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Life value enhancing

HB Katwal, MBA
Self-help Author/Speaker
Creator, HBK Public Speaking Series
Foundation of Effective PS
• Intrapersonal Communication
• Internal Communication
• External Communication
If you can’t communicate
and talk to other people

and get across your
ideas, you are giving up
your potential.
Warren Buffet
If I went back to college
again, I’d concentrate on
two areas; learning to write
and to speak before an
“ audience. Nothing in life is
more important than the
ability to communicate Gerard R. Ford
85% of your financial
success is due to your
personality and ability to
communicate, negotiate,
“ and lead. Shockingly, only
15% is due to technical Carnegie Institute of
knowledge. Technology
The difference between more
successful people and less
successful people is the difference
in the ability of speaking effectively.
“ The person who is capable of
expressing his views without fear
and hesitation, the person who Dale Carnegi

knows what to speak and how to

speak emerges as winner.
1 Development
Job and
2 Career Success
Entrepreneurship and
3 Business Development
Joy and
4 Happiness
k|lzIf0f ;DaGwL lgodx?
k|lzIf0f cjwLdf df]afOn k|of]u ug{ dgfxL
ul/Psf] 5 . ;xefuLn] cf gf] df]afOn ckm
cyjf ;fOn]G; u/L Jofudf /fv]/ xnleq
k|j]z ug{'kg]{5 .
lgoldt k|lzIf0fsf] aLrdf !% ldg]6 a|]s
x'g]5 .

k|lzIf0f xn leq af]Ng] laifox? 5gf]6 ubf{
;a}nfO{ ;xh x'g] / k"jf{u|x tyf kIfkft /lxt x'g'
kg]{5 .

k|lzIf0f xn leq lagf cg'dtL kmf]6f] lvRg tyf
cl8of]-lel8of] /]s8{ ug{ dgfxL ul/Psf] 5 .

k|lzIf0f xn leq Ps csf{nfO{ k|f]T;flxt ug{'sf ;fy}
cf}krfl/s ;Daf]wg ug'{ kg]{5 . k|lzIf0fsf]
jftfj/0f cf}krfl/s agfO/xg' ;Dk"0f{ k|lzIffyL{sf]
bfloTj /xg]5 .

k|lzIf0fdf ;xefuL x'“bf lgwf{l/t kf]zfsdf
/xg' kg]5
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^ cf}krfl/s kf]zfs
dlxnf -s_ ;6{, KofG6, sf]6 /
-s_ ;6{, KofG6 sf]6 / clkml;on clkml;on h'Qf .
h'Qf cyjf :ofG8n . -v_ ;6{, KofG6, 6fO{, sf]6 /
-v_ g]kfnL kf]zfs -;f/L, Anfph, clkml;on h'Qf .
sf]6_ / clkml;on h'Qf -u_ g]kfnL kf]zfs -bf}/f, ;'?jfn,
cyjf :ofG8n . sf]6_ / clkml;on h'Qf .
k|lzIf0f lbg M &, (, !!, !@, !$, !%, !^ / !&
^ cw{–cf}krfl/s kf]zfs

dlxnf k'?if
-s_ ;6{, KofG6 / clkml;on h'Qf -s_ ;6{, KofG6, clkml;on
cyjf :ofG8n . h'Qf .
-v_ clkml;on l6;6{, sf]6, KofG6 -v_ clkml;on l6;6{, sf]6,
/ clkml;on h'Qf cyjf KofG6, clkml;on h'Qf
:ofG8n .
k|lzIf0f lbg M !, @, #, $, %, ^, *, !) / !#
^ b|i6Ao

 k'?if ;xefuLn] ;6{nfO{ KofG6 leq /fv]/ nufpg' x'gsf ;fy}

cf}krfl/s df]hf ;lxt h'Qf nufpg' x'g cg'/f]w ul/G5 .
 ;6{ nufp“bf k"/f afx¬nf tyf 3f“6Lsf] sn/ ePsf] x¬g¬ kg]5
{ .
 lhG; KofG6 nufpg]n] sfnf] /ªsf] nufpg ;lsg]5 .
^ b|i6Ao

 k|lzIf0fdf ;xefuL x“'bf k'?if ;xefuLx?n] sfgdf d'Gb|f tyf cGo uxgf
gnufpg¬ x'g cg'/f]w ul/G5 . ;fy} bfx|L k'/f ;]ljª u/]sf] / s]z 5f]6f]
u/]sf] tyf ldn]sf] cf}krfl/s x]o/ :6fOn x'g kg]{5 .
 ;kmf 8«]; / u'l| dª ;lxt JolQmTjdf Wofg lbg'eO clws nfe lng' x'g
cg'/f]w ul/G5 .
k|lzIf0f cjwLdf cfkm"v';L aflx/ leq ug{
kfOg] 5}g .

k|lzIf0fxn leq vfBj:t' pkof]u ug{
dgfxL ul/Psf] 5 .

ljif]z sf/0fj; k|lzIf0fdf ;xefuL x'g g;s]
Joj:yfkgnfO{ k"j{ hfgsf/L lbP/ k|lzIf0f cjwLe/
clwstd @ lbg;Dd cg'kl:yt x'g ;lsg] 5 . t/
k|lzIffyL{sf] lgj]bgsf] cfwf/df Joj:yfkgn] plrt
b]v]df yk ! lbg;Ddsf] cg'kl:yltnfO{ dfGotf lbg
;Sg]5 .
# lbg eGbf al9 cg'kl:yt ePdf pQm Aofrsf] u|'kdf
k|lzIf0f lg/Gt/tf lbg ;lsg] 5}g . o:tf] cj:yfdf
slt xKtfsf] sf]if{ 5'6]sf] xf], k|To]s xKtfsf] nflu
?=!%)) z'Ns a'emfO k'gM /lh:6«]zg u/]/ cfufdL
u'|kdf ;xefuL x'g ;lsg] 5 .

lglZrt ;dodf k|lzIf0f xndf k|j]z ul/;Sg'
{ .

;dodf pkl:yt gx'g] ;xefuLnfO{ ;'?sf] k|lzIf0f
;];g jf a|s
] cufl8sf] ;];gdf ;xefuL u/fOg]
5}g .

dlxnf tyf k'?if k|lzIffyL{x?n] cf–cfkm\gf] :yfgsf]
l;6 k|of]u ug'{ kg]5
{ .

k|df0fkq k|fKt ug{ cfGtl/s tyf afXo d"Nof+sgdf
Go'gtd\ ^)∞ dfs{ k|fKt ug'{ kg]5
{ . k|df0f–kqsf]
nflu of]Uo aGg k|lzIf0f lbg–!^ sf] d"Nof+sg
;]zgdf ;xefuL x'g' clgjfo{ 5 .

k|lzIf0f xn tyf ;]ldgf/ xndf ePsf k|lzIf0f
;DaGwL lqmofsnfk Pj+ k|lzIffyL{x?sf] kmf]6f], cl8of]–
lel8of] tyf cg'ej dGtJonfO{ gLkmn] /]l8of],
6]lnlehg,cf˚\gf] j]j;fO6, OGkmf] a's, ljleGg
cgnfOg Pj+ ;f]zn ldl8ofdf k|sfzg tyf k|zf/0f
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
lgoldt, ;dolgi7, lgoda4 / cfjZos
c;fOgd]G6x? ;dodf k"/f ug]{ k|lzIffyL{x?sf nflu
k|lzIf0fn] Nofpg] cfjZos kl/jt{g Uof/]G6L
ul/Psf] 5 .

k|lzIffyL{x?n] k|lzIf0f z'? ePsf] bf];|f] lbg
;Dddf cfkm\gf] ;/sf/L kl/ro kq gLkmsf]
k|zf;gdf b]vfpg' kg]{5 . k|lzIf0fsf] cf7f}+ lbg
;Dddf lgwf{l/t kf;kf]6{ ;fOhsf] kmf]6f] @ k|lt
a'emfpg' kg]5
{ .
k|lzIffyL{x?nfO{ k|lzIf0f tyf Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL s'g}
u'gf;f] ePdf k|ToIf, kmf]g, Od]n tyf P;\ Pd\ P;\
dfkm{t Joj:yfkgnfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg ;lsg]5 .

Thank you
So much
Copyright © 2020
All rights reserved by
Nepal Entrepreneurship Education
Foundation (NEEF) & HB Katwal

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