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Materia: Cultura Internacional del Trabajo

Actividad 7: Portafolio de evidencias. Entrega 2

1. Marisa del Corral Guerrero.
2. Luis Arturo Gorocica Medina.
3. Jesús Emilio Ramos Barrera.
4. Jonathan Ulises Cruz Rivera
5. Raul Antonio Sanchez Alonso

Campus de adscripción:
1. Querétaro.
2. Mérida.
3. Chihuahua
4. Tuxtla

Docente: José Galarza Meza

Fecha de entrega: 20 de marzo de 2023

Subject: Request for a business meeting

Dear Mr. McKibben,

I hope this email finds you well. it's a pleasure to greet you in the most
attentive manner possible. I am writing to schedule the meeting that we have
been postponing for a while due to unforeseen circumstances.

We believe that now is an opportune time to meet and to present ideas that
our companies has been discussing regarding the project we have been
working on. We would like to present the general objectives of the project, as
well as its scope, to demonstrate that it will be of significant national and
international interest.

Therefore, we kindly request your presence in a Zoom meeting scheduled for

8:00 a.m. Sydney Australia time on March 21st. Please note that this is
equivalent to 10:00 p.m. local time in Mexico.

We appreciate your consideration and look forward to discussing the project

with you further. Thank you for your time and attention.


Jesus Emilio Ramos Barrera

Sales Manager
Little Green Pharma. (2017). Obtenido de Little Green Pharma:

Little Green Pharma. (2023). About Us. Obtenido de Little Green Pharma:

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