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Agisoft Metashape

Processing Report
15 June 2023
Survey Data

50 m

Fig. 1. Camera locations and image overlap.

Number of images: 225 Camera stations: 225

Flying altitude: 73 m Tie points: 239,681
Ground resolution: 1.75 cm/pix Projections: 757,086
Coverage area: 0.0854 km² Reprojection error: 1.02 pix

Camera Model Resolution Focal Length Pixel Size Precalibrated

FC6310S (8.8mm) 4864 x 3648 8.8 mm 2.61 x 2.61 μm No
Table 1. Cameras.

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Camera Calibration

1 pix
Fig. 2. Image residuals for FC6310S (8.8mm).

FC6310S (8.8mm)
225 images

Type Resolution Focal Length Pixel Size

Frame 4864 x 3648 8.8 mm 2.61 x 2.61 μm

Value Error F Cx Cy B1 B2 K1 K2 K3 P1 P2

F 3660.18 0.067 1.00 0.02 -0.41 -0.40 0.05 -0.19 0.18 -0.15 0.02 -0.11

Cx -10.4236 0.041 1.00 -0.05 -0.02 0.19 -0.01 0.02 -0.01 0.79 -0.11

Cy 5.25744 0.036 1.00 -0.00 0.06 0.00 -0.01 -0.01 -0.08 0.61

B1 2.16662 0.016 1.00 -0.04 -0.00 -0.04 0.04 -0.11 0.09

B2 -0.93224 0.014 1.00 -0.01 0.02 -0.02 -0.01 -0.00

K1 0.00667749 5e-005 1.00 -0.97 0.92 -0.03 0.01

K2 -0.0304474 0.00018 1.00 -0.98 0.04 -0.02

K3 0.0319058 0.00019 1.00 -0.03 0.01

P1 -0.000577169 3.5e-006 1.00 -0.11

P2 -0.000412279 3e-006 1.00

Table 2. Calibration coefficients and correlation matrix.

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Ground Control Points
1.5 mm
1.2 mm
0.9 mm
S1 0.6 mm
0.3 mm
0 mm
-0.3 mm
S14 -0.6 mm
-0.9 mm
-1.2 mm
-1.5 mm

S20 x 600

S8 S6

Control points Check points

50 m

Fig. 3. GCP locations and error estimates.

Z error is represented by ellipse color. X,Y errors are represented by ellipse shape.
Estimated GCP locations are marked with a dot or crossing.

Count X error (cm) Y error (cm) Z error (cm) XY error (cm) Total (cm)
8 0.519776 1.14115 0.0855908 1.25395 1.25686
Table 3. Control points RMSE.
X - Easting, Y - Northing, Z - Altitude.

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Label X error (cm) Y error (cm) Z error (cm) Total (cm) Image (pix)
GPS1 0.500157 -0.161478 -0.140098 0.54393 0.250 (19)
S1 -0.298088 -0.811187 0.144052 0.876146 0.250 (21)
S6 0.84802 1.70053 -0.055164 1.90105 0.197 (30)
S20 0.296384 -0.0918969 0.0277654 0.311543 0.082 (37)
S13 0.0728828 1.43585 -0.0799093 1.43992 0.167 (27)
S9 -0.932952 -2.06212 -0.0552735 2.26402 0.195 (37)
S8 -0.293455 0.488219 0.0134925 0.569786 0.070 (20)
S14 -0.231337 -0.530085 -0.0692186 0.582493 0.063 (10)
Total 0.519776 1.14115 0.0855908 1.25686 0.176
Table 4. Control points.
X - Easting, Y - Northing, Z - Altitude.

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Digital Elevation Model
59 m


50 m

Fig. 4. Reconstructed digital elevation model.

Resolution: 3.5 cm/pix

Point density: 818 points/m²

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Processing Parameters

Cameras 225
Aligned cameras 225
Markers 30
Coordinate system Kertau 1968 / Kedah and Perlis Grid (EPSG::4396)
Rotation angles Yaw, Pitch, Roll
Point Cloud
Points 239,681 of 258,257
RMS reprojection error 0.112086 (1.02447 pix)
Max reprojection error 0.832261 (39.1475 pix)
Mean key point size 7.72876 pix
Point colors 3 bands, uint8
Key points No
Average tie point multiplicity 3.31528
Alignment parameters
Accuracy Medium
Generic preselection Yes
Reference preselection Yes
Key point limit 40,000
Tie point limit 4,000
Adaptive camera model fitting No
Matching time 5 minutes 7 seconds
Alignment time 1 minutes 29 seconds
Optimization parameters
Parameters f, cx, cy, k1-k3, p1, p2
Adaptive camera model fitting Yes
Optimization time 12 seconds
Software version
Depth Maps
Count 225
Depth maps generation parameters
Quality High
Filtering mode Mild
Processing time 5 hours 26 minutes
Software version
Dense Point Cloud
Points 111,960,897
Point colors 3 bands, uint8
Depth maps generation parameters
Quality High
Filtering mode Mild
Processing time 5 hours 26 minutes
Dense cloud generation parameters
Processing time 57 minutes 7 seconds
Software version
Tiled Model
Texture 3 bands, uint8
Depth maps generation parameters
Quality Medium
Filtering mode Mild

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Processing time 1 hours 16 minutes
Reconstruction parameters
Source data Dense cloud
Tile size 256
Face count Medium
Processing time 50 minutes 38 seconds
Software version
Size 12,355 x 13,120
Coordinate system Kertau 1968 / Kedah and Perlis Grid (EPSG::4396)
Reconstruction parameters
Source data Dense cloud
Interpolation Enabled
Processing time 2 minutes 56 seconds
Software version
Size 20,007 x 19,585
Coordinate system Kertau 1968 / Kedah and Perlis Grid (EPSG::4396)
Colors 3 bands, uint8
Reconstruction parameters
Blending mode Mosaic
Surface DEM
Enable hole filling Yes
Processing time 9 minutes 43 seconds
Software version
Version 1.5.3 build 8469
Platform W indows 64

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