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r.!slJ.t Ei-rirI.\rtrlll! l:lEsu.Er 4vrt vwruslv.!


FORESTER Licensure Examinati-on

Sunday, JuIy 10, 20 11 01:00 p.m. - 05 : 00 p.m.


INSTRUCTION: SCICCT thc COTTEC answer for each of the following

questlons. Mark onl one answe shading the box
corresponding to the letter of sheet provided.

+- t. On May l,LgO4, the Forest Act was enacted. It contained the forest
' poil"+;:
?f ,:1""i:i*::i'i3' ,ur=. whire rhe second sraremenr is
B. Both statements are true
@ ff," first statement is true while the second statement is
f al-se
D. Both statements are false
per DAO 2000-64, an inventory of anahaw palms shall be undertaken at
fi- Z. intensity within titl-ed private lands and at least
intensity within forest land.
f6) rooz - so% c. 402 60%
n. 50% 1oo% D. 50% - 402
-tqt^3 . pri-marv f orest makes ef f iclent use of soil and climatic resources.
ertitilia:- plantations are liable to diseases and pests.
A. all statements are false
B. statement 1 is true ; statement 2 is f alse \),,
@ atl statements are true \'
D. statement 1 is false; statement 2 is true
t&n4. What Executive Order (EO) was issued by President Arroyo in 2003
l-1 directing the professj-onal Regulation Commission to effectively adopt
the Code of Good Governance for the Professions in the Philippines?
A. EO No.230 C. EO No.320
@ ,o No.22o D. EO No.200

5. Other than illegal forest product, machinery and equj-pment, what items
are subject to apprehension, seizure, confiscation and forfeiture per
DENR AO No. 32-97?
4. preserved wildlife C. firearms
Conveyance D. personal effects
to a forest biome?
$-6. Which of the following refer
I. .broadest forest classification unit
II. reflects the ecological characteristics of the vegetation
,ri:.?rl;:.;r;n" physioenomic rhe veserarion
B. I and II D. II ANd fII

b'7. philippine Mahogany is the term used for lumber/timber of Philippine

Oipteilcarp in if,e- int"rnational market. This does not include (*
Iumber/timber from white lauan
\\-./ rrr" first statement
1f, is true whj-le the second statement is
B. Bcth statements are false
It rrrrrf7 LV t z.vLL lrl;lrf, [r-u- rrJ - lru P-8. r,age z.


C. The first statement is fal-se while the second statement is
Both statements are true
,- B. If in case there are adverse claimants or any party alleging conflicting
claims over identified CBFMA, the concerned parties shoul-d
A. file their complaints before the DENR secretary
B. file their complaints before the PENRO within 30 days from
date notification
(d7 fif" their complaints before the RED within 30 days from
\-/ date of notification
' D. file therir complaints in court
?-e is the maximum number of animal unit that a given grazing
land is capable of supporting without signi-ficant damage to soil,
vegetaili@r and watershed.
A. optimum capaclty C. maximum capacity
B. carrying clpacily O grazing capacity
-10. Al-ienable or disposable lands refer to lands of the public domain that
have been the subject of the present system of land classification and
declared as not needed for forest purposes. These portions of the public
domain in&{ude lands with 18 ? s1ope.
A. Both statements are true
(fl Both statements are false
C. The first statement is true while the second statement is
D. The first statement is fal-se while the second statement is
Firerine refers to a strip of about 10 meters wide on which al-l-
t-" in.flammable vegetation is cleared before the dry season to reduce fire
hazard in plantations. On the other hand, firebreak refers to vegation
of less flammable species with dense foliage, planed c1ose1y, around 20
meters wide, whj-ch provide protection to fire sensitive stands.
A. The first statement is fal-se while the second statement
is true.
B. The first statement is true while the second statement is
C. Both statements are fa1se. ffiF{tryi-*ffiil,5:'Y
fh, eoth, statements are true. ir",. a s# "

,- 72. Buffer zones are established to serve as protective layer for the
protected area. During the delineation of boundary, the team found that
the proposed buffer zone is situated within a private property. As the
Protected Area Superintendent, what wilI you advice the DENR Regional
Off_ice which is in accordance to DAO 25 Series of 1992?
ffr.t the government explore the possibility of buying back
B. That a MOA be forged between DENR and the owner of the
private property. J
C. That fhe proposed buffer zone be administered by the DENR
Regional Office. "b)
D. That the owner be told that it is part of the protected area
and that is shou1d be given back to the government. \s
,C, The average annual deforestation rate in the early 1980s was recorded at
ha. per year.
A. 200,000 150,000
B. 250,000 300,000
Continued on Page TQDS Ver 2.1.9
,, vs4, LvJ


l-14 . The Land Management Bureau j-s the country'S central mapping agency' LMB
is one of the line bureaus under the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources.
[: ZA eotft statements are false
Y rfr. first statement is false while the second statement IS
C. Both statements are true
D. Th first statement is true while the second statement j-s
15. It refers to the Act that regulates the practice of Forestry profession
in the Philippines.
@ n-A No.- aztg C. R.A.No.8749
B. R.A. No.6969 D. R.A. No. 8371
?)6 Shifting cultivation generally uses human energy and employs digging,
stick or hoe. Act No . 214 refers to Kaingin Law.
A. Statement 1 is false; Statement 2 is true-
B. Statement 1 is true; Statement 2 is false. ffif+ $ffiEflg#',rl* ffiffi#$W
@ arr statements are true F:" Y- ffi"
D. AII statements are fa1se.
Which of the following was embodied i-n Act 214 of 1901?
lYtt A. Prosecution of illegal miners
B. Prosecution of illegal loggers
C. Prosecuti-on of hunters of wildlife in protected areas
Prosecution of kaingineros and other forest occupants from
forest lands
IB. The years 1994-2003 has been declared by the United Nations as:
h- A. World Decade of I'orest Communities
B. World Decade of Foresters
(S wortd Decade of rndigeneous Peoples
b{ world Decade of women
The development and behavj-or of a forest fire is dictated by heat
b''n transfer wi-th is influenced bY:
=r] temperature and wind onIY
vegetatron only
B. temperature and vegetation on-Ly
@ exl-iting climatic and physical condition
t. vegetation and temperature only
A2O. Income qenerating activities managed by the Integrated SociaI Forestry
?'"- Social Forestry Communities is
;;;ii;ifiants witrrin trre rntegrated
referred to as
A. marketing strategi-es
B. community l-ivelihood assistance proqrams
@) upland livelihood enterPrises
b1 livetihood activities
2I. Per DAO No. 50, in case 2 or more parties are requesting. fo:: the same $J
-+".-' ;;;";;-producrs, who of the f ollowing has the highest priority?
A. Regional Projects E
B. LGUs which have jurisdiction over where said forest
product was taken
bpWU whose projects cater to the benefits of the
greater -l-
number of peoPle
D. needy victims of natural calamj-ties

Continued on Page 4 TQDS Ver 2.1-9


In CBFM areas within watershed reservation, extraction of forest

f22. resources is allowed. priority is given to which of the following
I. non-timber species
II. commerciaf timber ffiffi$W%"--"*
III. Iesser-used species
\-/ I and III C II and lII
-E- r and II D I t fI, and 1r1

,23 It refers to the mj-xture of woody perennials with cultivated crops,

pastures, and other agricultural enterprises '
A. silvipasture q. agribusiness
B. agrisilviculture C aOroforestry
-24 Who can certify that based on the submitted project description, the
project should NOT be covered by the Environmental Impact Statement
A. Regional Office EMB

T-25. Extinctions may be caused by isolation, Ioss of fitness to react to

envaronment change and which of t.!re following?
A. biotechnologY @ inUreeding
B. genetics il. none of these answers
,-26. The country has total land area of 40 million hectares. The total land
' area is equivalent to about 401000 square kilometers.
A. The first statement is false while the second statement is
B. Both statements are true
C. The first statement is true while the second statement i-s
@ eottl statements are false
@ been controlled, is the stage of fire suppression wherein after a fire h AS
it is essential that all burning objects are
or*ot extinquished.
LD *cpPr-ns-uP C. backfiring
B. bac.k burnl-ng D. complete burning
,..28 . The traditional Practrce of shifting cultivation is
generally considered
t sustai-nable. This is due to the practice of cropping mix and rotation'
f()' rfte first statement is true while the second statement is
v ful="
B. Both statements are false
C. The first statement is false while the second statement is
' D. Both statements are true
,29 In coordination with other members, who shall beinincharge of a
areas issued with
semi-annual monitoring of harvesting actj-vities
resource use permits?
Reglonal Office
c. Lqu
Which refers to Envj-ronmental Impact Assessment? n-
the likely environmental
I. It i-s the process of predictingprolects
consequences of implementing
1I. ft is a sectoral analysis of projects'
III.It designs appropriat6 prevenlive, mitigating and enhancement
measures for the Project.

A. f,II and III C. I I and IIf

B. f and II @r and III
,31. A program launched by DENR which replaces short term contract
reforestation in collaboration with forest occupants and is governed by
DAO 23 ( 1993 ) .
@ Forest Land Management Program ffiffi Bffifirq s#q ffi$}ffi"f
B. Coastal Management Program
C. Community Forest Program tr.T w"
D. Community-based Forest Management

-32. A forest management program launched i-n 1989 which include

reforestation, agroforestry, rattan plantation establishment, as s isted
naLural regeneration and timber stand improvement.
@ ao**triity forestry program
B. Community-based forest management
C. Forest land management program
D. Integrated social forestry program
,- 33. Fire can ki-l I plants and animal-s but it is also extremely beneficial
' Which of the following are the beneficiaf effects of fire?
r. source of, forest regeneratj-on
rr. aids in nutrient recycling
rrr. hastens change in biodiversi-ty
A. Irff and III C. II and III
@ I and II D. I and III
)- 34 serves as the focal- agency to j-mplement the National Year of
the Forests?
A. Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau ( PAWB )
@ Forest Management Bureau (FMB) ( EMB
C. Envj-ronmental- Management Bureau )
D. Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB)
-35. AII farmlots within the ISF Model site shall- be developed as much as
practicable as agroforestry farms per DAO 90-54. The main responsibility
for the development of an agroforestry farm lies with the CSC holder
A. All statements are false
B. The first statement is false; the second is false
AII statements are true
The first statement is false; the second is true
2jJ6. This refers to l-and of the public domain that has been reserved as such
' by l-aw to preserve its natural condi-tions, maintain its hydrologic
quality and restric public use in the interest of natj-onal welfare and
A. natj-onal park C. military reservation
B. watershed reservation @ wilderness area
b'31. The Community Forestry Program can be implemented in civil military
' reservations. Community-based forest management activities can be
implemented within watersheds.
A. AII statements are true.
B. Statement 1 is false; Statement 2 is true. $)
Statement 2 is false-
@ Statement 1 is true;false.
D. All- statements are o
138. per DAO 96-29, what will be the penalty of PO for non-compliance wlth <\
the term of the agreement despite the lapse of 6 months from date of
least 6 months to not more than 1 year
@ suspension for atat least
B. suspension to 1 year to not more than 2 years
C. suspension for at least 2 months
/ann{- i nrrar:l nn P.ada 6 TODS Ver 2.1.9
fJ uurJ lvt


D. cancellation of agreement
_39 This project was undertaken by DENR to rehabilitate and/or reforest
15,00b ha of open and denuded areas j-n 8 major watershed in the country
throuqh contractual reforestatj-on and benefiting 7 ,500 families.
upland communities project
@ i"* incomeforestrY
B. Community Program
C. National Reforestation project
D. Forest Land Management Program
-- 40 Controll-ed grassland burning is a pasture management tool that may be
used to
r. eli-minate undesirable \teeds and brushes
II. stimulate forage growth
IfI. improve forage qualitY
@ r,ri, and rrr C. I and II
B. II and III D. I and III
It refers to a forest reservation essentially of natural wilderness
l-4t. character, which has been withdrawn from settlement, occupancy or any
form of exploitation except in conformity with an approved management
plan and set asj-de as such exclusively to conserve the area or preserve
lf,e scenery, the natural and historic objects, wild animals and plants
the^rej-n and to provide enjoyment of these features in such area.
nationar park
B-.Natural park
C. Protected landscape/seascaPe mffi &ffitN &6D.SffiPY
D. Game refuge ffi" T" -M

2-42. Who sign the Deed of Donation document for wildlife species?
--tr. eewe Director
6@ and Donee C. RED and Donee
Secretary and Donee D. CENRO and Donee ., ..7

The prohibiti-on of logging in old-growth forest areas took effect in

b'n; t.rr.rl4l l, lgg2. This-means that harvesting of trees is NOT al-lowed l-n \r.i
secondary forests.
A. Both statements are true
B. Both statements are false
@ ffre first statement is true while the second statement is
D. The first statement is fal-se while the second statement is

134' Neem tree is a botanical pesticide for

A. animals C. rats
B. mites (6)) insects

What was created through to help fulfill the Philippines
commitments to the convention on Biological Diversity?
(a\ erri-rippine Council for Sustainable Development
Y Committee on Biological Diversity
C. Philippine Strategy for Biological Dj-versity
D. Palawan council for Biodiversity conservation -i
45. Per DAO-2000-63, planted trees from industrial tree plantations
exempted from forest charges. Planted trees harvested from
refoiestg4tion activities should give 10? of gross sales as government
A. Statement 1 is false; Statement 2 is true'
@ Statement 1 is true; Statement 2 is false'
E. AII statements are false.
D. Al.l statements are true.
Contj-nued on Page 7 TQDS Ver 2.1.9

unl ' ft refers to the maximum aggregate siae that an Industrj-al Forest
Managment Agreement holder can have in case he/she has more than one
A. 30,000 hectares C. 10,000 hectares
B. 20,000 hectares @ 40,000 hectares
which island group shall
l-48. Based on DAO 2000-83,purpose. NOT be alienated nor
disposed of for any
A. islands 500 5000 ha in area
B. islands above 5000 up to 50,000 ha.
@ istanas Iess than 500 ha in area
D. islands with area of 250 ha or less
*49 Which of the following is not categorized under the Forest Management
and products Development Program in the Master PIan for Forestry
A. Integrated Protected Areas System and Biodiversity
n Conservation
( fl s"if Conservation and Watershed Management
\C1 Forest Plantations and Tree Farms
D. Non-Wood Forest-Based Industries
[t 50. Republic Act No . 7596 provides for the, establishment and management of
National Integrated Protected Areas System. Under this 1aw, each
established protected area shall be administered by a Protected Area
Management Council.
A. The first statement is false while the second statement is
B. The first statement is true while the second statement is
f al-se.
O Both statements are true. ffiffit$5t{\t&,h ffiffiPY
D. Both statements are ffi- T'ffi"
f-57 permanent forests are lands of the prlblic domain that have not been the
subject of the present system of classification. On the other hand,
public forests are lands of the public domain that have been declared as
needed for forest purposes.
A. The first statement is false while the second statement is
B. The first statement is true while the second statement is
L9J eoth statements are false
D. Both statements are true
following does not help in limiting build-up of
- 52. Which of the gases.
A. Sustainable forest management
B. Limiting methane emissions
c. Development of so1ar, wind and water energy systems.
Clrn".eaied consumption of fossil fuels
rj3. Harvesting/of in CBFM areas naturally grown forest resources shall be -J-
9' covered by resource use permit. Extraction of forest products along hJ
gullies a.rd rir"r channels should be allowed only upon approval of the
A. the two statements are false
@-) tr,. first statement is true; the second is
false {
Y. the two statements are true
D. the first statements is false; the second is true
Continued on Page B TODS Ver 2.I.9
-v, &vr! Ul-Ut, p-U- vJ - lrl, P.[- I.age u


r DENR Administrative order No. 2003-11 repeal which of the followj_ng
provisi-on of DAO 96-29 related to Community-Based Forest Management
Agreement (CBFMA)?
@ appfication for CBFMA
B. overall monitoring of CBFMA
C. cutting of trees in CBFMA areas
D. livelihood options provided to upland people
)- 55 Forest fires maybe classified as grpund fire, surface fi-re, crown fire
or a combination of these. Which of the following are characteristics of
groqnd fire.
A, It j-s the most common type of forest fire
B. ft is easy to detect
C. It usually occur in steep slopes ffiffif;ffiBN&b ffiffi$,),y
@ rt has no fl-ame but with little smoke ffi- -rF}"
p56. One of the specific criteria for Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)
' System is the characteristics of the project or undertaking. what i-s \
NOT considered under this.
A. use of natura] resources ur
B. generation of waste \\,
G) conformity of the proposed project to existing land use \\
D. size of the project '\.\
,.57 It is bel-ieved that "paradigm shift" is a consequence of "paradigm
) crisis". Which of the following is not among the identified symptoms ot\
a paradigm crisis?
A. Questioning of oId practices \
-P. Rapid spread of new experiments
O abirity- of the paradigir to explai-n and sol-ve extant problems
D. Blurring of traditional values
It refers to the date when the Forest Research Institute was created
v, -58 pursuant to P.D.
A. December lB,l975 December 78,1973
B. December 18, 1976 December 18, 1974
^5e refers to the use of resources where the resource i_s no longer
usg4. as input to production of other goods and services.
QJ Final consumption C. Resource use
B. Extractive use D. Fuelwood
60. What Executive Order (EO) mandated the DA-DAR-DENR Convergence \
' rnitiative to develop a National Greening Program in coop6ration with
DepEd, CHED, DSWD, DBM and other concerned agencies and institutions?
A. EO 32 Series 2077 C. EO 26 Series 2017
@ Eo 23 Series ZOtl D. EO 725 Series 2017
This refers to the remedy usually resulted to by owners of possessors of
lorest products ahd, more so, owners of conveyances administratively
sei-zed or confiscated to recover the forest products and conveyance/s.
A. Motion for Reconsideration
B. Motion to Dismiss
@ neplevin
D. Temporary Restrainlng Order o,
-62 best describes the spirit of collaboration in accomplishing
activities among members of the community. {
A. Voluntarism C. Involvement
B. Interaction t"trectivism
Continued on Page 9 TQDS Ver 2.1.9
r i--


If premium species are allowed to be cut, how much is the forest charges
.63. per cu m if i-t comes from Mindanao (DAo No. 2000-53)?
A. P 1400 C. P 1500
B. P 1000 P' 3000

,64. Which of the following factors must be met i-n order that an infested
forest area is considered qualified for sanitation cutting?
I. the risk potential of the infestation to spread to more valuable
portions of the forests
II. the possible creation of fire hazards
III. the value and merchantability of trees to be cut
A. II and III C. I and II
B. f and III @ I, II and I II
),65. one of the purposes of administrative ser_zure proceedings is to
determined if prima facie case exists to hold the items. When is a prima
facie case establ-ished?
I. When the offense has been committed
ffiffiBffifiNffiil ffiffiP'Y
II. The evidence is probably quitly ffi" r )ffi"
III. The items delivered are the proceeds o viol-ation
A. I and II C. I and III
B. II and IIT @ t, II, and III
;66 What is the r61e of the CENRO j-n the preparation/ processing of the
community resource management framework under the CBFM program?
A. approval .C. PreParation
B. impf ementation \-/ af f irmation
not a tenurial instrument under the Community
-61. Which of the following isProgram?
Based Forest Management
A. CBFM Agreement
B. Certificate of Stewardship Contract
@ Forest Occupancy Management Permit
D. Certificate of Ancestral Domain Claim.
t It refers to the element in the traditional practice of shifting
.,rltivation that makes such sys!p4l sustainable and friendly to the Iand
A. Monocropping ($ r,ono fal-tow period
B. Short f a1low peri-od D. Monoculture

y6e ' Thethe Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau resulted from the merging
of Forest Products Research and fndustries Development Commission
and the National Mangrove Committee by virtue of Executive Order No.
192. The ERDB j-s at present one of the line bureaus under the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
\._ Both statements are false
:ar'Both statements are true
' C. The first statement is false while the second statement is
The fi-rst statement is true while the second statement is
false 5
\ The establishment and management of CBFM projectsj-sin mangrove areas
shall be in accordance with DAO 96-29. The same
areas in prot.ected areas.
true with mangrove q>)
A. the first statement is false; the second is true :
B. the two statements are false
C. the two statements are true
(-o) tf,e f irst statement is true; the second is false
Continued on Page 10 TQDS Ver 2.7.9
H;;'";;.,ANCE & socrAr E'oREsrRY sEr A

JI refers to species in which the evolutionary process has

been influenced by human to meet their needs.
@ domesticated species
B. genetically modified organ j-sm
C. living and modified organism
D. genetic material
) 72. Wind speed the angle between the f1ames and the ground by
making the flame_
A reduces-forward C. increases-backward
B-. increases-forward D. maintains-stand still
I 13. _ is usually confined to the wild relatives of plants and
' ani-mals that are of economic importance.
/8 genetic resources
E'. living modified organism
C. genetically modified organism
D. domesticated organism
1-74. fn conformity with RA 7586, bioprospecting of bio1ogical and geneti-c
resources shaIl be allowed
A. in nati-ona1 parks only
@ arr categori--es of prolected areas ffiffi *rruBry$& ffiffitrV
C. selected protected areas ffi" T.trffi.
D. nowhere in protected areas
'115. What is the difference between an Initial Environmental Examination(IEE
Report and the Envj-ronmental Impact Statement(EIS).
. A. EIS aids proponents in incorporati-ng environmental
considerati-ons while IEEd&€s not
B. EfS is concerned primarily with assessing the direct
i-mpacts of a pro ject while IEE rc nazl',
[C] rnn has reduced details of data and dep$r of assessment
than EIS
D. TEE has more detaits of data and dep{aof assessment than

-16. _are lands of public domain that have been subjected to the
present system of cl-assification and have been declared to be no longer
needed for forest purposes.
A. f'orest lands
B. Grassl-ands
' C. Pasture lands
@ afi"nable and disposable lands
.,JJ . per DAO 90-54, in the zonification of the upland farms within the ISF
l- Model Site, areas with a slope of 25-50% can be classified as l-i-vestock
or orchard production areas. Areas within the farm with a slope of more
than 502 can be cl-assified as forest crops production area
A. The first statement is false; the second is t.rue
fi) Arr statements are false
Y. AII statements are true
D. The first statement is true; the second is false
refers to the varj-abj-lity among forest living organisms and the
ecofogicaf processes of which they are part. This incl-udes diversity in
forests within species, between species and of ecosystem.
A. biological diversitY
\_./ forest bi-ologJ-cal diversity
- C. genetac resources
D. key biodiversitY
Continued on Page 11 TQDS Ver 2.1.9

The Water Code ofthe Philippines refers to

A. RA 8371 c. DAO 2000-03
/fu po to67 D. RA 7076
. Which of the following are aims of the National Greening Program?
I. Contributes in reducing poverty of aII peop1e of the Philippines
II.Implements sustainable management of natural resources
III.Mitigates climate change
A. I,II and III (9 II and III
B. 1 and II D. I and III
An A-frame i-s an important equipment usedin establishing hedgerows on a
slope. It is used to determine the direction and location of the
contour lines.
A. The first statement is true while the second statement is
Both statements are true.
The first statement is false while the second statement is
D. Both statements are false.
LA2. ft refers to movement of surface soil downhil I at an imperceptible rate
A. gully erosion @ creep
B. riII erosion D. earth flow
t- 83. AII CBFM agreements within protected areas shall be indorsed by the
PAMB. the Regional Dlrector approves the CBFM agreement.
A. the tirit statement is filse; the second ii true
Ce\ tfr" two statements are true
Y. the first statement is true; the second is false
D. the two statements are false
B4' The Community-based Forest Management strategy provides for the
r integration of aI1 people-'oriented forestry piojLcts. one of the
tenurial instruments that may be under the said strategy i6 the Forest
Occ-upancy Management Permit.
6]'.rf,.-first statement is true while the second statement is falsa-
B. Both statements are true
C. Both statements are f al-se
D. The first statement is false while the second statement is trr,r L

ft refers to the Article in the Constitution that provides, among

\€5. others, the promotion of industrial-j-zation and full employment based on
sound agricultural development and agrarian reform, through industries
that make full- and ef f icient use-{uman and natural- resources.
A. Article Xr @Jarticte xrr
B. Article XIII D. Articl-e II
C-86. Apprehension is the initial measure taken by the DENR when probable
t-t-regar forest products are found or intercepted and are put under I
temporary po=="isj-on and control by authorizeO otticers. On the other oJ
hand, seizure is the official act of taking illegal forest products rntoo(^'
- J formal administrative proceedings for its
government custody, pending \(, )
disposition Y
A. The first statement is true while the second statement is J-
B. The first statement is false while the second statement is
Both statements are true
I:a v-*+J ,v , Gvla.
uI. t t P.Ill- rrJ - trl, fr. [- I.a^ge rt
D. Both statements are false
r87 ordered in EO 263 that community-based forest
shall be the national strategy to achieve sustaj_nab1e forestrymanagement
social iustice.
@ pr6sident Ramos C. president Aquino
B. President Estrada D. President Marcos
BB. When was the philippine Clean Air Act enacted into l_aw?
(fu) 23 June L999 C. ?7 June t997
V t5 September tgg2 D. 27 June t992
.6r) who are authorized to dispose forest products confiscated of the
Government NOT exceeding p 500,000?
B. DENIR FMB ffiffi*ffiuh{&t€ffipY
A DENR PENRU ffi-Y ffi"
Qr) negional Com on Bid and Awards
f-90. Buffer zones promote sustainabillty of use of wil-d plants and animal
specj_es by local communities. They provide extra protection against
storm damage.
A. statement 1 is false; statement 2 is true
B. all- statements are false
@ af:- statements are. true
D. statement 1 is true; statement 2 is false
b.91. Which of the following is NoT an example of organic farming method?
A. Use of animal manure
B. Mulchi_ng
@ Use of commercial ferti-Iizer
D. Green manuring
f92. rules for the administrative apprehensionm, seizu.rel \
confiscation and disposition of illega11y possessedl cut gathered or
' transported forest products.
A. DENR AO No. t4-87 C. DENR AO No. 58_93
B. DENR IvtC No . 22-90 fh DENR Ao No . 32-97
q93. Amendments
-embodi-es to pD 705- Revised Forestry Code are embodied in
' pD
f8 pD 1ss9 c. PD 1551
Y. 953 D. PD 1552
tr*94. Tenured Mj-grant are those who have actually and continuously occupied
the area 10 years before the designati-on of such protected area in
accordance with the NrpAS ACT. They are solely dependent on the
res_ources for subsistence
CC stutement 1 is false; statement 2 is true.
Y. A11 statements are f alse.
C. AIl statements are true.
D. Statement 1 is true; Statement 2 is fa1se.
,r-95. It refers to f el-led trees bucked j-nto convenient length of at least 1.5
meters, with at least 15 cm. in diameter.
A. l-umber C. flitches
t", &)
B. roundwood
o e
i'e6 fnc1uding the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao, the Philippines is
divided into sixteen regions. One of these regions is CAR which stands
for Cordifl-era Administrati-ve Region.
A. The first statement i-s false while the second statement is t
B. The fi-rst statement i-s true whil-e the second statement is fa
I r{r5+r -v, LVJ-J- t !:frt [r-[r. rrf,;t u P.n- Page L3
C. Both statements are false
@-.1 eotfr statements are true
97 Which of the following are objectives of RA 6713- an Act establishi_nq
the Code of Conduct and ethical standards?
r. To uphold the time honored principle of public office.
rr. Granting of j-ncentives and rewards.
I]I. Providing penalties for violations.
A. fI and IfI @ I and rrr
B. l ano 11 D. I,If and III
,-98 It refers to the controlled use and systematic protection of natural
A. reservation C. protection
B. conditioning 6 Lorr=ervation
4sg Which of the foll_owing lands of the public domaj-n can be used j_n the
implementation of the ilational Greening Program?
I. Forestl_ands
f I.Ancestral Domai_ns
fII.Urban areas
A. I and II @ IrII and III
B. f and III D. II and III

-10 0 A recent study in the forest service reported that each year, the urban
tree canopy removes 15tons of carbon monoxide, g4tons of sul-f ur dioxide,
B9tons of nitrogen dixide , 19tons of ozone and 212tons of particulates.
How much ozone will be absorb by trees in 5 years?
A.420tons C.84Btons
@ o5tons D. 445t6

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