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Adinda Rahmawati Ridwan (3)/XI MIPA 4

Literasi minggu ketiga Agustus 2021

Public Figure contribution in covid situation

Public figures have become an important figures in providing support to combat the COVID-
19 pandemic because they have major strengths such as reputation and good name and
achievements that were previously known to the public. So that what public figures do will
be more heard and followed by the community through campaigns or other positive
As a presenter and public figure, Choky also made efforts to prevent the transmission of the
new coronavirus by working from home for approximately two months. Although it certainly
has a risk impact for him, choky considers all can be adjusted to a new lifestyle, as support
to the government to combat the COVID-10 pandemic. In line with Choky, young and
talented artist Olivia Zalianty also saw the presence of public figures very instrumental in
providing examples of gotong-royong efforts with various activities such as art to
fundraising. Because in the face of the disaster of the COVID-19 pandemic must be done
together. On the same occasion, famous artist Marcella Zalianty also felt that the COVID-19
pandemic also had an impact on the activities of production houses and forced art workers
unable to do activities so they could not earn income. Therefore, he and the Indonesian Film
Artists Association conducted a fundraiser for the arts sector affected by the pandemic.
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are then different opinions from many people
and even among top artists. Differences of opinion regarding the spread of the SARS-CoV-2
virus can also give rise to a variety of public opinions. According to the view of celebrities, it
is certainly natural to happen for several reasons. However, what needs to be underlined is
the importance of understanding something that has been proven and based on the results
of expert research and literacy. According to Olivia, people should also be able to
understand the difference in objects. Olivia, however, sees this pandemic as wisdom is all
the more important. Moreover, for him, to discuss the details of this new type of
coronavirus is not the realm of public figures, but the task of virology or immunologists as
experts. On the other hand, the most important thing to invite all communities together to
fight the COVID-19 pandemic is the spread of integrated information, true and reducing
misinformation. So that the provision of correct understanding does not make people
become confused and can take steps together in a mutual manner.

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