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2 The meeting started at _____ in the morning. An invocation was led by _____
6 After the preliminaries, the meeting was called to order at _____ in the morning by _____
10 (solicitation of motion for the approval of the meeting for the preparedness, reading of minutes of the meeting of the previous meeting [sir pakiedit]
13 PSWDO, Mr. Jun M. Pagbilao discusses about the preparation for the coming typhoon season, Mr. Pagbilao states that the occurrence of strong
typhoons 14 has an interval of two or three years, however for not experiencing strong typhoons from the previous years, typhoon Agaton had a massive
destruction 15 on Western Visayas Region. He emphasizes that purchasing of rice is easy but has concern on the purchase of other goods including canned
goods and
16 coffees which is one of their activities including stock piling that is ready for disposition in times of disaster. He adds that the activity on response is to
17 activate the Evacuation Committee and to set the Evacuation Centers and Equipment prepared and ready.
(DILG). She shares about the accomplishment on risk decisions and actions of LGUs and Communities, preparedness actions being guided by memorandum
issued by DILG and NDRRMC on prompt dissemination of information pertaining to weather advisories and COVID-19 Issuances from April to June 2022. Mr.
Baltazar reads about the DILG Region 2 Memorandum regarding LPA (sir bilis magreport ni sir joe 22:07 mins). Ms. (surname of reporter) enumerates that
they discussed the issuances on COVID-19 and Disaster preparedness and mitigation at inter-agency such as the joint PIATF and PDRRMC meeting from
April to June 2022, they provided technical assistances during the conduct of Gawad Kalasag assessment, conducted the SGLG assessment, provided
technical assistance during the disaster preparedness area by April 20, 27, May 11, 17, 25 and regional assessment of SGLG on May 24 30, 2022. In addition,
the submission for National validation of Province of Quirino for the National SGLG award. She also reports about the increase of institutional capacities of
Provincial, Municipal, and Barangay DRRM councils and offices from April to June 2022. The citizen-charter, the conduct of inventories of the existing DRRM
resources and services, new operation centers are being maintained and activated from April to June 2022. They had training called “SAFE”, regional forum
attended by DILG, PDRRMO and Provincial Health Office Staff. On 28 June 14-16, a roll out management for the dead and missing person was attended by
MLGOO, Chiefs of Police, PSWDO, MDRRMO, MHO including the municipalities of Aglipay and Maddela. There were also meetings conducted to strengthen
the partnership for operation and coordination with partners and stakeholders. June 3, the meeting for the conducts of LCCAP Formulation. June 7, 2 nd
quarterly meeting (insert @ 27:30mins). June 8 launching of TRIUMPH 2.0 – a collection of success stories, champions, and best practices in the fight against
COVID-19. She states the outcome which is all about the implemented comprehensive and local preparedness plans and system, the DILG provided
technical assistance during the updating and finalization of PDRRMO and adds what to look forward, by the 3 rd quarter of the calendar year 2022, conduct
of coaches training on the orientation on disaster preparedness manual for local weather disturbances which is to be attended by PDRRMO and DILG
Regional and Provincial Focal person. From July-August there will be a validation of SGLG National awarding.

Mr. Joediaz Baltazar, LDRRMO II, reports on the 20% applications for the response cluster. 50% on vehicular accidents, 36% on
-unfinish report of sir joe
Mr. Pagbilao concurs the increasing number of accidents, his observation concerning the minors who are already driving, thus needing a measure on how to
control and lessen the said matter.

Next is PNP, he reported about the difference from January-June 12, 2021 vs January-June 12, 2022, they reported 30 vehicular accidents increase by 88
(47:04 mins percentage) compared to January to June 12, 2021. (47:26mins – 47:59mins). The accidents including 2 (inaudible), 2 (inaudible), 3 Vans, 2 Pick-
up trucks, 1 Jeepney, (____) 5 Elf,3 Truck. Cause of accidents (48:20mins). Reported places of accidents where 5 in Aglipay, 3 in Cabarroguis, 5 in Diffun, 7 in
Maddela having the highest number of accidents, followed by 6 accidents in Nagtipunan and 4 in Saguday. Accidents including minor (49:22 mins), occurred
in between two to three o’clock.

There are many riding associations in the province of Quirino. In DTI, (reporter) the utilization of partnership with a certain riding community in the
province for the education on the safety features of helmet and the discussion of the other matters that causes accidents of motorcycle. However, he
details and addresses the matter regarding the unpredicted stray animals as one of the causes of fatal death among motorists despite engaging to safe and
responsible riding. Mr. Pagbilao agrees on the strengthening of legislative measure and ordinance on matters of stray animals.

-report of BFP
-report of TESDA
(@ 1:39:07)

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting.

Request of Mr. (___) to call for the attention of the Department of Energy because of the disparity in the price of petroleum in Quirino compared to other
provinces, unfortunately there was no response from the department but they received an invitation from the Regional Development Council on March 30
there will be a meeting in Isabela and one of the items that will be discuss is the issue of rising fuel prices and bring this matter to the attention of RDC so
that the Committee on Energy can find the implications.

The Agencies presented their reports as follows:

First to report is the Provincial Health Office through their representative Mr. Reynaldo ____, he gives the regular update on COVID-19 situation and
vaccination. As of March 20, 2022, there is 1 active asymptomatic case from the municipality of Diffun, having the total of cumulative cases to 8079, 7816
recoveries, 262 death and no waiting results. In this figure, the cases of COVID-19 are continuously decreasing. In Hospital report, those who are admitted
at Quirino Provincial Medical Center are probable cases. And the report on the vaccine status of COVID-19 related death as of March 20, 2022, 44
vaccinated, 201 unvaccinated and 17 who only took their 1 st dose. The percentile of active cases is 0.01%, recoveries of 96.74%, having a 3.24% fatality rate,
incidence rate of 0.0004%, (____) 3.88% and positivity rate of 30.28%. While the active daily rates per municipality is as follows: Aglipay -100% and zero
others, Cabarroguis -50% and 0.22 others, Diffun -50% and .26 others, Maddela, Nagtipunan and Saguday have -100% and zero others all under the minimal
new normal. The total of the province is -82.35% and 0.11 others which is considered low under Alert Level 1.
Ms. Fae gives the update of vaccination per priority group having the total of 135,530 who had their first dose, second dose pf 126,272 and booster of
17,575. She also reports that Nagtipunan being below 70% having 67.69% of first dose, 63.32 second dose. First dose for pediatric category is 163, OPP of
3,862 with the total of 3,925 (12.96%) and 19 second dose for pediatric A3, OPP of 2,383 with 2,402 in total (7.93%). Booster shot report for municipality:
Aglipay 2,821, Cabarroguis with 3,411, Diffun 4,280, Maddela 4,411, Nagtipunan 995 and Saguday 1,577. The weekly report from March 14-20, 700 first
dose, 906 second dose and 750 booster shots. As of the present, the increase for first dose is 0.44% and 0.56% in second dose. There is still a target of
unvaccinated: 25, 222 for first dose and 9,258 for second dose. There are 86,082 shots left in the allocated vaccine for the first dose and 63,670 in second
dose. She also reports the remaining doses per brand: 1,224 first dose and 1,321 second dose of Sinovac, 6,760 first dose and 6,350 second dose of
Aztrazenica, 3,164 first dose and 1,706 second dose of Moderna and 750 doses of Johnson&Johnnson. There are still 76, 790 vaccines left at PHO and a
(correction ng naiwang vaccine sa isang agency)

Next is the individual reports of MHOs

(MHO Aglipay) As of the record, (COVID-19 update), the recovery of 969 with 95.69% rate. He reports about the vaccination status of the municipality, there
is a total of 29,547 vaccinated with 19,559 who took their first dose and 17,693 fully vaccinated. There are also 2,825 who took their booster shot. In their
80% population target (23,638) the municipality’s accomplishment is 82.74% for first dose, 74.85% fully vaccinated and 11.95% for booster shot. While the
report for priority group A2 category with target population of 2,493, 93.7% already done with first dose, 89.37% fully vaccinated and 18.25% with booster
shot. In A5 category, there are 1,595 for first dose, 1,729 for second dose and 44 booster shot. (2:04:18) first dose of 45.97%, second dose of 35.84% and
booster of 20.38%. For pediatric ages 12-17, 83.63% for first dose and 74% for second dose and for ages 5-11, 16.59% first dose and 6.94% second dose.
There are 2,438 vaccines left in the municipality and accomplished 1,242 vaccinees during the National Vaccine Day on March 10-18.

For A5 Category there is 1,595 first dose, 1,729 second dose and 34 boosters. For Pediatric 12-17 there is 83.63% first dose and 74% fully vaccinated. OPP:
15.59% first dose and 6.94% second dose. There are remaining vaccine doses; 758 Sinovac, 560 Aztrazenica, 960 Pfizer, 60 Moderna and 100 J&J. During the
National Vaccination Day, they accomplished 1,242 total of vaccinee: 914 of which are 12-above and 328 5-11yo.

The next report is from the Cabarroguis. With no new case of COVID-19, Ms. (______) directly reports on the Vaccination Status of the municipality. For the
80% Population target, they already accomplished 95.88% first dose and 89.25% fully vaccinated, while the status on the priority group (100% Population)
they are done with 80.67% and 636 remaining Senior Citizens to be vaccinated. On the 5-11yo category there is 418 vaccinated and 57.65% of this were
fully vaccinated.

Ms. Carol _____ reports the only active case of the province which is from Diffun. The said case was a stepped down patient of Quirino Provincial Medical
Center and is currently at home quarantine, the patient is said to be asymptomatic and was fully vaccinated. The cumulative case of Diffun is 1,638 in total.
On the 80% Population target, there is 37,469 first dose and 33,588 fully vaccinated with 4,316 booster shots. On NVD they vaccinated a total of 764. While
the report on 5-11yo category, they already vaccinated 1,237 and fully vaccinated 784 in total.

From Saguday, Dr. Anj Villar reports the Vaccination status accomplishment of the municipality. As of March 21, there are 13,440 first dose and 12,856
second dose and booster of 1,496. There are still 3,224 (sir kulang, hindi ko marinig yung naiwan pang vaccine ng Sinovac 2:21:25) vaccines available at

Next to report is Quirino Provincial Medical Center, there are a total of 7 patients currently admitted at the COVID wing of the hospital all are categorize as
probable and mild cases and waiting for RT-PCR results. Two of them are under medication, 1 is under surgery and 4 pediatric patients. 38 available beds for
COVID-19 patients.
Aglipay District Hospital has no COVID patient, and 15 beds allocated for COVID patients are still available.

Dr. Mila Villar adds the report on the international surge of COVID-19 specifically in China and Hongkong. She states that the ongoing surge in China has 2
cases of death meanwhile the still rising cases of COVID-19 in Hongkong are detected as the Delta and Omicron variant and there is the new variant
combination of Delta and Omicron which called as the Delta micron variant. Dr. Villar emphasizes that despite the low rate of cases in the province, health
protocols are still needed to be followed and implemented.

DOH, Cagayan Valley regardingthe COVID-19 regular update (sir ikaw na bahala dito 2:32:08)

QPPO reports regarding the COVID-19 check-point update, in reference with memorandum from the deputy commander of the joint COVID shield of PNP
directing all unit commanders particular Provincial Director to convert Quarantine Control Points to Boarder Control points with the purpose of focusing
more on the detection of criminality, COMELEC check points and other enforcement activities and IATF Resolution #163-A series of 2022 dated February
27, 2022, stating that the province of Quirino is now alert security level 1 hence the conversion of QCPs to BCPs, according to Provincial Director ____ there
are adjustments on making the functions of BCP which is focused on law enforcement and assured that they will never leave the mandate pertaining the
prevention of COVID-19 and reinforcement of IATF resolutions regarding COVID-19. On this report, he says that the control points will not require to check
for the vaccination cards of those who enter the province but rather the establishments such as churches, restaurants and the like will be the one to check
for the cards, Ms. Carmen states that the current executive order of the Governor still requires the control points to check for the vaccination cards and
asks the body on their comment regarding the matter. Dr. Mila Villar agrees with Ms. Carmen to stick with the old border controls, in addition with their
mandate about criminality and law enforcement, the continuous screening of those who enter the province as to their vaccination card is still necessary and
to be stricter on the implementation of the border controls. They noted that border controls can simultaneously check for vaccination cards while
reinforcing the law against criminality and Comelec check points.

DILG, IAFT Resolution #164 series of 2022 dated March 10 the amended criteria for the escalation of the province, highly urbanized cities, and independent
component cities to alert level 1 upon the recommendation of National Task Force against COVID-19, they shall be escalated to alert level 1 upon meeting
the following criteria. 1) low to minimal risk classification 2) total bed utilization of 50% 3) full vaccination of 70% of the 80% target population 4) full
vaccination of 70% of 85% of priority group A2. She reports approved recommendation of the Higher Education Institutions on the limited face-to-face
classes operating in the areas under alert level 1, the requirements are to check assessment checklist as of CHED-Doh joint memorandum circular #004-
2021 and operate and to continue having technical assistance from LGUs, Local IATF, CHED Regional office and expert groups. To conduct limited face-to-
face, with in the discretion of HEIs to choose which learning modalities should they operationalize if there is continuity of learning. Fully vaccinated
teaching, non-teaching personnel and students are allowed in the premises while those unvaccinated and partially vaccinated students will continue under
flexible learning modalities. Maximum of 100% seating capacity is allowed and no restrictions on student dorms as long as HEI will coordinate to with LGU
concern before the opening. HEI shall insure students who will participate in limited face-to-face, they shall be registered with Phil health or with equivalent
medical insurance. She also reports the DILG Regional memorandum dated March 27 which is the reiteration on the guidelines of the implementation of
the granular lockdown, it states that municipal mayors have the authority to declare a granular lockdown on their jurisdiction within the period of not less
than 14 days and shall be reported in Regional Task Force against COVID-19.

Report on DTI, Mr. ____ reports about the price and supply situation _____, price and supply situation of steel bar and cement products. He reports that
the Negosyo center of Aglipay and Maddela conducted their regular monitoring activities, based on the monitor the prices are stable and commodities are
sufficient to meet the demand of the consumers. He details price ranges of basic commodities depending on the brand and availability. For the rising prices
of steel bars and cements, the Consumer Protection Unit conducted comprehensive monitoring and found out that there is scarcity of raw materials for the
manufacturing of the products and the sudden increase of fuel products affected the price of steel bars and cement. For the agricultural supplies, the
Provincial Agriculture Office conducted its weekly monitoring, there is increase in the price of tomato, ampalaya, eggplant and squash meanwhile a
decrease in the price of okra. There is also increase in price of the highland vegetables and spices. He also reports the prices changes for certain fruits, dried
fish, fish and rice. He shares the current update of loans of 192 approved and released as of March 21 and support interventions.

Other matter;
Ms. Jesusa Leal requests the PDRRMC for the approval of updated PDRRM plan 2020-2025 integrating emerging infectious disease.

Mr. Ranchez will be conducting the provincial federation board meeting on the vaccination roll-out specifically for Senior Citizen.

ADJOURNMENT. There being no other matters to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at exactly _______ which was unanimously seconded by the body.

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