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My Leadership

Personality Traits:

Traits of personality are the consistent ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that

help define an individual. These characteristics are generally consistent over time and

across contexts, shaping how a person sees and responds to the environment (Bleidorn

et al., 90).

1. I have strong communication skills, including the ability to express myself

effectively, listen attentively, and modify my approach to speaking and writing

for various audiences.

2. I am empathetic, which means I can easily relate to other people's feelings

and thoughts and use this to my advantage in social situations.

3. Flexibility: I can swiftly adapt my strategy to meet the requirements of a

given circumstance or the preferences of my team members.

4. Resilience: I can overcome obstacles, grow from my mistakes, and have a good

mood even when rough.

Communication Skills:


1. I have the skill of active listening, which means I pay close attention and

ask pertinent questions while other people are speaking.

Last Name 2

2. My communication skills are second to none; I can convey my point clearly

and concisely.

3. I am proficient in nonverbal communication and can convey my thoughts and

feelings through body language, facial expressions, and gestures.


1. I am not always comfortable talking in front of huge groups, which shows in my


2. I struggle with assertiveness at times, especially when dealing with people

who have very strong personalities and with whom I may not always agree.

3. In terms of how I express myself in writing, I want to get better at structuring my

thoughts and ideas so that they make sense to the reader.

Leadership Style:

I am most comfortable with and effective when using a transformational leadership

strategy. I think it is crucial to encourage and inspire others to do their best. My goal

is to foster a productive workplace in which everyone feels valued and has the

opportunity to reach their full potential.

Career Goals and Development:

My professional goals include:

1. I am committed to lifelong learning and have made it a priority to broaden my

horizons by reading widely, going to seminars, and monitoring developments in

my field.

2. I want to develop as a leader; therefore, I will be on the lookout for possibilities to

head up teams or whole endeavors.

3. I want to advance in my career by taking on more responsibilities and

ultimately helping my company thrives.

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Conceptual Map

My Leadership Map


Lifelong Learning Empathy

Leadership Flexibility

Non Verbal

Active Listening
Last Name 4

Works Cited

Bleidorn, Wiebke, Christopher J. Hopwood, and Richard E. Lucas. "Life events

and personality trait change." Journal of personality 86.1 (2018): 83-96.

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