

management can also affect the comfort of the students in the class. In this

session, the researcher devided the data by teachers in the class that can be

explain in some point and will be explain as follows. As we can see,

classroom management by teachers is very important for teaching and

learning activities, especially in English classes. Teaching methods,

learning environment and optimization of teachers are very influential in the

learning process in the classroom. From the result of the interview, it can

also that teacher applies aspects of classroom management such as applying

movement, maintaining discipline, giving feedback to students and seating

arrangement. Each teacher has their own way of managing their class, their

methods and characteristics of each.

Based on the data that the researchers obtained, in general the teaching

and management of English classes by teachers at MTsN 1 Trenggalek has


been done by maximizing Human Resources. By always evaluating learning

activities, improving teacher abilities, increasing knowledge from all media

and fellow teachers.

a. Movement

The teacher carries out the four aspects of classroom management.

When the lesson begins, the teacher delivers the material with several

methods that the teacher has. With full attention, students also listen

carefully to what the teacher says. When the teacher finished delivering

the meter, the teacher asked the students the question "Do you

understand the material, if not you can ask questions?" There are some

students who are really active in learning, not a few are passive. When

the teacher sees that there are students who are still confused and do not

understand the material presented. So from there the teacher applies this

movement, the teacher approaches the students one by one and asks

whether the material presented has been well received. From here the

teacher is positioned as the actual class manager, who not only conveys

the material in front of the class, but also enters into the students

themselves and provides solutions if students cannot. Therefore,

students will not feel awkward during teaching English.

b. Mantaining Dicipline

Maintaining discipline is divided into two, namely, before and after

problems. Class rules must have real consequences. Students observe

the limitations of each teacher from the first day of school. So the teacher

must be firm, fair and consistent. Classes should start with a warm

welcome to students and confirm their knowledge of the class rules. At

MTsN the teacher begins by greeting and praying. Before starting the

lesson the teacher asked whether to bring an English book or not, had

done the tasks given previously or not, reviewed the previous material

and attended students one by one. If the student violates it will be

reprimanded, but if it is too much, the teacher will punish the student

with a pre-agreed punishment. Until the lesson ends, the teacher

evaluates any mistakes during the lesson.

c. Poviding Feedback

Motivation is one of the important principles in learning. Giving

feedback to students will increase the motivation of the students

themselves. Students cannot learn if they are not motivated. Motivation

also plays an important role in classroom management, for example, if

students have high learning motivation, they will carry out daily

activities with high enthusiasm and the class will automatically become

disciplined. Positive motivation from the teacher will make students

happy and enthusiastic to learn English. Therefore, goal setting in the

classroom motivates students towards high academic achievement. This

student motivation can be done by the teacher through material or verbal


d. Seating Arragements

Seating arrangements are also very important for teachers, making it

easier for them to deliver English teaching materials. That way the

teacher will be more flexible in interacting with students. This seating

arrangement is also made so that the class atmosphere is not boring and

more varied. The researcher saw that at MTsN 1 Trenggalek, almost all

classes used traditional arrangements, from the teacher themself who

had the initiative to change the seating arrangement. The researcher saw

that the seating arrangement was used if there was material that required

changing the seating arrangement. Most teachers use the traditional

arrangement and square, because the seating arrangement that is

changed every lesson will reduce learning time and is less effective,

because they have to shift the old sitting position to a new position. But

not all teachers consider this seating arrangement important, because

each teacher has their own teaching method and way of managing thei

own class and that's not a problem for them.

B. Teachers’ Challenges in Teaching English at MTsN 1 Trenggalek

Based on Mickiewicza (2011) the term of challenge refers to the

situation that faced by someone who needs an effort to reach the goal.

Challenge is different from problem. The difference is if problem does not

need an effort but challenge needs an effort in order to get something. It

means that if someone is experienced a challenge, he has to do something


and find the way to solve it. Teaching a language has many different

features. Teacher does not only teach and pay attention to students’

language skills, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking, but also

help, facilitate, and encourage students to have enthusiasm, good attitude,

and motivation towards English.

The researcher stated it is true that the challenges of teachers are

different even though some are the same. Teachers also have to find

solutions to these challenges. Based on the data obtained by researchers,

tecahers’ challenges in teaching English at MTsN 1 Trenggalek. Based on

the data obtained by the researcher, there are three challenges for teaching

English at MTsN 1 Trenggalek, namely teachers' factors, students' factors

and class conditions it is as follows:

a. Teachers’s factors

Factors from the teacher themself when having to master the

material, using several methods to be delivered, mood control, the

teacher must be creative in making methods that are acceptable to

students. Actually there are many factors that occur when teachers

teach and can come from anywhere. The teacher is a very influential

person in the learning process. The atmosphere of the class can be

seen from how the teacher can manage the class well. The theory

from (Songbatumis, 2017) which explains that English teachers do

not only teach language skills such as the four skills above but also

have to help, facilitate, encourage students to have enthusiasm, good


attitude, and motivation towards English. Based on this research, it

is true that teachers are very influential in classroom management.

Because the teacher plays an important role to provide the best for

students and their class.

b. Students’s factors

The factor from the students themselves is that the teacher must

understand the character of each student in the class, make students

happy and interested in learning English, unite students with

different backgrounds, interests, abilities, and teaching methods into

one. Not all teachers are able to manage everything, and it turns out

it depends on habit. How long the teacher has been in the world of

education also affects the way of teaching, but not a few are able to

teach English well even though they haven't been teaching for a long

time. It depends on how the teacher can manage the class well.

Teaching English is also not easy, it changes the mindset of students

as well. Because not everyone likes to learn English. The teacher's

own challenges when teaching a lot of vocab and what is said and

what students hear and write is different if the student does not know

the vocab. This is in accordance with the theory of Moscowitz and

Hayman (1976), when an educator loses control in the classroom,

the more difficult it is for him to manage the class.

Researchers see how the challenges teachers have to manage

the class well. As in one class there is only one teacher and the

teacher must manage and organize a class with dozens of students in

it. Not all students' thoughts and characters are the same, but teachers

are required to convey the material and be well received by all

students in the class.

c. Class condition

The classroom itself is a place where learning activities are

carried out. A comfortable class will definitely make teaching

teachers in the classroom fun. Every day that class is used for

learning. Teachers are also required to be able to make class

conditions as comfortable as possible. Whether it's seating

arrangements, facilities in class, teaching methods, and how teachers

give good effort to students and their classes.

As Emery (2012) has stated, one of the most frequently

mentioned problems faced by English teachers is that “classrooms

are overcrowded and the effects of such conditions can have an

impact on the teaching and learning process”. Nurkamto (2003) also

mentions that one of the challenges in teaching English is the size of

the classroom. From this research, it is true that the condition of the

class itself also affects the teaching of English in the classroom.

However, the teacher must also be able to manage it well.



A. Conclusion

Based on the research findings given in Chapter IV, it can be

concluded that the classroom management at MTsN 1 Trenggalek by each

English teacher is different, whether it's from the method or the way the

teacher manages their class. Aspects such as applying movement,

maintaining discipline, giving feedback and seating arrangement have been

implemented by the teacher. The teacher admits that managing the class

well is not easy. The challenges of the teachers are from the teacher

themselves, students and from the English class they teach.

Judging from the challenges of teachers found, namely factors from

the teacher, student factors, and class conditions. Teachers can solve it by

doing an evaluation everyday, from start to finish teaching. That way the

teacher can prevent and correct mistakes when the teacher is teaching and

improve the teacher's ability to teach English.

B. Suggestion

The researchers found that classroom management in English is not easy

and many challenges are faced. Therefore, the authors try to give

suggestions to teachers, students, and further researchers as follows:


1. For the teachers

The key classroom management is from the teacher. Therefore, teachers

must prepare fun learning methods for students, can mix and match

material, and learn in class. So that students are not easily bored and

enthusiastic to learn English. By increasing the number of games,

students will be more interested in learning than just a teacher center.

2. For the students

With the teacher applying the classroom management aspect well, it is

hoped that students will be able to receive the material well and feel

more comfortable in the class. Aspects of classroom management and

teaching methods from the teacher will make students more enjoy and

interested in English.

3. For the future researcher

For future researchers, suggestions for future researchers who want to

do similar research related to classroom management. Actually, there

are still many problems that occur in classroom management, such as

facilities in schools and classrooms that already support classroom

management, which have not been widely discussed in this study.

Therefore, the results obtained in this research can be used as a

reference. It is used to make future research better.



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Appendix 1 Observation sheet

Teacher 1

Yes No

The teachers apply movement in the

1. V

The teacher mantained discipline to

2. V

The teacher giving postitive and

3. V
negative feedback to students.

The teacher uses several types of

4. V
seating arrangements.

The teacher gives motivation to

5. V

Teacher can resolve any obtacles

6. V
contained in classroom management.


Teacher 2

Yes No

The teachers apply movement in the

1. V

The teacher mantained discipline to

2. V

The teacher giving postitive and

3. V
negative feedback to students.

The teacher uses several types of

4. V
seating arrangements.

The teacher gives motivation to

5. V

Teacher can resolve any obtacles

6. V
contained in classroom management.

Teacher 3

Yes No

The teachers apply movement in the

1. V

The teacher mantained discipline to

2. V

The teacher giving postitive and

3. V
negative feedback to students.

The teacher uses several types of

4. V
seating arrangements.

The teacher gives motivation to

5. V

Teacher can resolve any obtacles

6. V
contained in classroom management.

Appendix 2 Interview Guide


Name : Fina Okta Fiana

Title : Teachers’ Challenges in Classroom Management in Teaching English at MTsN 1

Reasearch Question :
1. How is classroom management in MTsN 1 Trenggalek?
2. What are the teachers’ challenges in classroom management in MTsN 1 Trenggalek?
Purpose of The Study
1. To analysis how is classroom management in MTsN 1 Trenggalek.
2. To know what are the teachers’ challenges in classroom management in MTsN 1

Focus of the Study Intruments

1. How is the process 1. How do you manage the classroom in your
of classroom class?
management in 2. How do you apply movement in classroom
MTsN 1 Trenggalek management?
3. How do you mantaining disipline before and
after problem in the class?
4. How do you give feedback to students?
5. What kind of giving feedback do you use?
6. How do you give written and oral feedback
to students?
7. How do you give positive and negative
feedback to students?
8. How many seating arrangements are used?
9. Why do you use those seating
10. How effective is the seating arrangement in
your classroom?

2. What are the 1. What is the teacher’s contribution in

teachers’ challenges classroom management?
in classroom 2. What are your obstacles when managing
management in class?
MTsN 1 3. Do you have problems to implementing
Trenggalek? movement in classroom management?
4. Do you have problems maintaining
discipline before and after problems in

5. Do you have problems to giving feedback to

6. Do you have problems providing written
and verbal feedback to students?
7. Do you have problems to give positive and
negative feedback to students?
8. There are five seating arrangements, and not
all of them are used. Can such seating
management support the teaching of
9. Does the seating arrangements like that the
teacher interacts with the students very
10. What is your student interests in learning
English? If someone doesn't like it, how will
you act on the students?
11. Have the facilities in the class supported
your classroom management process?
12. Is there a more specific difficulties in handle
classroom management?
13. How does a teacher improve a teacher’s
quality every day?
14. How evaluations be conducted by the


Focus of the Study Intruments

1. How is the process 1. What the teacher apply movement in
of classroom classroom management? Does movement
management in like that make you comfortable to learning?
MTsN 1 Trenggalek How do you feel after that?
2. What the teacher mantaining disipline
2. What are the before and after problem in the class? How
teachers’ challenges do you feel after that?
in classroom

management in 3. What the teacher give feedback to students?

MTsN 1 What the motivation do you get after teacher
Trenggalek? gives feedback?
4. What kind of giving feedback do teacher
5. Does the teacher provide written and oral
feedback to students? How do you feel after
6. Do teacher give positive and negative
feedback to students? How do you feel after
7. How many seating arrangements are used in
learning? Does the seating arrangement like
that make you comfortable in learning?
8. What problems do you have or don’t like
when the teacher manages the classroom in
9. What makes you uncomfortable in learning?
What are the facilities in the classroom or
the teacher's teaching methods that make
you uncomfortable?

Appendix 3 Documentation


The teacher applies movement in the class


The Teacher gives feedback to students

The teacher maintains dicipline for students


The seating arrangement used traditional arrangerments

Appendix 4 The Report of Thesis Guidance

Letter of Research Permit

Letter of Research Response


Letter of Research Completed



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Name : Fina Okta Fiana
Place & Date of Birth : Trenggalek on October 12th , 1999
Address : Trenggalek, East Java
Nationality : Indonesia
Religion : Islam
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 TK Dharma Wanita 1 Buluagung : 2004 – 2006
 SDN 1 Buluagung : 2006 – 2012
 SMPN 5 Trenggalek : 2012 – 2015
 SMKN 1 Trenggalek : 2015 – 2018
 UIN SATU Tulungagung : 2018 – 2022

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