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Design Thinking



Name: Saud Khalid

University Id : ………….

Qu-1 What are basic elements of design thinking?
The basic elements of design thinking typically include the following:
1. Empathy: Design thinking emphasizes understanding the needs and
perspectives of users. Empathy involves putting yourself in the user's shoes to
gain deep insight into their experiences, challenges, and desires.
2. Define: Once you have gained empathy, the next step is to define the
problem statement or challenge. This involves framing the problem in a way
that focuses on the user's needs and goals, rather than jumping to solutions
right away.
3. Ideate: In this phase, teams generate a wide range of ideas and potential
solutions to address the defined problem. It encourages a free-flowing and
non-judgmental environment to foster creativity and innovation.
4. Prototype: Prototyping involves creating tangible representations of ideas
or solutions. It can be a physical model, a digital mock-up, or even a role-
playing scenario. The goal is to quickly test and gather feedback on the
proposed solutions.
5. Test: Testing involves gathering feedback from users and stakeholders on
the prototypes. It helps in refining and iterating the solutions based on real-
world insights. Testing also allows for uncovering new perspectives and
understanding user reactions.
6. Iterate: Design thinking is an iterative process, and iteration is crucial for
refining and improving the solutions. By continuously cycling through the
previous steps, teams can evolve their ideas and designs based on user
feedback and new insights.

Qu-2 What is the best description of user understanding on a team?
The best description of user understanding on a team is when team members
possess a deep and comprehensive understanding of the users they are
designing for. This understanding goes beyond surface-level demographics
and extends into their needs, behaviors, motivations, and pain points. It
involves gaining empathy and insights into users' experiences, challenges, and
aspirations. User understanding on a team allows the team members to create
user-centered solutions that truly address the users' needs and deliver a
positive experience. This understanding can be achieved through various
research methods, such as user interviews, observations, surveys, and user
testing. By having a strong grasp of user understanding, teams can make
informed design decisions and create solutions that resonate with the target

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