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Competencies Needed in the Future Workplace Activities you will do while in college to develop

the competencies. Identify 2 major activities per

item (no need to explain)
Knowledge: a. Take advanced courses in my chosen field of
1. Content: Specialization, Discipline; study(Mechanical Engineering).
Process/Strategies (teaching, classroom b. Participate in research projects or internships
management, accounting, engineering) related to the engineering discipline.

2. Technicalities: Expertise a. Attend workshops and seminars to stay updated

on my field's latest technologies and techniques.
b. Work on practical projects that require hands-
on technical skills.
3. Critical thinking: Accuracy, Verification a. Engage in debates, discussions, and case studies
requiring me to critically analyze and evaluate
b. Write research papers or essays that demand
rigorous critical thinking and analysis.
4. Problem-solving: a. Join problem-solving clubs or teams where I
take on real-world challenges.
b. Seek out mentorship from professors to solve
complex problems related to my field.
5. Growth mindset a. Attend personal development workshops and
b. Reflect on my experiences and setbacks,
focusing on what I've learned and how much I've
6. Open-mindedness/heartedness a. Participate in cultural exchange programs or
diversity and inclusion workshops.
b. Volunteer for community service projects that
expose me to different perspectives and
7. Personal philosophy/principles in life a. Keep a journal to document my personal values
and principles.
b. Engage in philosophical discussions or courses
to explore different belief systems.
SKILLS: a. Take on leadership roles in challenging student
1. Grit: developing my best/bringing out my best organizations or projects.
in the context of a difficult/challenging b. Practice resilience by setting and achieving
situation with the use of my developing ambitious goals.

2. Technology: a. Intern or work part-time in a tech-related job to

a. vertical and horizontal; gain practical experience.
b. human, hardware, and software. b. Attend tech hackathons or coding boot camps
to improve my technical skills.
3. Fast turn-overs/change: a. Engage in extracurricular activities that require
quick adaptation, such as participating in a startup.
b. Embracing change by actively seeking out new
experiences and opportunities.
4. Continuous Process Improvement-CPI a. Join quality improvement teams or projects
within my college.
b. Learn process improvement methodologies and
applying them to real-world situations
5. Soft/social skills/personality Soft/Social Skills/Personality:
a. Joining public speaking or debate clubs to
enhance my communication skills.
b. Participating in team-building workshops or
leadership training programs.
6. Recalibrated comfort zones a. Take courses or participate in activities outside
of my comfort zone.
b. Travel or study abroad to expose myself to
different cultures and environments.
7. Maturity a. Seek out responsibilities in student
organizations or clubs.
b. Reflect on my experiences and learn from my
mistakes to mature as an individual.
8. Inclusion: Diversity, Resilient a. Organizing diversity and inclusion events or
initiatives on campus.
b. Participating in workshops or discussions on
diversity and resilience.
9. “Glocal:” locally responsive and globally a. Engaging in community service projects with a
competitive global perspective.
b. Network with international students and
participate in international student organizations.
10. Internationalization a. Study abroad or participate in exchange
b. Attend international conferences or events
related to my field of study.
11. Prioritization and Time Management a. Use time management tools and techniques to
schedule your activities efficiently.
b. Accepting multiple roles in student
organizations to practice prioritization and time
management skills.

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