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1 – The Hierarchy of Structure in Animals

Circulatory: Transports blood, nutrients, gases, and waste.

Digestive: Takes in food, breaks it down, absorbs nutrients

and removes solid waste from body.

Respiratory: Controls breathing and exchanges gases in lungs.

Excretory: Removes liquid waste from body.

Lymphatic Defends the body against infection.

Muscular: Works with the bones to move parts of the body.

Endocrine: Manufactures and releases hormones that act,

along with the nervous system, to keep various
body systems in balance.
Reproductive: Includes reproductive organs for producing

Integumentary: Includes skin, hair, and nails. Creates a waterproof

barrier around the body.

Nervous: Detects changes in the environment and signals

these changes to the body, which then responds.

Skeletal: Supports, protects, and works with muscles to

move parts of the body.

Levels of Biological Organization

Cell → Tissue → Organ → Organ System → Organism

HW → Define:
• 4 types of tissue (muscle, nerve, connective, epithelial);
• tissue, organ, organ system

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