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Term II Class 8

The City School

Assignment Number: 7.14

Topic: Magnetism

By attempting this assignment, learners will be able to:

➢ Describe how to magnetize a magnetic material
➢ Construct an electromagnet and identify the factors that affect the strength of an electromagnet
➢ Describe how electromagnets are used in domestic and industrial devices e.g. electrical devices, lifting
➢ Describe and demonstrate the magnetic field of a magnet using iron filings
➢ Recognise that the magnetic field line patterns represent the strength of magnetic fields
➢ Demonstrate the direction of magnetic field using a compass
➢ Recognise and demonstrate that current in a wire/coil produces a magnetic field similar to that of a bar

Q.1 a. Describe briefly how an iron rod can be magnetized using the electrical method.
b. How can the strength of the magnetised iron rod be increased?
c. What happens to the magnetised iron rod when current stops flowing?
d. What is the difference between a steel rod and an iron rod which are magnetised using this method?

Q.2 What is the magnetic field of a magnet? How can the magnetic field lines of a bar magnet be observed?

Q.3 Study the magnetic field lines of the two pairs of magents below. Which pair has
a. like poles;
b. unlike poles facing each other?

Q.4 List three uses of magnets in the

a. home
b. industry
Term II Class 8

Q.5 Study the diagrams (a) and (b) below. Write an inference from your observation.

Q.6 If a bar magnet is broken into a few pieces, what will the poles of each individual broken piece be?
How you can find out whether your answer is correct?

Q. 7 Explain how an electric bell works with the help of the diagram below and what you have learned
about electricity and magnetism.

(These are suggested questions, teachers are encouraged to make their own).

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