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Task 1 - Definition of central concepts


Karen Dayana Moyano Alvarado– Código: 1106951565

Cluster: 151014_42


Claudia Victoria Vargas



Identify concepts to contextualize the reading about health problems and

the environment derived from the relationship between Geopolitics.


Study the topics corresponding to the curriculum and the bibliographical references

for all units of the course.

Prepare a script about the content of the course and the concepts leamed.

Identify the impact of geopolitics related to the health of the environment in Colom

Opinion about Geopolitics and Environment in Colombia

In the field of international environmental law, Colombia has played a constructive

and proactive leadership role in the process of negotiating multilateral instruments,
especially in the areas of biodiversity and climate change. In addition, Colombia´s
location is privileged in economic, military and hydrographic terms among others since
this location gives it an advantage over other states.

In Colombia the situation exempts this rule, as consequence of external factors, such
as emand for agricultural products and greed American localized raw materials on
Colombia soil. Poverty, crime, and armed conflict stand in stark contrast to the country´s
ecological and historical background. As an excuse for the destruction of the
environment. (Delgado Ramos, G. C.)


Geopolitics is understood as the discipline tha studies as a state, in this case

Colombia tha the space and what impact it has from a political point of view.

Geopolitics guides the knowlwdge of the country to guide the political situation both
nationally and internationally.

Bibliographic References

Vargas Marcos, F. (2005). La contaminaci6n ambiental como factor determinante de

la salud.

De Ayala, J. E. (2016). El escenario geopolítico mundial en el siglo XXI. Cristina

Faciaben Mercedes García Montero Rafael Grasa Juan Hernández Zubizarreta.
Chapter 1:

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