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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Bachelor Degree of Education (S.Pd) in
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training

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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Bachelor Degree of Education (S.Pd) in
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training

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Advisor I Advisor II

Dr. SholihatulHamidahDaulay, M.Hum Emelya Sukma Dara, M.Hum

NIP. 19750622 200312 2 002 NIP.198205012009012012




TABLE OF CONTENT...................................................................................................1
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................2
A. Background of Study..............................................................................................2
B. Problem of study....................................................................................................5
C. Objective of study..................................................................................................5
D. Significance of study..............................................................................................5
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................6
A. Vocabulary Mastery...............................................................................................6
A. 1. Definition of Vocabulary Mastery..................................................................6
A. 2. The Kind of Vocabulary.................................................................................8
B. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary........................................................................9
B. 1. Vocabulary Learning Strategies....................................................................11
B. 2. Teaching Vocabulary Strategies...................................................................12
C. AnagrApp.............................................................................................................12
C. 1. Definition of AnagrApp................................................................................12
C. 2. The Instruction of Using AnagrApp.................................................................13
C. 3. The Advantages of Using AnagrApp............................................................13
D. Previous Study.....................................................................................................16
E. Hypothesis............................................................................................................17
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................................18
A. Research Setting...................................................................................................18
B. Research Design...................................................................................................18
C. Population and Sample.........................................................................................18
C. 1. Population....................................................................................................18
C. 2. Sample..........................................................................................................19
D. Research Instrument.............................................................................................19
E. Technique of Collecting the Data.........................................................................19
F. Data Analysis.......................................................................................................20



A. Background of the study

Language as a medium of information is important to master. One of the language we

should speak is English. As an international language, English become widely used by
almost countries in the world. It can be the first language, second language or foreign
language. As an international language also, English is often used in the world as a means of
communication. In this position, it is the language of science and technology. Thus, without
English speaking ability, a person would face increasingly open, rapid, and uncontrolled
world contact. English has been taught since kindergarten school until universities. By
learning English Language as one of the subject taught, it is hoped that it can make
communication skills better.

Indonesia is one of the country that study English. As a foreign language, English has
been taugh in various stages of education, since the lower formal education that is
kindergarten schools until universities.1 There are four basic skills that must be learn by
English learners. They are listening, reading, writing and speaking. To master the four skills,
it needs the ability to mastering vocabulary.

Vocabulary is the fundamental and vital thing that must be mastered in learning a
language. Without understanding vocabulary well, it would be difficult to learn or speak in
any language. Vocabulary mastery also as a component that will support the students’
competence in communication both oral and written.2

Indriarti stated that vocabulary is the most important part to be taught to the students. 3
With the amount of vocabulary already known, it will be better to understand what is read

Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, et. al, “The Effectiveness of Beyond Centre and Circle Time Method on the
Students’ Vocabulary Mastery”. Paedagoria: Jurnal Kajian, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan Kependidikan. Vol.12.
No. 1. (2021). P. 70.
Rahmatika Kayyis, “Building Vocabulary Using Pop Songs”. Jurnal SMART. Vol.1. No.1. (2015). P. 32
Aulia Hanifah,, “Improving Students’ Vocabulary By Using Joox Application”. Intensive Journal. Vol.3.
No.1. (2020). P. 27-30

and heard. In other word, the more vocabulary is controlled, it will easier to express what we
want to convey both orally and written. On the other hand, if the students less in mastery the
vocabulary then it would be difficult for the students to state or convey what they think. The
students also will not be able to understand what they face in conversation. A person’s ability
to master a language goes hand in hand with a vocabulary that is capable of being mastery by
the language itself. Like a child learning a language, the first course is to know and learn
words and the meaning of the words spoken. A good vocabulary enables one to interact,
communicate, and exchange information in a broad context.

Vocabulary is a language mastery proponent for language learners, besides the four
other language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The English
Vocabulary needs to be mastered because it affects a person’s ability to communicate both
orally and in writing. Most of us who havent’s mastered the English vocabulary so well will
write the words according to what we hear. However, the researcher experienced this in
teaching English to some children in the research community. When researcher
commissioned them to write “ tongue” based on their hearing, they would write it to “tang”.
Clearly, this was an error in the writing. The children wrote on the basis of what they had
heard beacause of the lack of the mastery in vocabulary.

Morover, in direct communicatin, lack of vocabulary mastery will also impact what
we want to convey. For example, when we speak English to other. When speaking, if we
know only a few words, we often pause and repeat the same word. And it is not uncommon
to say a lot of “eeee” and “hmmm” sounds. All of this will happen if we had lack of
vocabulary mastery.For this reason, the researcher was very interested in studying
vocabulary mastery. It was actually an important influence in order to bring the four
language skills under control. Thus, it is clear that vocabulary mastery had an important
impact on language mastery.

During the learning process, one of the main obstacle is mastering vocabulary.
Meanwhile, to be able to carry out activities to communicate in language, it is necessary to
master more vocabulary which allows us to receive and convey information that is broader
and more complex. Besides that, the learning media does not attract their interest, the media
used is also less varied and still conventional. This is very influential on students' vocabulary

mastery in English. One of the tools that can be used to overcome the obstacles above is by
using learning media. In the teaching and learning process, the use of media is very
important. By using a media in teaching process, teacher can make the classroom more
attractive and effective.4

In the language learning process, a teacher is required to think creatively about

teaching the learning material. Most of the students get bored quickly and feel lazy during the
learning process. They sometimes become confused about understanding and mastering the
meaning of words and the instruction of the material presented in English. To address the
problem, an English teacher needs a proper method to teaching vocabulary.5

One of the method is by using song. Song is just like a media that needs to make the
teaching process become interesting for the students. According to Kuśnierek, using songs in
the classroom has a benefit. In songs contain pronounciation, vocabulary or grammar. 6 In a
song, there will be many words as well as grammar. This would certainly be good for adding
English vocabulary to the students.

Short musical arrangements that contain the human voice and contain words (lyrics)
that are also produced by other musical instruments are also known as songs. Cullen as
quoted in Risnawati, stated that an important teaching tool in teaching English is song.
This is because most students like to listen to music. This is what makes it easier for them to
memorize words while singing. The purpose of using song media is to make the learning
atmosphere in the classroom more interesting and fun.7

Based on the problems above, the researchers tried to find solutions to problems that
exist in learning English for vocabulary mastery, so a solution is needed using song media as
an option to motivate students and to direct students, especially in vocabulary mastery. The
use of song media as an alternative to learning to help students master English vocabulary. In
addition, the song media is more practical to use, which can help students increase their
Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, et. al. “Sara’s Cooking Party Games as a Media to Enrich Students’ English
Vocabulary”. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Vol.24. No. 8. (2020). P. 15250.
Risnawati,, “Improving Vocabulary Mastery of The Eight Grade Students Throught Song”. E-Jornal of
English Language Teaching Society(ELTS). Vol.2. No.4. (2014). P.2
Anna Kuśnierek. The Role of music and songs in teaching Englishvocabulary to students. WSN World
Scientific News. (2016). P. 1-55
Risnawati. Loc.Cit.

English vocabulary. The advantage of using song media for teachers is that teachers will be
more varied in teaching English while still referring to the curriculum. The advantage of
using song media for students is that vocabulary is quickly memorized, and can be
remembered for a long time. Songs can also arouse a sense of pleasure for students, so it will
make it easier for them to follow English learning. Thus, it can be concluded that the media
is an inseparable part of the teaching and learning process in order to achieve educational
goals in general and learning objectives in schools in particular.

Based on the background that has been described, the researcher conducted the study
under the title “The Use of English Song to Improve The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
at Eight Grade of MTs Sidratul Ulya Naga Timbul”.

B. Problem of The Study

Based on the background of the study , the research problems of this study are
formulated as the following :

1. How is the students’ improvement vocabulary mastery by using english song?

2. How can the english song to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery?

C. Objective of the study

The objective of the study are:

1. To know the students’ vocabulary mastery after using english song at MTs Sidratul
Ulya Naga Timbul.
2. To describe the procces to improve the vocabulary mastery by using song at MTs
Sidratul Ulya Naga Timbul.

D. Significant of The Study

1. For the students
Researcher expect this research can improve the studnets’ vocabulary mastery by
using English song. By using English song, it is hope that it can make the teaching
process become attractive for the students and they can enjoy the teaching process.

2. For the teachers,
This research is expected to be useful for English teachers as one of the
alternative technique to teach vocabulary.



A. Vocabulary
1. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a set of word that used to build communication with other people. 8
The better vocabulary we know, it will make communication better and also interesting.
According to Thornbury, nothing can convey without vocabulary.9 It will easy to describe
what we meant if know much of vocabulary. With vocabulary mastery, we can convey
what we meant in communication. This would certainly helpful in communicating with
others. By mastering vocabulary, it sould also enable for the students to learn English.

Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala has given us the ability to do everithing even to

communicate especially in developing vocabulary. He says the words in Al-Quran Surah
AlBaqarah :

“And He taught Adam the nature of all things; then He placed them before the
angels, and said: "Tell me the nature of these if you are right(31). They said Glory to
Thee: of knowladge we have none, save what thou has taught us: in truth it is thou art
perfect in knowledge and wisdom (32). He said, “O Adam! Tell them the names. When
we had told them, Allah said: “Did I tell you that I know the secrets of the heaven and
earth, and I know what ye reveal and what ye conceal?”

Based on the verse above, it shows that Allaah Subhanahu Wata’ala had directly
instructed to the prophet Adam. It also shows how the learning process has existed since
the first man was created by Allaah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. Education itself is a necessity
in human life. it is also known from the above that vocabulary study can be seen from
how Allaah Subhanahu wa ta’ala taught the prophet Adam the entire name of the item.

Vocabulary is one of the most important things to understand in order to learn a

language. Especially is English language. Without understanding vocabulary, it makes
learning difficult. According to KBBI, vocabulary is language subscription. 10 While the
meaning of the word itself is a spoken or written element of language that is a unified
feeling and thought that can be used in language.

Blessy Monique Wilar, Nurmin F. Samola, Agustine C. Mamentu, “Improving Students’ Vocabulary
Mastery Through English Songs at The Eight Grade of SMP”. Jurnal Bahasa Dan Seni. Vol. 01. No. 8(2021).
Scott Thornbury. How to Teach Vocabulary. (Edinburgh: Person Education Limited, 2002), p.13

In speaking, we must use good words. By using good words and mastering
vocabulary, it will certainly enable us to speak well. Sometimes some people just use bad
words in communication. It will make misunderstanding for other listener. Allaah
subhanahu wa ta’ala said in the Al-Qur’an Surah An-Nisa which instruct us to speak in
good words. Allaah said:

‫ض َعافًا خَ افُوا َعلَ ْي ِه ْم فَ ْليَتَّقُوا هَّللا َ َو ْليَقُولُوا قَوْ اًل َس ِديدًا‬

ِ ً‫ش الَّ ِذينَ لَوْ تَ َر ُكوا ِم ْن َخ ْلفِ ِه ْم ُذ ِّريَّة‬
َ ‫َو ْليَ ْخ‬

“And be afraid (to Allah) those who might leave their weak offspring behind them, whom
they feel worried about (their welfare). Therefore, let them fear Allah and let them speak
with the right words.” (Surah An-Nisa’: 9)

While Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam said:

ْ ‫َم ْن َكانَ يُْؤ ِمنُ بِاهللِ َو ْاليَوْ ِم اآْل ِخ ِرفَ ْليَقُلْ َخ ْيرًا َأوْ لِيَصْ ُم‬

“whoever believes in Allah and the last day, then he should say good or be silent.”
(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

‫ص َدقَةٌ ُك‚‚ َّل‬

َ ‫اس َعلَ ْي ِه‬ِ َّ‫صلَّى هَّللا ُ َعلَ ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم ُكلُّ ُساَل َمى ِم ْن الن‬َ ِ ‫ال َرسُو ُل هَّللا‬َ َ‫ال ق‬ َ َ‫ض َي هَّللا ُ َع ْنهُ ق‬ ِ ‫ع َْن َأبِي هُ َر ْي َرةَ َر‬
َ ُ‫ص‚ َدقَةٌ َويُ ِعينُ ال َّرجُ‚ َل َعلَى دَابَّتِ‚ ِه فَيَحْ ِم‚ ُل َعلَ ْيهَ‚‚ا َأوْ يَرْ فَ‚ ُع َعلَ ْيهَ‚‚ا َمتَاعَ‚ ه‬
ٌ‫ص‚ َدقَة‬ َ ‫الش‚ ْمسُ يَ ْع‚ ِد ُل بَ ْينَ ااِل ْثنَ ْي ِن‬
َّ ‫َطلُ ُع فِي ِه‬ ْ ‫يَوْ ٍم ت‬
)‫ (رواه البخاري‬.ٌ‫ص َدقَة‬ َ ‫يق‬ ِ ‫ص َدقَةٌ َويُ ِميطُ اَأْل َذى ع َْن الطَّ ِر‬ َ ‫صاَل ِة‬َّ ‫ط َو ٍة يَ ْخطُوهَا ِإلَى ال‬ ْ ‫ص َدقَةٌ َو ُكلُّ ُخ‬ َ ُ‫َو ْال َكلِ َمةُ الطَّيِّبَة‬

“From Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu ‘anhu said; The Prophet Shallallahu’alaihi wassallam
said: “Every bone in a human is obliged to be shadaqah and every day the sun rises,
someone who reconciles between two warring people is shadaqah and helps someone to
ride his animal and then lift his belongings onto the animal he rides on is shadaqah and
good speech is shadaqah and every step that is taken for praying is shadaqah and getting
rid of somtheing that can hurt or keep people from the road is shadaqah.” (Narrated by
Bukhari no. 2767)

From the first hadits, it is explained that people must be silent if people cannot
say well. In addition, in the second hadith, the Prophet also said that shadaqah is good
speech. This is in line with good speech which also comes from the many choices of the
speaker’s vocabulary so that it makes our speech better heard.

2. Vocabulary mastery

According to Darmiyati zuchdi quoted in Hermin and Rr Amanda, vocabulary

mastery is one's ability to know, understand, and use words well and right, by hearing,
speaking, reading, and writing.11 Knowing words is learning new words from listening or
from reading. In turn, the substance of understanding words is to gain a new vocabulary,
to understand words and their meanings and to understand the interconnectedness of
words and concepts that begin them.

In Kepler Manurung, Cameron stated that building the vocabulary was a major
part of learning a foreign language on the part of junior high school students. 12
Vocabulary mastery as the chief security for improving reading skills. Without knowing
vocabulary, students can not know the meaning of the literature encountered, can not
access the content of the literature, and of course can not mastering the reading skills.
Vocabulary was building not only reading skills but also other skills. When students can
develop mastery over their vocabulary, students automatically increased in reading,
listening, and speaking skills.

Cameron in Suri stated that vocabulary mastery included pronunciation, spelling,

grammar and meaning.13

a. Pronunciation

There are some aspects that has a great effect in vocabulary. One of it is
pronunciation. “Pronunciation is the way a person pronounces a word in

b. Spelling

Hermin Ratih H & Rr Amanda Pasca Rini, “Pengaruh Auditori Verbal Therapy Terhadap Kemampuan
Penguasaan Kosa Kata Pada Anak Yang Mengalami gangguan Pendengaran”. Persona, Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia.
Vol.4. No.01(2015). P. 79
Kepler Manurung, “Peningkatan Penguasaan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris Materi Family Melalui Lagu
Pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Tebing Tinggi Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020”. Murabbi: Jurnal Ilmiah dalam
Bidang Pendidikan. Vol.02. No.02(2019). P.37.
Lynne Cameron, Teaching Language to Young Learner, Cambridge: Language Teaching Library,
(Cambridge University Press,2001), p.78.

Spelling is the way of spelt a word correctly from single letter. Students also
need to know the letters and syllables that complete the word.

c. Grammar

Grammatical information is closely realated to words. In learning words,

students will also learn grammar. This indicates that we will not abandon
grammar if we give priority to vocabulary.

d. Meaning

There are some ways to explain the meaning of a new words. Such as using an
object, gesture, performing and action, drawing, and many other ways. Ur in Elda
said that to find the meaning of a word can be done by translate the word.14

3. Kinds of vocabulary

Haycraft, quoted in Hatch and Brown, mentioned two kinds of vocabulary. It is

receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary.

a. Receptive Vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary is words in a context that can be understood and also

recognized by students, but they can not generate that word. Usually when
reading or looking at words they can find it, but it is not used when speaking or

b. Productive vocabulary

Words that students can both understand and can also be correctly spoken, and
are used both in speaking and writing is called as productive vocabulary. A
productive vocabulary can be used by learners when they want to convey what
they feel and think to others.15

4. Teaching Vocabulary
Evelyn Hatch & Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary , Semantics, and Language Education, (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1995).

A process or way that the teacher uses to make students learn vocabulary is called
teaching vocabulary. There are many ways to teaching vocabulary, but there is no
“single” way for teaching vocabulary.16 Every ways of teaching vocabulary has its
specifis character. So we can not compare between one way to another way. And every
way also has a weakness. Teacher should know which one is the best way or technique
that suitable for the condition of the students.

Harmer in Bay suggested some techniques that could be used in teaching

vocabulary that will help students to be mastering vocabulary. The techniques are follows

a. Pictures
b. Mime, action and gesture
c. Contrast or opposite
d. Games
e. Enumeration
f. Translation
g. Outside classroom
h. Songs

From those vocabulary teaching techniques, the teacher can select and apply
which techniques correspond to the student’s topic and characteristics.

B. Song
1. Definition of Song

Song is a short music with words you sing. A song is generally music for singing
at very low prices and a dance that is not worth fighting over. Song can be used to teach
grammar because the lyrics of the song have several forms of words. The teacher can
select a song that is sure to correspond to the form of the word to be taught.

Elda Martha Suri, “Improving Students’ Vocabulary mastery by Using Songs at The Grade Sixth of State
Elementary School of 45 Bungo Pasang Padang”. Jurnal Pendidikan. Vol. 1. No. 1(2012), p. 113.
Indri Wirahmi Bay, “Penggunaan Lagu Dalam Pengajaran Kosa Kata English Direction”. Jurnal Ilmu
Pendidikan Nonformal. Vol.02. No.04(2016). P. 416.

Nurhayati stated that song is a teaching medium for language learning. 18 The
entire feature of the song supports the continuation of the learning. All language skills
such as listening, speaking, writing and reading can be taught by using song. Songs
provide an alternative medium for facilitating language learning, particularly the sentence

Flattum in Ratminingsih stated that songs are a combination of melody and lyrics
with harmony, rhythm or bit.19 Songs usually had a structure of repetitions of words and
chorus. Song is one of teaching media that can be used to make a more relaxing in
learning foreign language. Song consists of some words written by the writer to be

Jamalus as cited in Blessy, Nurmin, and Agustine stated that songs can be said as
artwork if they are sounded and play with musical instrument. Hornby defines that song
were created with the purpose of singing in which a song is a short poem or collection of
words in music.21 Based on the description above, it can conclude that song is artwork
that consist of words which performed with or without instrument.

2. Song as Media to Teach Vocabulary

One of the big problem in teaching English is keeping the students attention to the
larning that teacher gives. Therefore, a teacher is required to think creatively about using
teaching media. Teaching media is one of important things in the learning process. By
using the proper media, this will affect the success of the student’s learning process.
There are many kinds of teaching media can be used to teach English, one of the ways
them is song. What makes song such a great teaching mdia is its universal, it is
connecting all culture and languages.

Nurhayati, “Develoving English Skills Through Songs and Music”. UAD TEFL National
Conference(Proceeding). (2009)
Ratminingsih, N.M, “Efektifitas Media Audio Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Lagu Kreasi di
Kelas Lima Sekolah Dasar”. Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia. Vol.5. No.1. (2016). P.31.
Blessy Monique Wilar, Nurmin F. Samola, Agustine C. Mamentu, op. cit. p. 690.

Saricoban & Metin in Wulan said that using song is one of the best ways in
creating an enjoyable learning atmosphere.22 Songs make teaching process more
interesting. Songs are an important way to develop students’ skills in every aspect of
language skills. Song could also be used to tach vocabulary. Through its lyrics and
repetition rhyme, makes us know and will also enable to learn some new vocabulary as
long as we enjoy the music. Through the song, the student will also study vocabulary
easily. This is because listening to a song makes us look for the meaning of difficult
words in a dictionary.

Dale in Bawawa stated that song are useful for introducing vocabulary because
songs contained many word.23 It also supported by Cebula, he stated that every student
who studies vocabulary using a song can usually express theirself easily and also know
many new words.24 It means, when students listen to any English song they like, they will
find out what song it is and also what it means by every word in the song. Students can
also acquire many words from the songs they listen to.

3. Teaching English Song Procedure

Paul in Bastian Sugandi said that there are some ways to use English songs in
teaching. The ways to use English songs in teaching as follows:

a. Singing
b. Action
c. Chants
d. Background song
e. Between lesson25

Wulan Wangi,, “A Descriptive Study of Using English Songs in Teaching Listening to Develop
Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Tenth Grade Students of IPA 1 of MAN Srono Banyuwangi”. Jurnal
Sosioedukasi. Vol. 6. No. 1(2017). P.31.
Marni Bawawa, “Teaching English Vocabulary Using Songs To Develoving Students’ Vocabulary
Mastery”. Jurnal Kajian Linguistik. Vol. 8. No. 1(2020). P.3.
Bastian Sugandi, “The Impact Of Using English Songs Towards The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At
Grade Ten Of SMK Negeri 1 Bandarlampung In Academic Year 2013-2014”. The Second International Conference
on Education and Language.(2014). P. 286.

Using English songs in teaching process is a special thing. In the English song,
there are many English learning materials that students would like to know. Many
students who want to sing an English song and also want to know the meaning of the
song. This is certainly a teacher’s responsibility in determining the correct songs for
learning. Griffee listed four categories for the right song selection as follows:

1. The class, including total number of the students, time for the teaching
process, and the student’s language level
2. The teacher, including age of the teacher, classroom support to apply the
songs, and purpose of the teacher
3. Classroom opportunities such as level of teacher in choosing the material of
curriculum, and free class time
4. The music, it is including kind of music interest, the songs that suitable to the
lesson, and also lesson plan.26

After knowing the correct selection criteria, we can use one way to improve
vocabulary mastery by introducing songs in classroom as follow:

1. Play the song without giving hand-outs to the students.

2. Ask the students to listen carefully to the songs.
3. Give the lyrics to the students.
4. When the students has a copy, ask them to watch the lyrics while playing the
song again.
5. Tell them to circle any word or phrase they do not understand.
6. Discuss the circled word.27

There are many ways to teach vocabulary. If we want to use English song as a
medium for teaching vocabulary, we need to be well-prepared. We must pay attention to
the class, the students, the teacher, and song selection. Payying attention to this will make
it easier for students to understand the material and easier to memorize a new vocabulary
and also not feel bored during the learning process.

Griffe. “Songs in Action”, in Febria Afia Rahmah, thesis: The Effectiveness of Using English Songs from
YouTube Towards Students’ Vocabulary Mastery, (Jakarta:FITK UIN Syarif Hodayatullah, 2015), p. 20-21.

4. The Advantages of Using English Song

Song as a medium to improve English vocabulary gives many benefits. Using

song is one of effective way to motivated students to improve their vocabulary mastery. 28
Hill in Suri mentioned the advantages of teaching vocabulary through songs as follows:

a. By using contemporary popular songs that already familiar to teenegers, it can

address the problems in the classroom. Especially about vocabulary.
b. Through using traditional songs, it can add to the student’s knowledge of the
target culture.
c. Songs can be used as a medium presentation or an exercise on grammar

From the statement above, it can be concluded that the advantages of using a song
in vocabulary teaching can be used for a presentation or as a grammatical learning tool
through contemporary tradisional musical songs. According to Fadli cited in Ramadini
and Halimah, mentioned several benefit of using songs in teaching process, such as:

a. Song as a medium to present a topic, a language point, lexis, etc.

b. To practice a language point, lexis, etc.
c. To focus on the learner’s common error in direct way.
d. To encourage extensive and intensive listening.
e. To express about feeling and attitude.
f. To improve creativity and imagination.
g. To make the classroom situation become relaxed.
h. To make variety and fun learning .30

C. Related Study

There are 2 thesis which are related and provided to this study. The first reseacher
is Ummi Kalsum Batubara(2019) entitled Improving The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

Amelia Ramadini & Siti Halimah, “Using Song to Improve Vocabulary Mastery for Elementary School”.
Professional Journal of English Education. Vol. 2. No. 1(2019). P. 53.
Elda Martha Suri, op.cit., p.116.
Amelia Ramadini & Siti Halimah, Loc.cit.

by Using English Song at Eight Grade of MTs Islamic Zending Medan. The research held
in MTs Islamic Zending Medan. There are 21 students as respondents. Her research
aimed to find out the improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using English song. The
reseacher using Class Action Research (CAR) as the method of this study. The researcher
also using qualitative and quantitative to get the data. The result of this study show that
the students’ vocabulary mastery by using English song got improvement. Because in the
pre-test the student’s mean was 63,95 and the mean for the post-test was 83,19.

The second researcher is Febria Afia Rahmah(2015) entitled The Effectiveness of

Using English Songs From YouTube Towards Students’ Vocabulary Mastery. This
research held in Islamic Junior High School RUHAMA. The sample of this study was
from 60 students. This reasearch used quasy-experimental study. This study aimed to
know whether English songs from YouBube is effective towards students’ vocabulary
mastery. The result of this study showed that teaching vocabulary by using English songs
from YouTube was effective.

D. Hypothesis

Based on the theory above, the hypothesis of this study can be formulated as follows:

 Ha= there is significant in improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using English


 H0= there is no significant in improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using English




A. Research Setting
This research will be conducted at MTs.S Sidratul ’Ulya Naga Timbul, which is located
in Jl. Lengau Seprang No.160 Dusun IV Desa Naga Timbul, Kec. Tanjung Morawa, Kab.
Deli Serdang, North Sumatera. The research data will take from grade eight which has 30

B. Research Design

In this research, the researcher applies CAR(Classroom Action Research) as a method.

Classroom action research will conduct by researcher to solve the student’s problem in
learning process. According to Susilo,, stated that classroom action research is a
recycling process of an investigation conducted to improve the systems, processes and
learning situations. Further, Susilo, explain that this method is a strategy designed to
solve the problem by taking action to analyze the problem.31

According to Burns, classroom action research is the application of finding the fact used
to solve a problem in social situation with the purpose is to improve the quality of an action,
performed jointly between researcher, practitioner, and laymen. 32 While Koshy stated that
action research is an action conducted to understand, evaluate, and modify an education
program to improve the quality of education.33

Based on the definition above, it can conclude that classroom action research is working,
action, and activities to solve the student’s problem in learning process .

C. The Population and Sample

1. Population

The population in this research were all students in the eight grade of MTs.S
Sidratul Ulya, which consists of 60 students. Total population at Seventh Grade
Students’ at MTsNKaro will show at the table below :

Susilo Herawati,, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. (Malang: Bayumedia Publising, 2009), p. 1.
Anne Burns, Collaboartive Action Research for English Language Teachers, ( United Kingdom : Cambridge
University, 1999 ), p, 30
Valsa Koshy, Action Research for Improving Practice: A Practical Guide. (Great Britanian: TJ International
Ltd, 2005), p. 57.

Table 3.1Total Population at Seventh Grade Students

Class Total
VIII-1 30 students
VIII-2 30 students

2. Sample

A sample is a small population group in this study. Sample of this research

selected randomly by researcher in this research. The sample in this study were all
students in class VIII-1 which consists of 30 students.

D. The Technique of Collecting Data

To collect the data, the instruments which use in this research are as follows :

1. Observation

In this research, the researcher will use the observation to know the occurences in
learning process, about the teacher's performance during classroom action research,
class situation in the classroom activity, and students will respond concern the use of
english song.

2. Test

Researcher will do 2 kind of test namely pre-test and post-test. Pre-test will do
before giving the treatment or before implementing the song. And post-test will do
after the treatment or after implementing the song.

3. Interview
Interview is instrument of collecting data include direct communication bertween
researcher and subject. In interview, there will be question and answer section. The
researcher will use the interview to collect the data related to the factors that
influenced the students in mastering vocabulary.
4. Documentation

The researcher will take some photos during the research process to
complete the result of this study.

E. Data Analysis

The data was gathered in the form of qualitative and quantitative data. The quantitative
data refers to empirical research that provides data in the form of numbers, whereas the
qualitative data describes the students' condition, situation, and response during the teaching
learning process.

1. Qualitative

In quanlitative, the researcher will do interviews and document students as part of the
qualitative analysis to analyze the data. Where the researcher will interview the student to
complete the data.

2. Quantitative

Quantitative analysis is used to analyze the data acquisition of the tests that have been
conducted on students of the researcher. Where researchers will compare the results of
the test to know the improvement of students ‘ vocabulary. By using quantitative
analysis, the researcher will analyze the results of pre-test and post-test. The researcher
will give the students 20 questions which are questions about the meaning of words.

In scoring the test, the researcher will score by using this formula:

correct answer student

total number of questions

The objective of the research will be test to know mean score. To know the students
achievment before and after action, the researcher uses mean formula:




X : mean of pre-test scores

Y : mean of post-test scores
N : number of subject
ΣX : the sum of pre-test score
ΣY : the sum of post-test score


A. The instrument for pre-test and post-test

Name :

Class :

Session : pre-test/post-test

Choose A, B, C or D as the best answer.

1. Salman always _______ television after dinner.

a. plays b. eats c. watches d. reads
2. Salma : Hi Nisa, what are you doing?
Nisa : I am _______ milk.
a. eating b. playing c. writing d. drinking
3. Every morning my mother _______ food in the kitchen.
a. works b. cooks c. study d. play
4. Salma is _______ a book now.
a. reading b. cooking c. drinking d. eating
5. I have a ball. I want to _______
a. play guitar b. play football c. play piano d. play see-saw
6. My father is _______ at the office right now.
a. playing football b. cooking c. sleeping d. working
7. Salwa always _______ in the swimming pool every evening.
a. drinks b. reads c. swims d. watches
8. Father : It is 11 p.m now. Where is Salma?
Mother : Salma is _______ in her bedroom.
a. cooking b. sleeping c. swimming d. washing
9. I am _______ a letter for my uncle in the village.
a. writing b. studying c. swimming d. watching
10. I feel cold, I want to wear _______.
a. shorts b. a jacket c. high heels d. a cap
11. When I go to school, I must wear _______.
a. black shoes b. a blouse c. boots d. a t-shirt
12. I wear white _______ and black shoes to go to school.
a. jeans b. t-shirt c. a cap d. socks
13. I want to wear _______ in my head.
a. boots b. jeans c. a cap d. sandals
14. My sister looks taller when she wears _______.
a. skirt b. high heels c. a cap d. socks

15. The soup is _______ because it is too much salt.
a. salty b. sweet c. hot d. cold
16. Amir : Why is the juice so _______?
Amar : Maybe because there is too much sugar in the juice.
a. bitter b. spicy c. sweet d. sour
17. I don’t like _______ food with a lot of chilies.
a. sweet b. spicy c. bitter d. salty
18. I don’t like lemon, because it is so _______
a. sour b. sweet c. salty d. bitter
19. I like ice cream, ice cream is so _______.
a. spicy b. bitter c. sour d. creamy
20. I want to drink a glass of _______ water with a lot of ice.
a. sweet b. salty c. hot d. cold

Answer Key

1. c. Watches
2. d. Drinking
3. b. Cooks
4. a. Reading

5. b. Play Football
6. d. Working
7. c. Swims
8. b. Sleeping
9. a. Writing
10. b. A Jacket
11. a. Black Shoes
12. d. Socks
13. c. A Cap
14. b. High Heels
15. a. Salty
16. c. Sweet
17. b. Spicy
18. a. Sour
19. d. Creamy
20. d. Cold

B. Lesson Plan



Nama Sekolah : MTs.S Sidratul ‘Ulya
Kelas : VIII
Materi : Vocabulary
Topic : Listening the song
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit
A. Kompetensi Inti
KI : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab,
peduli (toleransi, gotong royong,), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara
efektif dengan lingkungan social dan alam dalam jangka pergaulan dan
KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan procedural)
Berdasarkan asa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,
mengurai, dan membuat) dan ranah abstact( menulis, membaca, menghitung,
menggambar dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang di pelajari di sekolah dan diri
berbagai sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang / teori.
B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

No. Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

1. 1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat 1.1.1Siswa dapat menunjukkan
mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai kesungguhan belajar bahasa Inggris
bahasa pengantar Komunikasi dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru dan
internasional yang diwujudkan dalam teman.
semangat belajar
2. 2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun 2.1.1Siswa dapat menunjukkan prilaku
dan peduli dalam melaksanakan jujur , percaya diri, dan tanggung jawab
komunikasi interpersonal dengan dalam melaksanakan komunikasi.
guru dan teman.
3. 3.12 Menyebutkan fungsi sosial dan 3.12.1 Menjelaskan fungsi sosial dalam
kebahasaan dalam lagu. lagu. 3.12.2 Menjelaskan unsur

kebahasaan dalam lagu.
4. 4.16 Menangkap pesan dalam lagu. 4.16.1 Menguraikan isi pesan lagu
secara singkat 4.16.2 Menyampaikan
kesan atau pendapat mengenai lagu
4.16.3 Menyanyikan lagu dengan
ucapan dan intonasi yang benar.

C. Tujuan Pembeleajaran
1. Siswa dapat mengucapkan voabulary dengan pronounciation yang baik dan benar.
2. Siswa dapat menggunakan vocbulary dalamkehidupan sehari hari.
3. Siswa mampu merespon pesan yang terdapat dalam lagu.
D. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Lagu berbahasa Inggris :
 Say you want let go by James Arthur
2. Fungsi Sosial : Menghibur, mengungkapkan perasaan, mengajarkan pesan moral.
3. Unsur Kebahasaan :
 Kata, ungkapan dan tata bahasa dalam karya seni berbentuk lagu.
 Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi.
 Ucapan , tekanan kata, intonasi ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan.
E. Metode
Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) Modelling
F. Media, Alat dan Sumber Pembelajaran
1. Media : Song, speaker, laptop
2. Sumber Belajar : Lyric Lagu
G. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran
Kegiatan pendahuluan (10 menit)
 Memulai dengan bismillah lalu mengucapkan salam kemudian disusul dengan
syukur terhadap Allah ‫ ﷻ‬serta shalawat kepada Nabi Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
 Meminta salah satu murid untuk memimpin doa di depan kelas secara bergilir
di tiap minggunya.
 Memeriksa daftar kehadiran siswa sebagai sikap disiplin.

Kegiatan inti (60 menit)

 Mengamati
 Peserta didik mendengarkan lagu say you want let go
 Peserta didik mengamati lirik lagu say you want let go
 Guru bertanya kepada siswa tentang kosa kata baru yang ada
dalam lirik lagu

 Menanya
 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, peserta didik mempertanyakan cara
pelafalan dari kosa kata baru .
 Guru mengklarifikasi pertanyaan dari peserta didik dengan menjawab
pertanyaan tersebut.
 Mengumpulkan Informasi
 Peserta didik mencari arti dari kosa kata baru dalam lagu.
o Peserta didik mencari arti dari kosa kata baru dalam
o Peserta didik mengulang kembali pelafalan kosa kata
 Mengasosiasi
 Peserta didik diberikan missing lyric tentang lagu say you
want let go.
 Guru menampilkan kembali lirik lagu say you want let go
selama 5 menit.
 Guru meminta siswa mendengarkan lagu say you want let go
sambil mengisi kata/lirik lagu yang dikosongkan (3 kali)
 Mengkomunikasikan
 Guru meminta peserta didik untuk mempresentasikan hasil
didepan kelas.
 Guru dan peserta didik lain memberikan pendapat/ koreksi
kepada peserta didik yang persentasi.

 Guru memberikan umpan balik kepada siswa tentang lirik lagu yang telah

Kegiatan penutup (10 menit)

 Memberi kesimpulan dari pembelajaran hari ini.

 Menutup kelas dengan lafadz hamdallah dan doa.
H. Penilaian
Technique : Writing test
The form of instrument : Essay

I. Assessment
Nomor Penyelesaian/Kunci Jawaban Skor
1. Siswa dapat menjawab dengan benar. 1
2. Siswa tidak dapat menjawab dengan 0

Jumlah Soal (Question/ Answer) sebanyak = 20
Jumlah Skor Maksimal = 100
Jumlah Jawaban Benar
Nilai Peserta Didik =
Jumlah Soal

Naga Rejo, 2022


Kepala sekolah Guru

(............................) Siti Kholifah

Say You Won’t Let Go

I _____ you in the dark, you lit me up

You made me feel as though I was enough
We ____ the night away, we drank too much
I held your ____ back when
You were _____ up

Then you smiled over your ____

For a minute, I was stone-cold sober
I pulled you closer to my chest

And you asked me to stay over
I said, I already told ya
I think that you should ____ some rest

I knew I loved you then

But you'd never know
'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go
I ____ I needed you
But I never showed
But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and ____
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go

I'll wake you up with some ____ in bed

I'll bring you ____ with a kiss on your head
And I'll take the kids to school
Wave them goodbye
And I'll thank my lucky stars for that night

When you looked over your shoulder

For a minute, I ____ that I'm older
I wanna ____ with you right now
Oh, and you look as beautiful as ever
And I ____ that everyday you'll get better
You make me ____ this way somehow

I'm so in love with you

And I hope you know
Darling, your love is more than worth its weight in gold
We've ____ so far, my dear
Look how we've grown
And I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old

____ say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go

I wanna ___ with you

Even when we're ghosts
'Cause you were ____ there for me when I needed you most

I'm gonna love you 'til

My lungs give out
I ____ 'til death we part like in our vows
So I wrote this song for you, now everybody knows
That it's just you and me 'til we're grey and old
Just say you ____ let go
Just say you won't let go

Just say you won't let go

Oh, just say you won't let go

Key Answer

- Met
- Danced
- Hair
- Throwing
- Shoulder
- Get
- Know

- Old
- Breakfast
- Coffe
- Forget
- Dance
- Swear
- Feel
- Come
- Just
- Lofe
- Always
- Promise

C. Lesson Plan


Nama Sekolah : MTs.S Sidratul ‘Ulya
Kelas : VIII
Materi : Vocabulary
Topic : Listening the song

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit
A. Kompetensi Inti
KI : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab,
peduli (toleransi, gotong royong,), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara
efektif dengan lingkungan social dan alam dalam jangka pergaulan dan
KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan procedural)
Berdasarkan asa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,
mengurai, dan membuat) dan ranah abstact( menulis, membaca, menghitung,
menggambar dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang di pelajari di sekolah dan diri
berbagai sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang / teori.
B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

No. Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

1. 1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat 1.1.1Siswa dapat menunjukkan
mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai kesungguhan belajar bahasa Inggris
bahasa pengantar Komunikasi dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru dan
internasional yang diwujudkan dalam teman.
semangat belajar
2. 2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun 2.1.1Siswa dapat menunjukkan prilaku
dan peduli dalam melaksanakan jujur , percaya diri, dan tanggung jawab
komunikasi interpersonal dengan dalam melaksanakan komunikasi.
guru dan teman.
3. 3.12 Menyebutkan fungsi sosial dan 3.12.1 Menjelaskan fungsi sosial dalam
kebahasaan dalam lagu. lagu. 3.12.2 Menjelaskan unsur
kebahasaan dalam lagu.
4. 4.16 Menangkap pesan dalam lagu. 4.16.1 Menguraikan isi pesan lagu
secara singkat 4.16.2 Menyampaikan
kesan atau pendapat mengenai lagu
4.16.3 Menyanyikan lagu dengan
ucapan dan intonasi yang benar.

C. Tujuan Pembeleajaran
4. Siswa dapat mengucapkan voabulary dengan pronounciation yang baik dan benar.
5. Siswa dapat menggunakan vocbulary dalamkehidupan sehari hari.
6. Siswa mampu merespon pesan yang terdapat dalam lagu.
D. Materi Pembelajaran
4. Lagu berbahasa Inggris :
 Count on me by Bruno Mars
5. Fungsi Sosial : Menghibur, mengungkapkan perasaan, mengajarkan pesan moral.
6. Unsur Kebahasaan :
 Kata, ungkapan dan tata bahasa dalam karya seni berbentuk lagu.
 Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi.
 Ucapan , tekanan kata, intonasi ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan.
E. Metode
Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) Modelling
F. Media, Alat dan Sumber Pembelajaran
3. Media : Song, speaker, laptop
4. Sumber Belajar : Lyric Lagu
G. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran
Kegiatan pendahuluan (10 menit)
 Memulai dengan bismillah lalu mengucapkan salam kemudian disusul dengan
syukur terhadap Allah ‫ ﷻ‬serta shalawat kepada Nabi Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
 Meminta salah satu murid untuk memimpin doa di depan kelas secara bergilir
di tiap minggunya.
 Memeriksa daftar kehadiran siswa sebagai sikap disiplin.
Kegiatan inti (60 menit)

 Mengamati
 Peserta didik mendengarkan lagu Count on me.
 Peserta didik mengamati lirik lagu Count on me.
 Guru bertanya kepada siswa tentang kosa kata baru yang ada
dalam lirik lagu
 Menanya
 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, peserta didik mempertanyakan cara
pelafalan dari kosa kata baru .
 Guru mengklarifikasi pertanyaan dari peserta didik dengan menjawab
pertanyaan tersebut.
 Mengumpulkan Informasi
 Peserta didik mencari arti dari kosa kata baru dalam lagu.
o Peserta didik mencari arti dari kosa kata baru dalam
o Peserta didik mengulang kembali pelafalan kosa kata
 Mengasosiasi
 Peserta didik diberikan missing lyric tentang lagu count on me.
 Guru menampilkan kembali lirik lagu count on me selama 5
 Guru meminta siswa mendengarkan lagu count on me sambil
mengisi kata/lirik lagu yang dikosongkan (3 kali)
 Mengkomunikasikan
 Guru meminta peserta didik untuk mempresentasikan hasil
didepan kelas.
 Guru dan peserta didik lain memberikan pendapat/ koreksi
kepada peserta didik yang persentasi.

 Guru memberikan umpan balik kepada siswa tentang lirik lagu yang telah

Kegiatan penutup (10 menit)

 Memberi kesimpulan dari pembelajaran hari ini.
 Menutup kelas dengan lafadz hamdallah dan doa.
H. Penilaian
Technique : Writing test
The form of instrument : Essay

I. Assessment
Nomor Penyelesaian/Kunci Jawaban Skor
1. Siswa dapat menjawab dengan benar. 1
2. Siswa tidak dapat menjawab dengan 0

Jumlah Soal (Question/ Answer) sebanyak = 15
Jumlah Skor Maksimal = 100
Jumlah Jawaban Benar
Nilai Peserta Didik =
Jumlah Soal

Naga Rejo, 2022


Kepala sekolah Guru

(............................) Siti Kholifah

Count On Me

By: Bruno Mars

If you ever find yourself _____ in the middle of the sea,
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the____ and you can't see,
I'll be the _____ to guide you

Find out what we're made of

When we are called to help ____ friends in need

You can count on me like one two three, I'll be there

And I ____ when I need it I can count on you like four three two, You'll be there
'Cause that's what _____ are supposed to do, oh yeah

Whoa, whoa, oh, oh

Yeah, yeah

If you tossing and you're turning and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song _____ you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will _____  you

Ooh, Find out what we're made of

When we are called to help our friends in need

____ can count on me like one two three, I'll be there

And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two, You'll be ____
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Oh, oh, Yeah, yeah

You'll always have my ____ when you cry

I'll never let go, Never say ____
You know you can

Count on me like one two three, I'll be there

And I know when I ____ it I can count on you like four three two, And you'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Oh, oh
You can ____ on me 'cause I can count on you

Key Answer

- Stuck
- Light

- Our
- Know
- Friends
- Beside
- Remind
- You
- There
- Shoulder
- Goodbye
- Need
- Count

D. Observation List

No Object of Observation Yes No

1. Teacher opens the lesson with greetings.
2. Teacher checks the students whether the student ready to
study or not.
3. Teacher gives preview about the material to the students.
4. Teacher gives clear explanation about the song media for the
teaching process.
5. Teacher walks around the class.
6. Teacher stands or sits in front of the class.
7. Teacher goes to every group to check the activity in students
8. Teacher uses media for teaching.
9. Teacher gives ice breaking in the middle of learning activity.
10. Students pay attention to the tacher.
11. Students make noise.
12. Students keep the class quiet.
13. Students talk to another students during the lesson.
14. Students walk around the class during the lesson.
15. Students sit on their own chair during the lesson.

16. Students raise their hand when the teacher asks them to
answer the questions during the games.
17. Students discuss the questions actively in group during the
18. Students use the media for games given by the teacher.



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